Never Dream Of Dying fan story

Written after "Spectre", unedited lol

"James Bond 007"
"Never Dream Of Dying"

Screenplay by CJ Carpenter

Gun barrel

Pre titles

Ext: Small city/ Foreign location

We see two men (foreigners) both well dressed talking out front of a cafe, one is holding a briefcase.

They talk and make gestures deep in conversation before a man walks by them nodding and entering the restaurant.

Camera pans out of a newspaper.

The newspaper is folded and we see James Bond sitting outside;(wearing a leather jacket, collared shirt tucked into black dress pants). He is sitting with an attractive woman in a sun dress, she is on the phone chatting away while Bond looks bored.

Bond notices the men inside and gets up to follow the woman says "Where are you going?", Bond makes a quick excuse "Out of coffee. I'll be back."

INT: Busy coffee Shop

Bond walks through a packed coffee shop, keeping his distance from the three men who just entered. The shop is extremely busy lots of shouting and yelling, Bond makes his way to the back entrance looking out the window he sees the men walk towards an alleyway, he leaves the shop slowly following.

EXT: Alleyway/Daytime

Camera shows the front of the three men navigating there way between the alley, showing Bond in the background casually walking. The men finally stop at an older looking door, one of them looking back (Bond hides behind a wall). They enter the door and Bond looks around finally finding a small window.
Climbing up a few boxes he peeks in and sees a long dimly lit room. The three men find there places at the table, (foreigners next to each other, other guy sits further down). We see a total of 8-10 men all dressed in dark clothing. One guy (Number two), sits at the foot of the table and asks the men to show him the symbol. The group of men take off the infamous SPECTRE rings. "Now we are going to discuss escape operation of number one. Ernest Stavro Blofeld."

Some of the men look nervous but don't say anything.

Number two continues.

"At exactly 1200 hours, number one initiated his panic button (we see number two hold up a SPECTRE ring indicating the ring had a tracker/panic button), we have located him and he has been confirmed to be at a CIA/MI6 joint location in Panama City. He will be transporting tomorrow in minus thirteen hours."

"Now phase one involves number three and..." (Voice trails off) quick camera cut to Bond's POV.
We see hinx appear right infront of the window smiling at Bond.
Bond frightened falls off the boxes and starts to run for it, we hear a commotion inside.

EXT: Outside alleyway

Bond makes a run for the staircase running up the steps, has we see Hinx walk outside laughing. The rest of the men go off in separate directions blending into a giant crowd

Bond nears the top of the roof before we hear gunshots bouncing off the railings. Bond stops for a second to look at Hinx (You can tell something is not right with him. His face is badly scarred and one side of his body is shaped in an odd way).

Hinx starts to run after Bond, we see Bond make it to the rooftop with Hinx in pursuit. Bond navigates his way across several rooftops while Hinx fired his gun repeatedly at him, Bond hides behinds a wall looking for a way out. He sees a staircase and makes a run for it sliding down the rails he sees Hinx start to climb down. He pulls out his walther and fires a few shots hitting him in the arm the bullets bounce off. Hinx continues to laugh.

Bond finds his way into the city which is extremely crowded. He looks around. Hiding his gun in his jacket. He tries to blend in, but after awhile is quickly spotted by Hinx and two SPECTRE agents. They point at Bond shouting. Bond turns around to see a car pull up the door opening. It's the girl from the cafe. Bond looking back, has no choice but to get into the car.
"You'll be back huh?" The girl looks annoyed at Bond, the car
speeds off and they appear to lose Hinx. Bond hears a voice in the backseat. "6 months in the drain 007. 6 months." It's Felix leiter.

Bond looks somewhat surprised.
"Felix. I need your help. It's Blofeld. Spectres going to break him out and" Felix interrupts him.

"Now hang on James, I assure you we have everything under control." They start to argue,

(Car starts to drive out of the town, we see a country side and huge bridge in the distance)

Bond "Really? Then why the bloody hell are you here."

Felix "The CIA has a joint operation with MI6. This man (he holds up a photo of Hinx), killed three of our agents in New York a year ago. We have been tracking him since. He's a ghost, we finally found him and you screwed up, now we may have a chance to
find him aga.."

Felix is interrupted by gunshots shattering the window. We see two blacked out suburbans and Hinx with a type of machine gun spraying bullets at the car. The girl driving starts to swerve has they enter a bridge.

The car loses control and smashes into the the bridge falling into the giant lake the car quickly submerging to the bottom. We see Hinx looking out the window. The suburbans speeding off.

Main title sequence
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