"Norway by dance" (Warning: If you suffer physical reactions from high doses content involving patriotism, bunads, fjords, dancing on the edge of things, mountains - probably caused by watching posts by yours truely - avoid clicking on this link)
Might have been posted elsewhere, but the Bond Experience Guy/ The Mantis/David Zaristky did a 38 minute interview with the British comedian David Walliams about everything James Bond related, and I must say its a cracker. I'm not a big advertising person at all, but I was shocked at how neat this was.
“The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
-Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
When taking into consideration how simple cocktail Negroni is and that it is one of the quintessential classics, it is a wonder how many things ole' Stanley here got wrong.
Interview with Götz Otto, talking about his role as Stamper in TND. He mentions his meeting with Babs, but there is other interesting bits of info as well. He comes across as a friendly person as well. Sounds like he really enjoyed being in the film.
I only recently discovered the re-make as it's for sale on Amazon, But I just
thought it wouldn't work without that cast. It would be like Getting Lee Evans
to re-make Faulty towers.
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
1000mile Euro-trip in the Lotus Esprit turbo to find my old Spectre Defender..
Directed by David Zaritsky and starring Danielle Zaritsky
Video: https://www.tv2.no/v/1429976/
This video is older, but from the same valley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=pbZXT40kvK0&feature=emb_logo
Might have been posted elsewhere, but the Bond Experience Guy/ The Mantis/David Zaristky did a 38 minute interview with the British comedian David Walliams about everything James Bond related, and I must say its a cracker. I'm not a big advertising person at all, but I was shocked at how neat this was.
-Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
When taking into consideration how simple cocktail Negroni is and that it is one of the quintessential classics, it is a wonder how many things ole' Stanley here got wrong.
For a correct way to mix a Negroni; watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxRvp7LfdeA
FWIW: This channel has also other Bond related cocktails for reference.
-Mr Arlington Beech
-Mr Arlington Beech
-Mr Arlington Beech
If you grow a moustache.
https://youtu.be/uJxFTBLqlUE Goldeneye
Jeremy Clarkson racing Vin Diesel
Gay Bond Villain Tortures James Acaster!.... Hypothetical
First Batman Trailer. -{
A reviewer I subscribe to, this is his funny review of Zardoz for Sir Sean's Birthday -{
Donald Trump in " GoldenHair " , this is brilliant. -{
This is an old but funny clip of President Obama being told when voting
not to touch a guy's girlfriend,
" I don't listen to hip hop!"
Video: https://youtu.be/l4TD7nHF2Wk
Again, as I can't remember how
It ends.
If the right people don't have power - Yes, Prime Minister - BBC
thought it wouldn't work without that cast. It would be like Getting Lee Evans
to re-make Faulty towers.