ENDING of NO TIME TO DIE - Opinions and theories - SPOILER



  • impact4444impact4444 Posts: 16MI6 Agent

    Hello all,

    I didn't read all 11 pages of replies but, I did read some and wanted to give my comment :-) ...

    I've followed the exploits of Bond ever since I can remember and now, I do some Bond shorts - funny green screen - which I'll give you guys the link at some point but, on to the topic at hand. Some movies are better than others and I guess that this varies from one person to the next. Each movie led to another one cause, well - JB just travels through the decades and don't really discuss some small (yet important) details - why does he now have a cell phone, was he ever married or not and like - so many things - too long to list.

    The problem with NTTD is that the ending leaves little for a loose-sequel. He's dead and that's pretty definitive.

    Although...he could be found in the ocean and disfigured and then, his face is reconstructed and we go on from there with another actor taking over. But, I don't think this will happen.

    So - what's next. If "THIS" JB is not still alive - the next movie will be another universe or a reboot something like that but, it will be a clear line that all previous iterations are "erased". It bothers me. All the time I invested in JB cheating death and defeating evil - it "never happened". And, I'm going to go one step further - it bothered me that JB was earning is double-0. The producers were telling me that everything I've seen in the past was nil.

    So, we are looking at the prospect of another reboot - PLS GOD NO! Or...best case scenario - the movie begins with JB in action - he's there, it's exploding - no questions. In both these cases - I don't want Spectre resuscitated - especially that I've got to say I was disappointed with Craig's Spectre. Spectre is best savoured when we are given a glimpse for several movies and then - the reveal comes. In this case there's was no reveal. Or there was a terrible reveal: JB met his half-brother. The plot from Austin Powers who was itself a parody of JB. This makes me think of Chris Lloyd who made a short parody of Rick and Morty. The prankster pranked.

    What are your thoughts?

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 6,040MI6 Agent

    I don’t believe a reboot means the previous films never happened, because I still have all of the previous films on disc and can watch them whenever I like.

  • SeanIsTheOnlyOneSeanIsTheOnlyOne Posts: 547MI6 Agent

    I just think the next iteration will provide us something new. They will reinvent Bond in order to involve him in new stories, with new stakes and new character development, which is the right thing to do.

    When an actor leaves the role, life still goes on and we know there will always be someone to take over. I don't think they will use the same timeline as the original one, although there are some elements I love, like the fact Bond is a widower.

    Just wait and see.

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 6,040MI6 Agent

    I was thinking, with the new Superman trailer coming out today, that Superman is becoming a bit like Bond in a way in that it's a new actor with a new interpretation of the character, but they're using the iconic John Williams theme tune! Much like with Bond, it's sort of unthinkable to have a new Bond film, in whatever style, without his theme.

  • SeanIsTheOnlyOneSeanIsTheOnlyOne Posts: 547MI6 Agent

    Not to forget the gunbarrel. I just expect it to be at the beginning of the films, and if possible with the Binder design like in Spectre.

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