* SPOILER * Bond's bathrobe - SPECTRE

looks like we will see Bond's flat!
looks like we will see Bond's flat!
Or maybe Moneypenney's flat?
Might have been appropriate to include SPOILER in the title.
I have no desire to see any images from the new film until they're projected in the theatre.
Thread name altered to add -SPECTRE...
At least no images were shown - just linked - but it's going to be very difficult to police this...I'm sure people will soon start to remember to add *spoiler* tags or *SPECTRE*...although thread titles can be an issue as well
What do we know about it so far? Who are the likely designers? Sunspel, Tom Ford?
Let's go to work...
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
To dress casual as a Jedi.
There should be a spoiler tag on the this thread title me thinks...
What do you think, possible match
Any thoughts?
does any one have any ketchup
Arms are too short as well...
For some reason I think the material is thicker...however the stripes on the sleeves are a big clue...as it seems most striped gowns have them running lengthways.
Same principle as the actors wearing big puffy ski coats between takes on location.
....I think the pics that came with this, is of moneypenny walking on the street below...so I do think this is part of the film, and Craig is not between takes.
but the pattern on a kimono means the sleeves match the drop as a kimono is usually displayed on a unique hanger! I know this as I have two kimonos one silk and one cotton.
I think it's a designer take on a traditional kimono. Although I would be happy if someone could just I'D it!! As I too would love one for christmas! !