XBox 360 Gamers.



  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited June 2009
    Interesting stuff Tony, thanks for the update. The Halo news interests me, as I really enjoyed the original Halo series from Bunge.

    Its good to see the games returning to their first person roots; Halo Wars is fun but I'll always prefer the first person combat genre.

    There are some gameplay movies for ODST on Xbox Live; you should check them out. The game looks very good and even though it takes place entirely on Earth, there seems to be some variety in the locales. The trooper you play as also has some interesting abilities in his suit that the Master Chief didn't have such as a nifty night vision mode.
    As for the new camera controller, I am thinking it would be odd to be sitting in a chair pretending to drive a car with hand motions, but having nothing in my hands. I guess all the pantomimes will be able to put their skills to work.

    That's my impression as well. In watching a couple of videos of Natal in action, the tech was interesting but seeing the people jumping around as they demoed the tech looked ridiculous.

    I'm not sold on its viability, though it might be useful as an ancillary control scheme. For example, I could envision a Halo game where you still use the control pad for movement and combat, but then use Natal to access menus, operate virtual keyboards, maybe change weapons, and so forth. Used in that context, it might actually be useful and more convenient than having to memorize button commands.
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    The NATAL thing looked pretty intriguing, and is actually a nice 'gotcha' against the Wii that has dominated the interactive control. The beauty of it is that it can include multiple players with only a single unit. The only drawback I see is the degree of movement that may be required...I'm no spring chicken and in a high-kickin' martial arts game, I might be rolled because I can't lift my leg more than two feet from the ground :#

    The voice and face recognition has much potential even if it is a bit creepy.

    As powerful as the 'no controller' concept is, I think there's still something to be said about having something in your hands when playing. I'd feel a little silly using Natal to play a first person shooter and using my hand as a gun. I can see myself now pointing my finger at the screen and saying 'Bang! Your dead' over and over.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    One game which was surprisingly absent from E3 was Activision's James Bond racing game. As far as I can tell there was no mention of it at all and considering Activision's previously stated strategy of one Bond game a year, the license's absence has me wondering if Activision is reconsidering its viability after the QoS' poor sales.

    BTW, QoS for Xbox 360 is now selling for $19.97 at
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    I still can't belive sony have done a deal with activision here in europe to push the 360 version of Ghostbusters back to october! just so the PS3 gets it first! gits! Does anyone know if I'd need to get my 360 chipped to play games from the states? I'm heading over to NYC next month and thought i'd pick up GB there rather than wait but I'm not getting my console chipped just to save waiting a couple of months.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    I'm almost certain that games for all three consoles are indeed region-locked.

    That was a really sleazy move on Sony's part. Its one thing to negotiate a deal whereby a game is exclusive to one console as that happens all the time with first party stuff. But these timed exclusives are just a cynical ploy to punish the other guys, especially considering that the code to the game is finished and units have probably already been prepared for sale. About the only good thing is that these timed exclusives almost never lead to the kinds of sales that the company hopes for and Sony will probably end up losing money in the long run by pulling such a stunt..

    As you say, it isn't worth it to mod a console for one or two games; just wait them out until the 360 version arrives and thereby hit Sony where it hurts the most: in the wallet.

    If you're looking for something to try out in the meantime, I can recommend the new X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Uncaged Edition) game. The title may be a longwinded, but its one of the best action games I've played in a long long time, with some great graphics, lots of special moves and a great control scheme. Unlike so many superhero games where the hero's powers are diluted to make the game more challenging, here you start out as a powerful badass and learn even more abilities and attacks as the game progresses. I've beaten the game twice and its one of the best movie and comic book adaptations I've ever played. I'm pretty sure the price has already dropped as well.

    I also picked up Red Faction:Guerilla and while I haven't put much time into that one yet, it does seem like a fun and deep game. It is something of a sandbox type game (ala Grand Theft Auto) where you play a freedom fighter on Mars who joins a resistance group trying to oust the corrupt government. The game features a pretty interesting story line, really nice graphics, lots of different weapons, some cool gadgets (including a jetpack), various vehicles to drive and almost totally destructible environments where you can literally demolish and collapse entire buildings.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited June 2009
    Well it took me a while to get around to it, but I finally finished Halo Wars. I was never much of an RTS fan, but HW's more action-centric setup and basic resource management meant that I never felt overwhelmed. Most of the levels in the game could be beaten by simply building a base and then using it to build an overwhelming force of infantry and combat vehicles to swarm your enemy with. A few levels had time limits but even then, there was plenty of time time build up your forces. Graphically, the game was really nice to look at, with some really beautiful alien landscapes and very sharp cinemas. Overall a fun game, though I don't feel any desire to rush out and try another RTS game.

    I decided to pick up Ghostbusters for the Xbox 360 today, and put in a couple of hours. In short, if you're a fan of the movies you should try the game at some point. The story was penned by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis and all the main actors from the movies (Aykroyd, Ramis, Bill Murray and Ernie Hudson) lend their voices. While the plot is somewhat derivative of the original movie, there are a ton of gags that are sure to make you laugh. There are also all sorts of little touches from the movies strewn about (my favorite being the painting of Vigo the Carpathian, which verbally abuses you whenever you approach it). I've been playing the game on its easiest mode (which I think is appropriate for a game like this, as its more about having fun and a few laughs) and so far the action has been very manageable. There are a lot of controls to master but they're introduced gradually so that you don't feel overwhelmed. Graphically, the levels are quite inventive, with everything from a stroll down Times Square to a sojourn to another dimension (accessed from the bowels of a university library). A lot of ghosts from the first movie such as Slimer and the Mr. Staypuft also put in appearances. Overall a fun game so far, especially for fans of the movies.
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    Grrr I'm going to have to wait till october knowing that Ghostbusters is a good game. Thanks Tony :# I'll just go and lock myself in the cupboard under the stairs for a while
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited June 2009
    Agent_M wrote:
    Grrr I'm going to have to wait till october knowing that Ghostbusters is a good game. Thanks Tony :# I'll just go and lock myself in the cupboard under the stairs for a while

    If it makes you feel any better, the game also has a few annoying glitches. It froze on me once right in the middle of a boss encounter and the action has an annoying habit of coming to a stop until your character walks across some magic spot on the level, thus triggering a script and causing the game to continue on.

    As such, waiting a few months may not be a bad thing as it will allow the developers to hopefully iron out these kinds of bugs. A patch for the game has already been released thru Xbox Live; and while the game isn't broken by any stretch, I wouldn't be surprised if we get a few more in the coming weeks.

    And for what its worth, the developers themselves have said that the 360 version is the superior version of the game. Owing to the PS3's limited memory, the graphics are inferior and the whole game runs only at 3/4 the resolution of the 360 edition. Probably another reason that Sony paid for that timed exclusive in Europe.
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    I've just bought a copy of the latest Xbox magazine that has a review of the ghostbusters game in it, they state that most xbox games are region free and even give hints on how to pick up an import copy! looks like i'll be getting it in a couple of weeks!. On a side note where would be a good place to get chap dvd boxsets? I was hoping to pick up the JLA/JLU sets as we still can't get the complete seasons over here
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    Hope you enjoy Ghostbusters Agent_M; I was fairly certain most 360 games were region-locked but I'm happy to be wrong on this occasion.

    As to the JLA/JLU boxsets, I would probably check auction sites like eBay or as you might find a good deal there; just remember to check the vendor's feedback ratings. Also, the US wing of usually has those DVDs though I don't know if they will ship overseas.

    I just started poking around with the 360's Windows Media Center client last night. I picked up a new PC over the weekend; it has Vista, which includes Windows Media Center, and I was briefly playing around with that and streaming content down to my 360. I guess you can even play streaming audio and video off the internet from certain sites and stream it down to the 360, though I haven't gotten that far with it yet. All in all, the 360 continues to show me new abilities, almost 4 years after its debut.

    As for gaming, I haven't been doing much. After beating Ghostbusters, I decided to try out The Conduit for the Wii; a pretty good game with a nice control scheme, a fairly interesting sci-fi plot and some entertaining action. One of the stronger games on the console though still fairly vanilla compared to stuff available on the 360.
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    Sorry I worded my last post badly what I ment was are there any stores I should be looking at when I'm in new york to pick up boxsets cheaply? over here we have stoters like GAME and COMPUTER EXCHANGE that sell cheap second hand games and dvd's
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    Agent_M wrote:
    Sorry I worded my last post badly what I ment was are there any stores I should be looking at when I'm in new york to pick up boxsets cheaply? over here we have stoters like GAME and COMPUTER EXCHANGE that sell cheap second hand games and dvd's

    I'm not from that area, so I really don't know of any specific store, but I would look for some higher-end comics shops as you might find a good deal there. Also, the Target and Best Buy chains have large DVD selections and weekly sales, so if you run across those stores you might find a good deal.

    You may want to start a thread over in the off-topic section as I'm sure there are a lot of New Yorkers lurking about who could give you a few good suggestions.
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    Hi all, dropping in to say hi and see how everyone is doing. On summer break right now, so after work and friends, I have ahad a fair amount of time to play my PS3 and PC. Been getting back into Warhawk recently as well as Motorstorm for my PS3 (planning to pick up the new Prince of Persia game as well as Mirrors Edge and Killzone 2 soon) and I have been moving around in Far Cry 2, Age of Conan, and Call of Duty World at War on the PC. I got the mini-game (like a $20 downloadable game) Trine on my PS3, and though i am not far, it has excellent graphics and the puzzles are quite a bit of fun to play. Definitely taking it slow these days and I burned out on games around February and didnt play for a couple of months. Don't want that to happen again!!!!

    I hope all is well with everyone, and if anyone wants to add my on PSN, my username is dizzybn9. Just let me know that you are from the forums! Cheers! :007)
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    I haven't been gaming as much as I like due to my extensive non-stop university schedule (only 16 weeks to go, though!) and I have stayed out of local stores to keep myself from temptation. I did, however, stop in over the weekend and exchanged Civil War, Viking, and Lego Batman for some credit (having finally played them through to my satisfaction). Some of the other used title I've been eyeing have been coming down in price, and I was able to pick up Star Wars: The Force Unleashed on the cheap. I only put it in the machine and played the first level to make sure it worked properly, and I must admit I had a good time tromping around as Darth Vader in the first level. I think I'll enjoy the game.

    Currently, I'm focusing my attention to one of the games I purchased when I first bought the console a couple of years ago - Test Drive Unlimited. Essentially, it's a street racing game set in Hawaii. The challenges can be a bit repetitive, but some of that is alleviated by the ability to swap out and upgrade vehicles. There's some satisfaction in seeing the challenges completed on the island map, and perusing your growing collection of automobiles. In all, it's a pretty strong title, in my opinion.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited July 2009
    darenhat wrote:
    I haven't been gaming as much as I like due to my extensive non-stop university schedule (only 16 weeks to go, though!) and I have stayed out of local stores to keep myself from temptation. I did, however, stop in over the weekend and exchanged Civil War, Viking, and Lego Batman for some credit (having finally played them through to my satisfaction). Some of the other used title I've been eyeing have been coming down in price, and I was able to pick up Star Wars: The Force Unleashed on the cheap. I only put it in the machine and played the first level to make sure it worked properly, and I must admit I had a good time tromping around as Darth Vader in the first level. I think I'll enjoy the game.

    Good luck on finishing up your schedule Darenhat.

    I picked Force Unleashed up when it first came out; all in all one of the better Star Wars games released, though be aware that you only play as Vader in the first level. After that, you play as a new character who is also very strong in the force.

    I also picked up the Wii version on the cheap a couple of weeks ago as it is sufficiently different from the 360/PS3 versions to warrant another playthru. Using the Wiimote as a lightsaber and the nunchuck for your force powers is pretty fun and immersive. The game tracks your movements pretty well but graphically its waaaaaaaaay behind the other versions.
    Currently, I'm focusing my attention to one of the games I purchased when I first bought the console a couple of years ago - Test Drive Unlimited. Essentially, it's a street racing game set in Hawaii. The challenges can be a bit repetitive, but some of that is alleviated by the ability to swap out and upgrade vehicles. There's some satisfaction in seeing the challenges completed on the island map, and perusing your growing collection of automobiles. In all, it's a pretty strong title, in my opinion.

    I'm a sucker for driving games but I could never make any progress with that one; I would always keep sliding off the road and I just found all the exploration and memorization needed to progress a little too daunting and time-consuming.

    As for me, I picked up Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood over the weekend. Its a western game with a fairly interesting storyline involving three brothers: two gunslingers (either of whom the player can control) and their young sibling who's studying to be a priest and vainly trying to keep his older brothers on the right path and steer them away from their increasingly violent and wicked ways. In an effort to raise money to rebuild their family home, they join up with a Mexican bandit who claims he can lead them to a lost treasure.

    Each brother has different strengths and abilities, meaning the game can be played differently depending on who you play as. Most of the levels feature pretty linear gun battles and usually end in a one-on-one duel that nicely mimics the showdowns from classic western movies. Interspersed within the game are also some optional Grand Theft Auto style sidequests that can be played to earn money to buy better weapons as well as "on-rails" sequences where you ride shotgun on a stagecoach. You can also mount and ride horses to get from one point to the next more quickly.

    Graphically, the game looks very nice with some pretty varied vistas: old western towns, Mexican pueblos, abandoned mines, etc. The control is pretty accurate though the duels can get a little iffy and sometimes require several tries (luckily, the game always saves automatically right before a duel). Given the dearth of Western themed games out there, this one has been pretty good so far.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Some neat upgrades to the Netflixs interface through the Xbox are coming. The coolest thing is if you are an Xbox Gold member you can select a movie and watch with seven of your friends. More details below.
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    well I'm back from new york with my shiny new-ish copy of ghostbusters (I managed to snag a couple of preowned copys) my brother and I played online over the weekend, and as one of those fans that can recite scenes backwards and forwards I was very pleased it's just a shame there is no online story mode
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited August 2009
    There's a demo to Batman: Arkham Asylum up on Xbox Live. It's fairly short in length given the download size (1.58GB) but lays out the game's premise while introducing the player to the controls and gameplay style. The game plays like a modified version of a Splinter Cell game in that you have to use stealth and your surroundings to strategically take out armed enemies while also amping up the action and fisticuff quotient for Batman's up-close encounters with unarmed thugs. The game also has a "detective mode" which highlights useful objects in the environment like gargoyle statues to grapple onto and air vents to crawl thru. As you gain experience you can unlock new gadgets for Batman to use. Overall the pace of the demo is a bit on on the slow side but that's not necessarily a bad thing as it gives you time to think things thru and take in the scenery. Graphically, the game looks pretty good with some fairly well rendered characters and environments that are in keeping with the asylum's gothic nature from the comics. It appears that a lot of the voice talent from the animated shows has been brought in for the game including Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill, although the actual art style is more realistic and gritty.

    I hadn't been following development of this game too closely but the demo piqued my curiosity for the actual game, which is due to be released later this month. Definitely worth checking out if you have Xbox Live and don't mind waiting for such a large download.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    haven't been around in awhile, gang, but I'm here to tell you to buy Batman: Arkham Asylum
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited August 2009
    haven't been around in awhile, gang, but I'm here to tell you to buy Batman: Arkham Asylum

    I knew that if any game would get you back into the gaming fold it would be Batman: Arkham Asylum. I picked it up myself over the weekend; its a fantastic game that really, finally captures the essence of the characters and the comics they appear in. Fantastic graphics, great voicework, solid action, tons of secrets to uncover and lots of moves and gadgets to acquire and master (the combo system used for fighting is pretty advanced allowing you to chain dozens of hits if you're fast and accurate enough). Gliding down from a rooftop to take out an unsuspecting thug or hanging upside down from a gargoyle statue and grabbing an unfortunate victim who happens to walk beneath you never get old. Really top notch effort all around.

    Prior to B:AA I'd been playing Shadow Complex, an Xbox Live Arcade game that can be downloaded directly to one's hard drive. The demo is free; the full game costs $15 and in my opinion is worth every penny. Its a throwback to the classic side-scrolling shooters of the 16-bit era but updated with modern graphics. The storyline is pretty thin (shadowy organization plans coup to take over the Bay area; you are all that stands in their way) but the exploration aspect of the game (as you acquire more items, you can backtrack to reach previously inaccessible areas) is utterly addictive. Even after beating the game, I couldn't stop until I'd found 100% of the items. There are also a bunch of challenge rooms to try after you beat the main game. For $15, its a steal.

    I've also been playing Wolfenstein, the latest incarnation of Id Software's seminal first person shooter. Set during WWII, you play a US agent tasked with stopping the Nazis from getting their hands on some mystical artifacts that could change the course of the war. Unlike the Call of Duty and medal of Honor WWII games, the Wolfenstein efforts are unapologetic old-school run and gun shooters with an emphasis on the single player campaign. No cover mechanics (other than ducking behind the occasional obstacle), no heavily scripted events, and only a basic cinematic presentation, the focus is squarely on the action. The have always included elements of sci-fi and horror - right up my alley - and this latest game takes that motif and runs with it, giving you weapons as wildy varied as a plain old MP40 machine gun and a futuristic plasma cannon, all of which you can even upgrade as the adventure progresses with gold that you discover along the way. If you like the first person genre, but aren't into the straight up WWII games this one is worth a look.
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    I'm gearing up for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. The website looks great!

    I'll have to justify the expenditure to my wife, considering I'm constantly purchasing games and never having time to play them (But hey! I could probably say the same thing about some her Pampered Chef items she bought). I'm hearing nothing but good things from the early reviews, so this might be worth the expense of buying on the day it releases!
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    The first Marvel Ultimate Alliance was a lot of fun so unless the reviews are really vicious (very unlikely) this will probably be a day one purchase for me as well. I've read the game is loosely based on Marvel's Civil War series; it'll be interesting to see how that plays out in the game.
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    yep I'll be there too, I'm looking forward to reteaming iron fist and luke cage
  • DaltonFan1DaltonFan1 The West of IrelandPosts: 503MI6 Agent
    haven't been around in awhile, gang, but I'm here to tell you to buy Batman: Arkham Asylum

    I bought that game the other day and hardly stopped playing it since. In fact I'm playing it right now. It's a creation of genius.
    “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.” - Carl Jung
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    My third Xbox 360 bought the farm over the weekend. This one was an Elite and lasted through about 18 months of moderate use before giving up the ghost to an E74 error. Luckily, MS now warrants the 360 against that failure for 3 years as well so I'm covered. Still, since it will probably take at least three weeks for the console to be repaired, and there are so many good games coming out in the next few days, I decided to pick up a new one.

    Just a reminder: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 and Halo: ODST both arrive this week, as does Need for Speed: Shift, a pretty impressive looking racer.

    Also, I've been playing the Xbox 360 version of Dead Space. This is now a "Greatest Hits" title so it's available at a reduced price, and I think it is one of the best games to be released for the console in the last couple of years. A survival/horror game set on a derelict spaceship, the game is chock full of ambience, atmosphere and some very good gameplay. Highly recommended.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Sorry to hear about your Xbox Tony, once you get your current Xbox repaired you can just intechange it with the new one as they fail. :))

    I haven't been playing anything at all, as life has been really hectic. Didn't know a new Halo game was coming out, that would interest me if the game play is similar to the first three Halo's.

    My 14 year old son who use to play Call of Duty multi-player non-stop, has also stopped playing as he has discovered girls. :))
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    Sorry to hear about your Xbox Tony, once you get your current Xbox repaired you can just intechange it with the new one as they fail. :))

    That's pretty much my plan going forward. :))

    I've got so say, I love the 360 games and MS is good about getting their consoles repaired, but their hardware this generation has been utter garbage and after 4 years you'd think they would have put out a redesigned console that is less suceptible to so many breakdowns.
    I haven't been playing anything at all, as life has been really hectic. Didn't know a new Halo game was coming out, that would interest me if the game play is similar to the first three Halo's.

    It is indeed a first person shooter, like the first three games, but you play as a series of different characters who have a different set of abilities from Master Chief. It originally started out as an expansion for Halo 3 and gradually morphed into its own standalone game. I'm not sure yet just how long the single player campaign (which is what I'm always most interested in) is but I'm sure the next few days will give us plenty of reviews.
    My 14 year old son who use to play Call of Duty multi-player non-stop, has also stopped playing as he has discovered girls. :))

    :)) Well, I think he traded up then. Maybe that'll free up the console for you to mess around with every now and then.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    According to my son who is in high school, several students skipped school to play Halo ODST after purchasing it at a midnight release. I believe I will be going to Game Stop to trade in some games and pick up ODST this weekend. We will wait for the weekend, I don't want my son thinking he can skip school.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,288MI6 Agent
    edited September 2009
    I'll be getting my copy this weekend as well. Reviews of the game have been quite positive. The campaign is on the short side (seasoned players say its taking them about 7-8 hours to complete) but the action and story seem to be quite well presented and best of all: no Flood to deal with. Looking forward to checking it out as well.

    I also just downloaded the demo to Forza Motorsport 3 which gives you five cars and one track to play with. In short, it's very reminiscent of the past game (which had an excellent driving model and extensive list of assists) with a nice visual upgrade. I liked what I saw and I'll probably pick this up as well when it ships in late October.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    edited September 2009
    Started playing Halo ODST, actually my son is playing and I am watching. :# Very impressive so far. One thing that has caught my attention is the music, which my son also mentioned. During a scene with "The Rookie" the music was really lonely, which matched the scene well. So far very impressed, nothing like killing some helpless grunts for Saturday night entertainment.

    I really think the Halo story lends itself real well to a movie, whcih I wish would get made. Last I heard the movie was nowhere.

    On a side note, we traded in four games at Gamestop and according to the counter guy, they have a special right now, trade in four or more games and get an extra $20.00, so we made out quite well on the trade ins. Not sure if the special is local or national so check it out at your local store before taking some games in. Also put $5.00 down on the new Call of Duty that is out in November. Once again, according to the counter guy he has already reserved over 300 copies.
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