My kit so far. The aftershave is scheduled for delivery tomorrow. After watching several videos and talking to my friend who's a professional barber, he recommended a pre-shave oil or gell, so that's what you see pictured. I shaved with the oil, soap, badger brush, but used my Goldfinger Gillette Safety (I'm not quite ready for cut throat razor)and love the addition of the oil, I did have some trouble getting a good lather from the Trumper''s soap, but I may not have soaked the new badger brush long enough. Anyone else try the products yet?
I’ve shaved with a brush for years and have discovered that some soaps do not produce a good lather, which is why I usually use cream with my brush rather than soap. It’s possible that the thick lather you see in the film was created with some help from a separate cream.
My kit so far. The aftershave is scheduled for delivery tomorrow. After watching several videos and talking to my friend who's a professional barber, he recommended a pre-shave oil or gell, so that's what you see pictured. I shaved with the oil, soap, badger brush, but used my Goldfinger Gillette Safety (I'm not quite ready for cut throat razor)and love the addition of the oil, I did have some trouble getting a good lather from the Trumper''s soap, but I may not have soaked the new badger brush long enough. Anyone else try the products yet?
Excited to start the hunt for some of these!
Lifestyle guide to the products and locations featured in the James Bond films.
chriscollins007North Somerset , England Posts: 1,158MI6 Agent
8-) can't bring myself to pay that , the wife would use the razor to have my balls as christmas decorations.
Happy with the soap and brush and aftershave :007)
It's great when companies really embrace their connection to Bond like this.
Is that the complete kit with all the correct items?
This kit understandably consists of items just made by Taylor's whereas the one production put together was a mix of Taylor's items with pieces from other brands.
My guess is that it is (albeit updated logo on handle); I’m wondering before I pull the trigger...
Hope one of our experts can pipe in :007)
Many thanks,
G -{
Asp9mmOver the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,544MI6 Agent
Taylors and Trumpers no longer stock the correctly shaped brush. I’ve been into both shops and discussed this at length with the Managers. Just like most things, styles and trends change from year to year and season to season. The trend now is for a more barrel shaped or angular brush. All of the gentleman’s toiletry suppliers in the St James/Jermyn St area use the same supplier for their razors and brush models and have their own logo printed on them. I have been in touch with that supplier and they supported the information that Trumpers and Taylors gave me. They no longer make that shape of brush.
The screen used brush shape is known in the trade as ‘Persian Jar’. GaryD’ the shape of your brush is very similar, but the screen used one lacks the top and bottom ridge detailing and is smooth top to bottom.
I’ll post some pics up of the correct one. WaltherP99’s post shows it quite well.
Asp9mmOver the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,544MI6 Agent
Taylors and Trumpers no longer stock the correctly shaped brush. I’ve been into both shops and discussed this at length with the Managers. Just like most things, styles and trends change from year to year and season to season. The trend now is for a more barrel shaped or angular brush. All of the gentleman’s toiletry suppliers in the St James/Jermyn St area use the same supplier for their razors and brush models and have their own logo printed on them. I have been in touch with that supplier and they supported the information that Trumpers and Taylors gave me. They no longer make that shape of brush.
The screen used brush shape is known in the trade as ‘Persian Jar’. GaryD’ the shape of your brush is very similar, but the screen used one lacks the top and bottom ridge detailing and is smooth top to bottom.
I’ll post some pics up of the correct one. WaltherP99’s post shows it quite well.
Outstanding Asp’ :007)
Thank you for taking the time... The comprehensive answer and pics are very much appreciated!
It makes this hobby so interesting. I do love this forum -{
Making the razor screen accurate. I'll follow this up with instructions using the actual products they used. It's permanent and effective, so sourcing a 100% black buffalo razor isn't an issue if you do this.
Looks great Asp! Are we sure the razor was dyed all black or could it have just been the lighting? The photos on JB Lifestyle from the Omega shop still have the hues from the buffalo horn
Taylors and Trumpers no longer stock the correctly shaped brush. I’ve been into both shops and discussed this at length with the Managers. Just like most things, styles and trends change from year to year and season to season. The trend now is for a more barrel shaped or angular brush. All of the gentleman’s toiletry suppliers in the St James/Jermyn St area use the same supplier for their razors and brush models and have their own logo printed on them. I have been in touch with that supplier and they supported the information that Trumpers and Taylors gave me. They no longer make that shape of brush.
There are trends for shaving brush handles and brush shapes??
As if it couldn’t get any sadder and more pathetic, Asp9mm is wasting everybody‘s time to get deep into those kind of details 8-)
There couldn‘t be more evidence how sad a Nerd‘s life is 8-)
President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Taylors and Trumpers no longer stock the correctly shaped brush. I’ve been into both shops and discussed this at length with the Managers. Just like most things, styles and trends change from year to year and season to season. The trend now is for a more barrel shaped or angular brush. All of the gentleman’s toiletry suppliers in the St James/Jermyn St area use the same supplier for their razors and brush models and have their own logo printed on them. I have been in touch with that supplier and they supported the information that Trumpers and Taylors gave me. They no longer make that shape of brush.
There are trends for shaving brush handles??
As if it couldn’t get any sadder and more pathetic, Asp9mm is wasting everybody‘s time to get deep into those kind of details 8-)
There couldn‘t be more evidence how sad a Nerd‘s life is 8-)
Whats wrong J.W. you want your arse tickled with J.D.s brush :v
I think you should dye you hair white blonde
Happy with the soap and brush and aftershave :007)
Is that the complete kit with all the correct items?
Thanks for the response
Oh wow, you’d hope it’s a damn good shave for that price!
Would someone be able to confirm (or not) that this is the shaving brush?
My guess is that it is (albeit updated logo on handle); I’m wondering before I pull the trigger...
Hope one of our experts can pipe in :007)
Many thanks,
G -{
The screen used brush shape is known in the trade as ‘Persian Jar’. GaryD’ the shape of your brush is very similar, but the screen used one lacks the top and bottom ridge detailing and is smooth top to bottom.
I’ll post some pics up of the correct one. WaltherP99’s post shows it quite well.
Dead easy.
Outstanding Asp’ :007)
Thank you for taking the time... The comprehensive answer and pics are very much appreciated!
It makes this hobby so interesting. I do love this forum -{
There are trends for shaving brush handles and brush shapes??
As if it couldn’t get any sadder and more pathetic, Asp9mm is wasting everybody‘s time to get deep into those kind of details 8-)
There couldn‘t be more evidence how sad a Nerd‘s life is 8-)
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Whats wrong J.W. you want your arse tickled with J.D.s brush