Interesting things going on at Vigo street in London today

CommandantCommandant Posts: 1,374MI6 Agent


  • CommandantCommandant Posts: 1,374MI6 Agent
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,886MI6 Agent
    edited September 17

    That's fun. There's a 007 bar and theming at Burlington arcade to celebrate Goldfinger's 60th anniversary, so presumably it's there for that. There's probably some private drinks evening going on in the arcade tonight or something.

  • CommandantCommandant Posts: 1,374MI6 Agent
    edited September 17

    Tomorrow is THE big event at Burlington Arcade.

    They are working on the preparations. N.Peal, Globetrotter, C&J are going to release a special line to celebrate the 60 years of Goldfinger.

    Orlebar will release it's new 007 collection in October only

  • CommandantCommandant Posts: 1,374MI6 Agent
    edited September 17

    Double post, sorry

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