So, besides 007, what do you play?



  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    My youngest son, Sean, wants to know what game has the most soldiers on the battlefield. He is currently playing Call of Duty 2.

    He saw a game called World in Conflict for the PC, that he thought looked good.

    World In Conflict eh??? Its on my Top 10 2007, its a strategy game, on a massive sclae, nukes and all. I dont have much time now, but if you want to learn more, ill post more, sadly I cant post much now.

    Also, 360 fellows,I saw a nice list of 360 games form the PC including BF 2142, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, and Unreal Tournament 2007...great titles, check 'em out.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,994Quartermasters
    Right now I'm playing Rome: Total War on the PC---I got the expansion pack, "Barbarian Invasion," for Christmas, and let me tell you: Sacking settlements, looting, pillaging, etc., can be incredibly cathartic :v

    Or, as I saw on a T-Shirt recently, in a gaming store (paraphrasing---perhaps someone here has the actual quote):

    Three of Life's Great Pleasures:

    1. To Crush Your Enemy in Battle
    2. To See Him Driven Before You
    3. To Hear the Lamentations of his Women

    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    edited January 2007
    Right now I'm playing Rome: Total War on the PC---I got the expansion pack, "Barbarian Invasion," for Christmas, and let me tell you: Sacking settlements, looting, pillaging, etc., can be incredibly cathartic :v

    Or, as I saw on a T-Shirt recently, in a gaming store (paraphrasing---perhaps someone here has the actual quote):

    Three of Life's Great Pleasures:

    1. To Crush Your Enemy in Battle
    2. To See Him Driven Before You
    3. To Hear the Lamentations of his Women


    That's from Conan The Barbarian; it was the Governator's first line of dialog in the movie and he mangled it memorably.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,994Quartermasters
    LOL, knew I'd heard it before somewhere {[]
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    edited January 2007
    LOL, knew I'd heard it before somewhere {[]

    This one's for you Loeff:
    That was a great screenshot. I never bought the game because I played a demo and thought the gameplay was lackluster and the control scheme overly crowded, but that screenshot looked awesome.

    I assume you're referring to Kameo. The demo was from the opening of the game; it did throw way too much at the screen and made the game seem harder than it actually was. Ironically, Kameo loses all her morphing powers at the end of the level and spends the remainder of the game gradually regaining them. The pace slowed considerably and everything became much more manageable from that point onward. I ended up enjoying the game quite a bit.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    A little note from my son,

    "Thanks everyone for answering my question, I apperciate you taking time to post".

    Now back to dad,

    Tony you are right we do have Kameo, now he can check it out.

    Loeffs - I am now concerned about you spend your free time. Were you the creative idea for the Capital One credit card commercial with the Huns having to retire from their pillaging ways.
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    Lemme help a little more Barry, because it was late last night and I was lazy.

    World in Conflict is a strategy game set at the fall of the Soviet Union, but instead of dying, the Union invades Washington (the state). thus, its off to war they go. So you fight with Tanks, Choppers, Planes, infantry...and nukes. Great environment effects as everything is destructable. This game puts you in the action quickly, but it is tricky as it has an interesting system behind it that I vaguely understand. Pretty much, you choose what you like (be it aircraft, tanks, etc.) and it is dropped off to you. That type of unit you choose is your main unit, so if I choose armor, my army will be tank heavy and aircraft light. Again this is a srtategy game and it ships this spring.

    Now, if you want sheer numbers, check out Supreme Commander. Tons of units to choose from, and if you check out some of the battle shots, you will see the scale of this game...thousands of units on the battlefield...seriously...tons. This game is set to be RTS of 2007.

    I believe you mentioned CoD2, however, which is an FPS. If you want an FPS with lots of guys on the Battlfield, ,check out Battlefield 2. Excellent game. Its a ton of fun even though you have to wait a while for the game to load and you need a fairly decent PC to run it. If you dont want/have either, wait for Battlefield 2142 to ship later this year to the 360. Why do I reccomend this as well. Well, Vehicles first of all...and lots of them. Also, you can have 64 players instead of the maximum 32 in really feels like a battle as things are happening all around you and its really cool. You have Jets dogfighting, Choppers duking it out, tanks rumbling in, and infantry going at it...all at the same time. You want alot of guys on the battlefield, check it out.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    Just finished Justice League Heros for the Xbox; I ended up enjoying the game quite a bit and the final battle with ...

    ... was fun. Of course, with Superman and Green Lantern pummeling him, he never had a chance. ;)

    Still, any DC fans out there with access to an Xbox or PS2 should definitely check this game out.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Let me put in a good word for the new Xbox Live Arcade game Heavy Weapon. It is LOADS of fun.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    edited January 2007
    Let me put in a good word for the new Xbox Live Arcade game Heavy Weapon. It is LOADS of fun.

    I played the demo a couple of days ago; a good old fashioned side scrolling shooter. It is well done and has gotten some good reviews but 800 points is a bit steep for what is essentiall a flash game; maybe dropping it to 400 or even 600 would make it more enticing.

    Did you try Assault Heros? That one was very well done as well and had even more eye candy than Heavy Weapon.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Just began INdigo Prophecy. Really gripping, I can't put it down. The camera is a little annoying, but other than that, the game is awesome.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    Just began INdigo Prophecy. Really gripping, I can't put it down. The camera is a little annoying, but other than that, the game is awesome.

    I played the demo and liked it a lot; unfortunately it came out right about when I got my 360 and it got lost in the shuffle. I haven't been able to find a copy of that anywhere ... yet.

    Just finished the single player campaign for Rainbow Six: Vegas. Great game but, as is the case with most of Ubisoft's Tom Clancy games, the ending was very disappointing. I've started playing around with the single player "terrorist hunt" missions. A lot of fun to be had there too.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Got stuck in an annoying stealth flashback with Indigo Prophecy, so I decided to play Shenmue II. I had to watch the 1 and a half hour DVD about Shenmue I first, which got me excited to actually play the game. And then I started... and it is VERY last gen. Movement with the D-PAD???? WTF???? I'm going to play it more and give it more time, but the first impression is that it needs to be heavily updated.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    That's too bad Night; I'd read some complaints about Shenmue II and how it didn't take advantage of the newer hardware but I'm surprised to hear that you have to use the D-Pad. As I recall from the original on the Dreamcast, there were some sections where you had to press buttons and directions in a proper sequence as part of the gameplay; that may be why it went with an all digital control scheme. Still, there's no reason why the developers couldn't give the player the option of going analog. Its stuff like this that has slowly eroded Sega's rep as a games developer.

    Now that I've finished Rainbow 6 and Justice League, I may give Star Trek: Legacy another shot.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    I just figured out that you can change control in that you CAN use the thumbsticks, but for some reason instead of having left thumbtick for movement and right for camera, you lose all camera movement. Huh? It is also REALLY slow. You have to go back and forth, and the maps are difficult to navigate. Thankfully, the locals will lead you to your destination, but they walk PAINFULLY slowly.

    Having said that, the story is intriguing, and for some reason, even when you should be dying of boredom, you're not. The graphics are good, as well. I'm liking it more than I should.

    As for the timed button sequences, Indigo Prophecy does a similar thing, but MUCH better. In Indigo, you push both thumbsticks in different directions based on what it tells you to onscreen- sort of like playing Simon (anyone remember Simon?)
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    I was just enjoying the Supreme Commander demo and it is many units to control with epic battles!!! So far Ive got my butt kicked several times, but I get the idea now. A giant walking boat came on to the land and caught me off guard as it stormed across my base until I finally managed to hit it with a walker-boat myself....but boy, it was fun. another time, a horde of little tiny walkers stormed my base and it appeared that I was to lose until I ordered my commander into battle and boy did that turn things around very quickly. Overall, this demo is great and I look forward to the game, though the framerate leaves a bit to be desired...
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Hey Tony, can I get an update of how you are liking your Wii?
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    edited February 2007
    Hey Tony, can I get an update of how you are liking your Wii?

    I really haven't been playing any of my systems much; I've been under the weather with a persistent bug and I just don't have the motivation to do anything. As to what I was doing with the Wii:

    - I'd gotten about 6 hours into Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess; I was getting into a good groove and finally starting to really zone in on the Wiimote control when I got sick. Great story in that game and fun, if linear, gameplay.

    - I picked up Excite Truck a few weeks back and had gotten thru about half the tracks. The gameplay is highly arcadey and unrealistic but the racing is frenetic and the morphing terrain and stunts are lots of fun.

    - I played Wii Sports Golf to death; I absolutely loved that minigame. I can consistently birdie just about every hole and am really curious to try out Tiger Woods for the Wii when it ships in March. The rest of Wii Sports is a tad shallow.

    - I downloaded the TG16 R-Type for the Wii's virtual console last week; I used to have this game for my Sega Master System back in 1989 (were you even born yet?) and wanted to check it out again. It's just as hard as I remember it but also a ton of fun.

    So as to a verdict: the Wii's a keeper, looking forward to getting back to Zelda eventually; Excite Truck is way more fun than the Motostorm demo for the PS3 and the virtual console could easily make me poor if I'm not careful. Tiger Woods and Sonic also look interesting as they supposedly will take specific advantage of the Wiimote.

    The biggest problem is making time to play everything, especially when I feel so run down. As I said before, it's a secondary system but I do have fun with it.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    I was born in 91. Hehe, you're old. :p :))
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    I was born in 91. Hehe, you're old. :p :))

    Just remember, what goes around comes around. Someday someone will be telling you that. :v

    Did you ever try out the Wii? I remember your telling me that a friend of yours was getting one thru Ebay.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Haven't yet. Our schedules haven't been in tune lately, but I will as soon as I can.

    I also want to play more SCDA, and save Enrica's life. Just for fun. The first time I framed her.

    Also, we still really really need to play. GRAW, SCDA, MUA, everything. Has RA gotten MUA yet?
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    Haven't yet. Our schedules haven't been in tune lately, but I will as soon as I can.

    I also want to play more SCDA, and save Enrica's life. Just for fun. The first time I framed her.

    Also, we still really really need to play. GRAW, SCDA, MUA, everything. Has RA gotten MUA yet?

    Yeah, I let her die too; I'll have to go back and see if I can save her.

    I think Rogue is still in never never land when it comes to Xbox Live. As I said, I've been a little run down but I did try looking for you a few nights this week and last. I'm usually online between 6:00 and 8:00 during the weekdays and somewhat earlier on the weekends. Don't have as much stamina as I used to, getting old and all that. :p
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Haha, sometimes I'm tuckered out by 8.

    Not really, just trying to make you feel better. :))
    Where's RA when you need to make fun of him?

    I need GoW and RSVegas, don't I?
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    edited February 2007
    Haha, sometimes I'm tuckered out by 8.

    Not really, just trying to make you feel better. :))
    Where's RA when you need to make fun of him?

    We need to find you a full time job and see what a little responsibility does to you. {:) ;)
    I need GoW and RSVegas, don't I?

    They're both keepers and similar in many ways; but of the two, I honestly think RS:V is the better game; much longer single player campaign and more varied environments. The "terrorist hunt" missions are also fun: just you and your bag of tricks against a town full of tangos.

    I'm thinking of buying the Xbox Live Vision Camera so I can map my handsome mug to one of the in game characters.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    I am too afraid to buy a vision camera- people just aren't ready to see the gorgeousness that is my face.

  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    I was born in 91. Hehe, you're old. :p :))

    Your a year younger than I...anyways...Supreme Commander is really cool, and I recently picked up this old game called XIII...Its really cool and its made in the comic book style. Alot of fun....still working towards a console. I might get to play Gears of war tomorrow.
  • Scouser_MikeyScouser_Mikey Posts: 9MI6 Agent
    At the moment I am playing GTA San Andreas, WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 and Just Cause.
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    Just Cause is a bit of fun. I really liked it as it had a huge map.
  • s96024s96024 Posts: 1,519MI6 Agent
    Thinking about buying a Wii. When I got me 360 I didn't take to it very quickly and was actually going to sell it and buy a Wii. But now i'm really into it. At the moment i'm really into dead rising and Tiger Woods 07.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    s96024 wrote:
    Thinking about buying a Wii. When I got me 360 I didn't take to it very quickly and was actually going to sell it and buy a Wii. But now i'm really into it. At the moment i'm really into dead rising and Tiger Woods 07.

    The Wii's a fun system but it's not in the same league graphics wise as the 360. Nintendo's online component is also very limited right now and is really only a delivery system for buying old games. At this stage there also aren't a lot of great games for the console; the Wii Sports pack-in is fun, especially Wii Golf, and Excite Truck and Zelda: Twilight Princess round out the standout games from launch, in my opinion.
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