Bond Skyfall Story in today's Australian News Website...

check it out, will have to re-watch to see if it's true.
I'm guessing the whole wardrobe and continuity crew must have been off that
I can understand if it was about Bond's fight with Patrice as he has gloves on one minute, then they're off, then they're on again. But even in that scene, he activates the gun with his glove off first.
But why on earth would Bond be wearing gloves with a tuxedo?! It would look ridiculous.
Also hate the fact they're peddling the 'Daniel Craig hates playing Bond' rubbish.
EDIT: This article seems to support that. And Charlie Lyne himself seems to agree with it.
In a promotional image, he's wearing gloves holding his Walther. In the scene proper, his hands are bare. See this IMFDB bit pointing it out:
On quickly, even inlaying the gloves with Bond's palm print.
Although obviously a mistake, the gloves weren't integral to that scene like they were to the dermal-sensor gun casino scene. It could have been a straight forward continuity error that no one picked up on at the time; it could have been that there was a scene of Bond taking the gloves off that ended up on the cutting room floor during the editing process; or it could have been that the scene was shot with and without gloves and gloved/ungloved scenes were accidentally combined in the editing process. Those are my thoughts any way.
wore one of Dame Judi's dresses for a scene. It too had to be Digital removed, if you notice in
his first scene with Dame Judi, he's so much taller, because of her high heels he was wearing.
I think it's up there with the clown suit Sir Roger began wearing, and which had to be worked
in to Octopussy. As digital hadn't been invented yet.
Story on the web