A Female Director

thelivingnightlightsthelivingnightlights Posts: 2MI6 Agent

I think Kathryn Bigelow should direct next film. She did great with Point Break, and an Oscar I believe.


  • HarryCanyonHarryCanyon Posts: 437MI6 Agent

    I'd have zero problem with her directing a Bond film. She's more than capable.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,577MI6 Agent
    edited February 2

    Kari Skogland is another candidate. She's Canadian and has directed a lot of TV, including episodes of Vikings, The walking dead, Penny Dreadful and the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. She has directed eight movies too, but no big hits. She is going to direct Cleopatra starring Gal Gadot.

  • HarryCanyonHarryCanyon Posts: 437MI6 Agent

    Michelle McLaren would be another good one. She directed a lot of GOT episodes.

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