if I ever get abducted by aliens, I hope its for earth subject mating experiments like this
but how do the weird looking aliens always know which earth women are the hotties? you'd think theyd have different standards of beauty. anyway, the abducted male human to the right sure got lucky on this UFO abduction
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,209Chief of Staff
There is a separate thread for comic strips, and at the moment some British comic covers are being posted on there, but in this thread we have posted some pulp magazine covers, so for a change it’s the turn of the great American comic book from days past…
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
@caractacus potts, that's very kind of you. I'd like to read The Maddest Doctor (if you love old horror movies you know Lionel Atwill) and Six Monsters For The Price Of One. Many thanks.
Edit: caractacus, my mistake . Please ignore the above, it should have gone to CoolHandBond.
He was indeed - orgies, blue movies, a major court case ... His career was ruined, and only Universal would hire him.
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,209Chief of Staff
edited January 24
Loved the inside pages…and I’d never heard anything about Atwill - but then I’m only a casual watcher…and I remember him more as Moriarty in the Rathbone Sherlock Holmes films.
And thanks for that! "The Black Sleep" isn't a great film, but it has a great cast for horror fans to enjoy. Chaney as Mongo nearly 20 years before "Blazing Saddles" pinched the name. Lugosi silent and frail. Carradine going OTT as ever. Tor Johnson doing his usual. And Rathbone in charge of them all.
It is Michael Hawk in The Predators, number 4 in a series of novels written by Dan Strieb. I have them all. He is in part my inspiration for Jon Drago @Barbel I don't usually boast, but while I enjoy Hawk's sex and violence peppered adventures, my character has more depth.
I really enjoy the True Crime/Dectective covers…partly for the obvious reasons ☺️
But how dare you have adverts for non-Canadian syrup 😡🤣
@Sir Miles said “But how dare you have adverts for non-Canadian syrup” 😡🤣
How’s this for a non-Canadian syrup?…
(For those who don’t know, a “syrup” is Cockney rhyming slang for wig - syrup of fig) 😁
I love the old car ads.
3 TV shows I loved as a kid, one of which I still do....
Brilliant 🤣🤣
I like this one 👍🏻
Permission to come aboard, Sir. 🤗
Like Barbel, the tv show posters/pics are good 😁
For some reason I’m pulled to the True Crime covers…and who doesn’t like Lycra 😁
Hey @Thunderbird 2 you'd love the pic above! I'd love to read that "Monster World " mag.
thanks for more vintage scifi covers!
if I ever get abducted by aliens, I hope its for earth subject mating experiments like this
but how do the weird looking aliens always know which earth women are the hotties? you'd think theyd have different standards of beauty. anyway, the abducted male human to the right sure got lucky on this UFO abduction
Very true 🤣
You’re welcome @caractacus potts and yes, some people get all the luck!
There is a separate thread for comic strips, and at the moment some British comic covers are being posted on there, but in this thread we have posted some pulp magazine covers, so for a change it’s the turn of the great American comic book from days past…
Here’s the contents, Barbel. Which article would you like me to,post?
I’ve said before that Spider-Man was my favourite…but I also really liked Daredevil 😁
Nice covers!
@caractacus potts, that's very kind of you. I'd like to read The Maddest Doctor (if you love old horror movies you know Lionel Atwill) and Six Monsters For The Price Of One. Many thanks.
Edit: caractacus, my mistake . Please ignore the above, it should have gone to CoolHandBond.
It was actually me who offered to post the articles, Barbel…here’s the first one, I will post the other one tomorrow…I love the pictures!
My apologies, CHB. Next time I'll pick who to thank when I'm standing up.
Thanks for posting that, CHB. I see that this is a cleaned up version of Atwill's life which is understandable.
No problem, Barbel, easily done,
I’ve forgotten, was Atwill involved in a scandal like Fatty Arbuckle?
He was indeed - orgies, blue movies, a major court case ... His career was ruined, and only Universal would hire him.
Loved the inside pages…and I’d never heard anything about Atwill - but then I’m only a casual watcher…and I remember him more as Moriarty in the Rathbone Sherlock Holmes films.
I suspect driving that car felt like trying to steer a water bed! 😂
And here is the second article that Barbel requested. I like the way this thread is going off kilter from time to time!
More magazine and comic covers, advertisements, pin-ups etc. next week!
And thanks for that! "The Black Sleep" isn't a great film, but it has a great cast for horror fans to enjoy. Chaney as Mongo nearly 20 years before "Blazing Saddles" pinched the name. Lugosi silent and frail. Carradine going OTT as ever. Tor Johnson doing his usual. And Rathbone in charge of them all.
No way is she potting that blue 🤗😁
Who's this, I wonder? Looks a bit like Sir Rog.
It is Michael Hawk in The Predators, number 4 in a series of novels written by Dan Strieb. I have them all. He is in part my inspiration for Jon Drago @Barbel I don't usually boast, but while I enjoy Hawk's sex and violence peppered adventures, my character has more depth.
I've never read any of those, @chrisno1, but I have read your Jon Drago (and intend to read more) and hope others here do likewise for a good read.