TOM FORD HARRINGTON Project 2 (2019)



  • RockyRocky Posts: 27MI6 Agent

    Thanks so much for providing the recap - appreciate it!

    So, yes, please add me to the list for the Navy jacket. I suppose like many on the list, purchase will ultimately depend on the SA details being right. As others have aptly mentioned, this kind of effort and investment would seem kind of pointless without screen accuracy.

    One last question, and I apologize if this has been discussed before. Is there an actual commitment from TF to proceed with this project? My understanding is that they were waiting for a certain number on the list and then they would move forward? If we have that number, does anyone have a sense that they have agreed to pull the trigger and take this on? Or is this more a wish list on our part with no firm feedback from them?

    Just wondering. And, again, sorry if the group has been having this conversation and covering this ground forever.

  • MikeG77MikeG77 Posts: 1,779MI6 Agent

    Yes Tom Ford has agreed to the project but because of Covid a lot of side projects were shelved including this one. The main issue was getting the required 50 units because let's be honest it's not exactly a cheap jacket. Now besides the above mentioned points the current issue is getting the buttons correct and especially the zipper. Assuming there are no other issues I think this project will move quickly once the required #'s are met.

    I know where you keep your gun!
  • RockyRocky Posts: 27MI6 Agent

    Sounds good. Thanks. Can I be placed on the list or are there any other steps I need to take?

  • MikeG77MikeG77 Posts: 1,779MI6 Agent
  • MikeG77MikeG77 Posts: 1,779MI6 Agent



    1. Jared_nomak (Ross DiCarlo)


    2. Sruzgar (Simon)


    3. Victor B


    4. Rixon


    5. OB007


    6. ZChauvin


    7. CRB


    8. LukeG310


    9. tango73


    10. fleiter


    11. FloGa (Florian Gamaleja)


    12. HarveyMushman (Daniel)


    13. OSIRIS


    14. Magnum1911


    15. tardis1711


    16. NC-MI6-00


    17. ewdennis


    18. Double0zero


    19. Mossella


    20. enjoyingdeath


    21. PaulGrant


    22. Nick102001


    23. bondfan245200


    24. Subieluke


    25. Bruno Banani


    26. Halcyon


    27. SevenD


    28. rdicecco


    29. JW JBR


    30. frommeyer


    31. frommeyer


    32. Falkensmaze


    33. BlueBud


    34. bosoxfan


    35. DBS


    36. Omega Bond Watches


    37. marcj007


    38. CAH


    39. Nalliac


    40. Danny Wilde


    41. km1fdm


    42. JD_007


    43. othertravel


    44. 007dmfs


    45. Royale-les-Eaux


    46. Royale-les-Eaux


    47. DaveH


    48. Bufo


    49. Stwang


    50. Arteezy


    51. sw17


    52. Noi


    53. monkeyman68


    54. J007


    55. Bleeh


    56. asd007




    58. mb1101


    59. plus007






    1. Jared_nomak (Ross DiCarlo)


    2. Jared_nomak (Ross DiCarlo)


    3. Rixon


    4. 006


    5. Welshboy78


    6. JTM


    7. CAH


    8. Rolextraveler_1905


    9. PaulGrant

    I know where you keep your gun!
  • danlovescarsdanlovescars Posts: 19MI6 Agent

    Thanks for all the work on this. Please add me to the list for a Navy.

  • MikeG77MikeG77 Posts: 1,779MI6 Agent



    1. Jared_nomak (Ross DiCarlo)


    2. Sruzgar (Simon)


    3. Victor B


    4. Rixon


    5. OB007


    6. ZChauvin


    7. CRB


    8. LukeG310


    9. tango73


    10. fleiter


    11. FloGa (Florian Gamaleja)


    12. HarveyMushman (Daniel)


    13. OSIRIS


    14. Magnum1911


    15. tardis1711


    16. NC-MI6-00


    17. ewdennis


    18. Double0zero


    19. Mossella


    20. enjoyingdeath


    21. PaulGrant


    22. Nick102001


    23. bondfan245200


    24. Subieluke


    25. Bruno Banani


    26. Halcyon


    27. SevenD


    28. rdicecco


    29. JW JBR


    30. frommeyer


    31. frommeyer


    32. Falkensmaze


    33. BlueBud


    34. bosoxfan


    35. DBS


    36. Omega Bond Watches


    37. marcj007


    38. CAH


    39. Nalliac


    40. Danny Wilde


    41. km1fdm


    42. JD_007


    43. othertravel


    44. 007dmfs


    45. Royale-les-Eaux


    46. Royale-les-Eaux


    47. DaveH


    48. Bufo


    49. Stwang


    50. Arteezy


    51. sw17


    52. Noi


    53. monkeyman68


    54. J007


    55. Bleeh


    56. asd007




    58. mb1101


    59. plus007







    1. Jared_nomak (Ross DiCarlo)


    2. Jared_nomak (Ross DiCarlo)


    3. Rixon


    4. 006


    5. Welshboy78


    6. JTM


    7. CAH


    8. Rolextraveler_1905


    9. PaulGrant

    I know where you keep your gun!
  • JettVettJettVett Posts: 15MI6 Agent
    edited November 2021

    Adding myself to the list! Thanks for all the hard work! I'm all in for this!



    1. Jared_nomak (Ross DiCarlo)


    2. Sruzgar (Simon)


    3. Victor B


    4. Rixon


    5. OB007


    6. ZChauvin


    7. CRB


    8. LukeG310


    9. tango73


    10. fleiter


    11. FloGa (Florian Gamaleja)


    12. HarveyMushman (Daniel)


    13. OSIRIS


    14. Magnum1911


    15. tardis1711


    16. NC-MI6-00


    17. ewdennis


    18. Double0zero


    19. Mossella


    20. enjoyingdeath


    21. PaulGrant


    22. Nick102001


    23. bondfan245200


    24. Subieluke


    25. Bruno Banani


    26. Halcyon


    27. SevenD


    28. rdicecco


    29. JW JBR


    30. frommeyer


    31. frommeyer


    32. Falkensmaze


    33. BlueBud


    34. bosoxfan


    35. DBS


    36. Omega Bond Watches


    37. marcj007


    38. CAH


    39. Nalliac


    40. Danny Wilde


    41. km1fdm


    42. JD_007


    43. othertravel


    44. 007dmfs


    45. Royale-les-Eaux


    46. Royale-les-Eaux


    47. DaveH


    48. Bufo


    49. Stwang


    50. Arteezy


    51. sw17


    52. Noi


    53. monkeyman68


    54. J007


    55. Bleeh


    56. asd007




    58. mb1101


    59. plus007








    1. Jared_nomak (Ross DiCarlo)


    2. Jared_nomak (Ross DiCarlo)


    3. Rixon


    4. 006


    5. Welshboy78


    6. JTM


    7. CAH


    8. Rolextraveler_1905


    9. PaulGrant

  • BondfanNY1234BondfanNY1234 Posts: 1MI6 Agent

    Hello. I am also very interested in this jacket as well. Can I be put on the list for the Navy Harrington? I am very excited for this. Let me know if I need to do anything else at this point. Thank you!

  • chewynatorchewynator Posts: 16MI6 Agent

    Hey @MikeG77 I would love to be added to this list as well for the Navy.

    I see you mentioned that we need 50+ confirms to make the project live, but it looks like we already have those numbers? Am I missing something

  • MikeG77MikeG77 Posts: 1,779MI6 Agent



    1. Jared_nomak (Ross DiCarlo)


    2. Sruzgar (Simon)


    3. Victor B


    4. Rixon


    5. OB007


    6. ZChauvin


    7. CRB


    8. LukeG310


    9. tango73


    10. fleiter


    11. FloGa (Florian Gamaleja)


    12. HarveyMushman (Daniel)


    13. OSIRIS


    14. Magnum1911


    15. tardis1711


    16. NC-MI6-00


    17. ewdennis


    18. Double0zero


    19. Mossella


    20. enjoyingdeath


    21. PaulGrant


    22. Nick102001


    23. bondfan245200


    24. Subieluke


    25. Bruno Banani


    26. Halcyon


    27. SevenD


    28. rdicecco


    29. JW JBR


    30. frommeyer


    31. frommeyer


    32. Falkensmaze


    33. BlueBud


    34. bosoxfan


    35. DBS


    36. Omega Bond Watches


    37. marcj007


    38. CAH


    39. Nalliac


    40. Danny Wilde


    41. km1fdm


    42. JD_007


    43. othertravel


    44. 007dmfs


    45. Royale-les-Eaux


    46. Royale-les-Eaux


    47. DaveH


    48. Bufo


    49. Stwang


    50. Arteezy


    51. sw17


    52. Noi


    53. monkeyman68


    54. J007


    55. Bleeh


    56. asd007




    58. mb1101


    59. plus007










    1. Jared_nomak (Ross DiCarlo)


    2. Jared_nomak (Ross DiCarlo)


    3. Rixon


    4. 006


    5. Welshboy78


    6. JTM


    7. CAH


    8. Rolextraveler_1905


    9. PaulGrant

    I know where you keep your gun!
  • MikeG77MikeG77 Posts: 1,779MI6 Agent

    I have added you to the list and nothing else is needed at this point. Once we have a minimum of 50 confirmed orders the project lead will update the thread and the information will be forwarded to Tom Ford/Luigi who will then e-mail all confirmed parties about pricing, sizing, personalization and s/h.

    I know where you keep your gun!
  • MikeG77MikeG77 Posts: 1,779MI6 Agent

    I've added you to the list and yes on paper we have 50+ but the issue is that we are still sorting the details out with Tom Ford and once that's complete the project lead will update the thread with next steps. There are a few things to keep in mind...

    1. Italy got hammered by COVID last year and postponed all production outside of their normal lines hence why it's taken so long.
    2. The other thing to consider is that Tom Ford advised us that the original zipper pulls are no longer available and will need to be recreated but that has a decent bump to the cost of each unit.
    3. I imagine some of the members were financially impacted because of COVID so with everything going on I am not sure if $2500 cost is necessarily on peoples radar.
    I know where you keep your gun!
  • Surgeon007Surgeon007 Posts: 62MI6 Agent

    can you put me on the list for the navy Harrington


  • RockyRocky Posts: 27MI6 Agent

    Hi all...

    I was just wondering if there was any movement on this project lately....or if there were any updates.


  • MikeG77MikeG77 Posts: 1,779MI6 Agent

    At this time their are not any new updates but once something happens I'm sure we'll be notified.

    I know where you keep your gun!
  • RockyRocky Posts: 27MI6 Agent

    Got it. Hopefully soon. Thanks.

  • RockyRocky Posts: 27MI6 Agent

    Got it. Will continue to stay on the list and await further word. Thanks.

  • JDJD Posts: 30MI6 Agent

    Could I be added to the list for the Navy please?

  • It's easy to say "I'm in" without knowing the actual price.

    Here's the problem you will run into...price increases. No one knows the price, except that in order to get

    the screen accurate zipper, you have to shell out an additional $1,000 or something like that...and for a zipper?

    Take the TF polo project as an example, it probably would have happened long ago if the price of the polo

    hadn't kept increasing. Due to inflation and rarity of materials (such as zippers apparently) I would not be

    surprised if the final cost for this jacket is $3,000 per jacket. In which case you will lose about half of the

    interested parties. So instead of aiming for 50 confirmed, in all reality, you should probably aim for 100,

    since half will most likely drop out. I'm not trying to be negative. Just realistic. A member on here was

    trying to get the Y-3 harrington reissued and was in "talks" with the head of adidas, and even though 100

    people were interested, adidas didn't even blink, they just passed on it. I realize Luigi has a much better track

    record with taking care of Bond fans, but I'm telling you people don't like price increases. I would not be

    surprised if 60% on the original list have backed out. Especially after the impact of this pandemic. Look at

    the QoS tie project. There were well over enough numbers, maybe double or triple that required to move

    forward but it still hasn't budged, due to "production issues" and "materials no longer being available".

    I'm not saying give up hope, I'm just saying it won't be a walk in the park or near as easy as the first time.

  • Double0zeroDouble0zero Los AngelesPosts: 220MI6 Agent

    They have already discussed the pricing increase. Doesn’t seem like many are backing out at this time. I’d say they are still on track with at least 50

  • It was discussed but there was a lack of harmony over the issue. A lot of people are not willing to pay $1K more for a zipper,

    and some people don't want the jacket unless it is 100% screen accurate. But you are looking at a very old list of confirmed parties.

    There hasn't been a recount in quite some time. There are not 50 confirmed since the price increase. At this point there is not even a fully

    accurate price for the jacket. It could be $3,000, it could be $3,500, could be $4,000. Especially with the US dollar drastically losing value every day.

    Church's Ryder 3s went for $550 to $825 to $950 in less than a year.

    Nothing has been set in stone. You can expect a massive drop in confirmed orders.

    When too much time goes by and price increases, it changes things.

  • igorskyigorsky Posts: 2MI6 Agent

    Might I also sign up for the navy one?

    If it happens, the project - brilliant. If not, no harm done…

  • I’d like to be added for the Navy list, thanks!

  • danlovescarsdanlovescars Posts: 19MI6 Agent

    A current Tom Ford harrington costs $3500 US. I would expect this one to be in that neighborhood.

  • I would agree with you if they weren't having to "specially source the original zipper" for an extra +$1,000 per order. That's what is really going to turn most people off. Even if it is a special zipper, I believe the brand is RIRI. At most, cost per zipper is what? $8? And if even that. It's Tom Ford's insane markups that turn people off. The QoS Polo was going to be around $375 then the price jumped up to $650 and that's when a lot of people bailed. People don't like to be taken advantage of. And I would say only about 10% of members on this forum can afford or are willing to pay any crazy price that Tom Ford comes up with. The screen accurate Harrington of the first project was $1,800 or something like that. Now we're looking at an almost double the cost price increase (if not more). You can cross your fingers until they turn purple but pushing this through won't be easy.

    Like I said before, the QoS tie project has had months and months of more than enough confirmed orders, no problems with pricing, and everyone who is in is ready and eager to pay...they can't get the fabric anymore. The effects of the pandemic are understated. Special projects from Tom Ford might be a thing of the past. And now with the smash-and-grab problem that California is facing ever since the Governor had the brilliant idea to designate theft as a misdemeanor and slap on the wrist, a lot of businesses are facing some real problems and simply trying not to go under.

  • igorskyigorsky Posts: 2MI6 Agent

    Can we stay positive? In any event - zipper this or zipper that - I don’t think anyone here expects to receive a brand new limited edition TF jacket for under 2.5k eur or 3k usd…somebody please correct me if I’m wrong…

  • Monsieur Le ChiffreMonsieur Le Chiffre LondonPosts: 149MI6 Agent

    I know its been a while since there has been an update on this, but given the news special projects are not going to be possible in the short term, is it safe to assume that these are not going to be possible any time soon?

    "Mr. Beech... or is that Bond? I am a little confused." | IG: @commanderbond_007
  • MikeG77MikeG77 Posts: 1,779MI6 Agent

    Assuming Luigi is still involved I think it's just a matter of time before projects start back up! I hope everyone who put their name down is still interested as I know this jacket will cost more than before because of inflation.

    I know where you keep your gun!
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