Upcoming Movie Trailers

Somewhere to post trailers to movies that the community might find interesting.
First up: BALLERINA, set in the world of JOHN WICK
Love that they took the best part of NTTD and said 'yeah, let's get Ana on board and do a JW film.'
Yep - sign me up 👍🏻
Ana De Armas to her agent: 'If James Bond won't make use of me, sign me up for John Wick!'
Here's a teaser trailer for the upcoming movie "Nr. 24" about the legendary special Operations Executive agent Gunnar Sønsteby. I chose my name in AJB in honour of him.. As you can see it looks like a lecture for youth (something he did many times) is used as a framing device. I think the dialogue is good enough for me to translate it. The pupil asks: "Has things that happened during the war affected/tormented you later in life?". Sønsteby replies: " I have five drawers in my head. Three of them I open all the time. The fourth I open much more rarely. The bottom drawer I closed on the 8.th of May 1945."
(A comment: I've never read anywhere that Sønsteby performed assassinations himself, but I can't say for sure that this part of the movie is wrong.)
new trailer for NOSFERATU:
Wasn't expecting THIS to drop today!
Looks like it's official that DEAD RECKONING PART 1 will be henceforth be known as DEAD RECKONING.
Also, looks like this may be the final MI film for Cruise.