Novel 6

DAWUSSDAWUSS My homepagePosts: 517MI6 Agent
When's that getting started? Not to sound impatient, but I thought it would have begun its planning stage now...


  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited August 2006
    Scaramanga 1's computer died on him recently,so we'll be delaying the start of the next collaborative novel until he's available.Maybe early-mid August(just a guess).I think we all agree that it's only fair we wait for SC1 to be with us before beginning the sixth book--after all,he's the man who initiated this program.

    Here's a thought:until we do begin the story,everyone who worked on the previous book--and those among our members who are interested in joining the writing team--can use this extra time to refine their various proposals for the contents of Novel 6.

    Never fear--although we're off-schedule,we'll definitely get going again and we will produce another book.However, until that time arises, let's just try and be patient a while longer.;)
  • deliciousdelicious SydneyPosts: 371MI6 Agent
    Can I add to the above that the first things to think about are theme and imagery.

    For example whatever you may think of DAD it had strong thematics - it was a very cold film both physically and psychologically - Bond's torture and abandonment by his own agency, the glass wall between him and M when they meet, the invisible car, the chilliness of Iceland, Miranda Frost's character, the African conflict diamonds, Moon's relationship with his father - all of these elements contributed to the icy tone of the film.

    Smiliarly Goldeneye had a very stoney brutal feel to it while TWINE was rich $$$ and exotic.

  • asioasio Melbourne, AustraliaPosts: 546MI6 Agent
    edited August 2006
    Plot is also important.
    Alas, due to another piece I am currently working on, as discussed here: I am going to have to walk away from Novel 6.
    I had a terrific time on Novels 4 & 5, but the time that I have to devote to this new piece, as well as my Roger Moore 007-film graphic novelisation, and lets not forget my work, family and friends too, they will deter my efforts in contributing 100% to Novel 6.
    I wish all the best to the eventual writing team, I'll be following your work as it progresses.
    Drawn Out Dad.
    Independent, one-shot comic books from the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia.
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    asio wrote:
    Plot is also important.
    Alas, due to another piece I am currently working on, as discussed here: I am going to have to walk away from Novel 6.
    I had a terrific time on Novels 4 & 5, but the time that I have to devote to this new piece, as well as my Roger Moore 007-film graphic novelisation, and lets not forget my work, family and friends too, they will deter my efforts in contributing 100% to Novel 6.
    I wish all the best to the eventual writing team, I'll be following your work as it progresses.

    We'll all miss you Asio,but we'll expect your observations and suggestions once the book proceeds.I know I've never taken your input for granted.;)

    And you're right about plot--plot is absolutely essential to any story.When we write these novels we're usually influenced by the contents of both the Fleming books and the Bond movies alike-- creating an admixture of Ian and Eon.

    That said,because as writers we must describe our characters, scenes and actions--rather than showing them as per films--it's always wise to have at least a loose idea of the direction we're going in.We'll sharpen it up as the story comes into focus and various pieces gradually fall into place.

    An outline doesn't have to be set in stone--especially for something like these novellas, which by their very design always demand a spontaneous approach(Hey!that's part of the fun,after all).Still,if we can develop a loose framework we can then all build on (and modify),it'll obviously bring a sense of organization to the overall project--which is always welcome.

    And as Delicious observes, we could also work on potential themes and even some symbolism to feature in the story as well.Such additions could aid us in refining the story and may even help by directly/indirectly suggesting important plot elements as the tale progesses--they certainly have done so in the past.

    Let's all get to work and come up with some possible stuff for Novel 6.Hopefully,SC1 will be here soon, and when he returns we can welcome him back with our ideas.:)
  • Golrush007Golrush007 South AfricaPosts: 3,421Quartermasters
    I look forward to working on this novel (If Sc1 will have me, of course!!).

    I've had a bit of a break from writing fan-fiction so I feel fresh and raring to go.
    Out of interest, what are your opinions regarding the balance between Fleming and Films. eg. Do we include Q and gadgets, does the Bond we write about have the physical features and attitudes of Fleming's Bond - or is he based on one of the actor's portrayals. Or a combination of these???

    As regards the villain, I like the idea of Bond facing a single man of equal (or greater) ability, (along the lines of Red Grant) rather than the typical megalomaniacal villain who commands entire armies, huge lairs etc. Obviously, efforts would need to be made in order to stop it looking like a recycled FRWL.

    Anyway, those are my thoughts at the moment. I will keep thinking about this and hopefully come up with some interesting ideas, but it is obviously enormously helpful to know the general direction that others are thinking in.
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited August 2006
    Golrush007 wrote:
    I look forward to working on this novel (If Sc1 will have me, of course!!).


    I'm sure he will.SC1's always looking for new team members and enthusiasm is an important trait--because these things can take a lot more time than originally anticipated.These projects are fun but they're always WORK and they can become very difficult for everyone--especially towards the close of the story.


    I've had a bit of a break from writing fan-fiction so I feel fresh and raring to go.
    Out of interest, what are your opinions regarding the balance between Fleming and Films. eg. Do we include Q and gadgets, does the Bond we write about have the physical features and attitudes of Fleming's Bond - or is he based on one of the actor's portrayals. Or a combination of these???


    Please take a moment to look at some of the previous Collaborative Novels.We now have five all available to download.These will give you the best possible idea of what we've been doing so far.

    But in brief,ever since the production of Never Say Dead(the first AJB novel-and which began as a serial),we've featured a composite of book and film contents.This was because a large number of our writers were more familiar with the cinematic 007 than the literary version.The end result has been a Bond who is (sometimes--not always)equal parts movie character and Fleming character.

    Some of our members wrote Pierce Brosnan exclusively-others did the same with Sean Connery,Timothy Dalton, George Lazenby and Roger Moore.In short,the actors they've enjoyed the most.From the beginning,M has been modeled on the Judi Dench version and Q once was written to match(in general terms)Desmond Llewellyn.In more recent books,the current Q looks something like the John Cleese version(tall,thin,moustachioed).The Moneypenny I write is always described as vaguely as possible-tall,attractive and bespectacled.I don't write her with any specific actress in mind.I don't describe Bill Tanner or Dr.Molony with too much detail after introducing them.Over time we've even developed a new character named Tom Prentice who works in Station C as an ace cryptographer.There's plenty of room to add to the supporting cast--but hopefully only as a story warrants.Otherwise,they might become distractions.

    Ever the rebel,whenever writing James Bond I've always tried to use an admixture of Connery and Dalton and of course,Fleming's original.My 007's more muscular and taller than the 007 Fleming describes but(on those rare days when I write him to my satisfaction) he still has those cruel good looks and that saturnine complexion found in the books-notably in the description of 007 found in the FRWL novel,which in general terms pretty much tallies with Connery and Dalton's faces(IMO).As with Fleming,my version of 007 has the mysterious 3" scar running down his right cheek and that famous forelock that resists every attempt at combing it into place.And as with Fleming,his eyes are blue-grey while the hair is black(I have it greying ever so slightly at the temples).Vocally he sounds more like Dalton(at least that's the voice I usually "hear" when I'm writing--although he can also sound like the young Connery of DN,FRWL,GF and TB).As for age?I really try not to give him one precisely, but I assume that he's now in his mid 30s to early 40s,and no older.I don't make a point of naming 007's tailor, nor do I insist on him being exactly like the Bond of Fleming, but I do give him quite a bit of the past Fleming established and also give 007 his most consistent epithet from the novels.My Bond smokes--not as much as Fleming's did(75 a day!)--but only occasionally.Personally,I don't smoke nor do I recommend it for any sane person but 007 is a fictional character so he can easily get away with this vice.Conversely,my Bond doesn't drink a great deal,in marked contrast to the Fleming original.You know,that's actually the most detail I've ever shared with anyone on how I visualise the James Bond I write.He's part Ian and part Eon with something else besides.

    However,I've discovered that whenever in doubt,it's probably best not to go into overly explicit detail when describing Bond's appearance unless there's an important reason for this which will be addressed as the story progresses.Generalities are always good and they're what Fleming often used.Save the details for the villains.

    Regardless,everyone's 007 will be different in certain ways because we're each writing him as he suits us.That's unavoidable and that's fine--we're collaborating,after all.The end result is to hopefully speak with something resembling a single voice,but individual tastes and viewpoints very much matter and they are what ultimately make these projects so enjoyable and are definitely what make these team books unique among the rest of the fanfiction produced here and on the other James Bond sites.


    As regards the villain, I like the idea of Bond facing a single man of equal (or greater) ability, (along the lines of Red Grant) rather than the typical megalomaniacal villain who commands entire armies, huge lairs etc. Obviously, efforts would need to be made in order to stop it looking like a recycled FRWL.


    I like your idea.As it stands we've been writing villains with huge organizations for quite some time now,and I think that gets old quickly.However,that said,we've always worked hard on each villain and villainess, and I think we can take justifiable pride in what's been accomplished thus far.

    Again,please look at what we've done and offer some opinions--we love feedback and never get enough as it is.

    But back to topic-with our team having just completed a trilogy,I tend to agree that less is more and that approach might now be more attractive to our writers overall.We can always get more expansive the next time around.And who's to say that a single villain(or a duo) might not be enough to give 007 pause?:)


    Anyway, those are my thoughts at the moment. I will keep thinking about this and hopefully come up with some interesting ideas, but it is obviously enormously helpful to know the general direction that others are thinking in.


    Yes it is, and hopefully we'll come up with something that offers everyone a chance to put 007 back in action.

    Here's an idea.While we're patiently waiting for SC1 to make his triumphant return,we could post some general(or even specific) ideas for Book 6 on this thread.Just some stuff to get the ball rolling and get the creative juices flowing.
  • Golrush007Golrush007 South AfricaPosts: 3,421Quartermasters
    Thanks WG. Some useful pointers there. I have in fact been digging into the previous collaborative fanfics today, and will soon have a better idea of what has been done before. I read APOT and parts of SOTP while it was being written. Further reading will no doubt give me a better sense of the type of style that has been used. I will also post whatever plot ideas I come up with in the next while.
  • deliciousdelicious SydneyPosts: 371MI6 Agent
    Re the focus on plot, plot emerges from theme. In Lord of the Rings for example, the plot - the war of the ring and all its intricacies - stems from various themes such as Good Always Turns Evil Into Further Good (eg Gollum's role), the Gradual Disappearance of Magic from the World (Sauron's defeat means the elves leave Middle Earth too) and the Superiority of Love and Sacrifice to Power (the Hobbit's selflessness vs Sauron's tunnel vision) etc etc.

    Good stories have one or more underlying central questions they explore through plot, character and imagery. If Bond has a new adversary what does the adversary stand for and why? Most villains want power and/or money (Elektra King, Sanchez, Mr Big, Goldfinger, Moon). Others are motivated by chaos or insanity (Renard, Zorin). The more interesting villains in Bond like Drax and Stromberg had visions of a new world, twisted through they may be. And or course some villains are politically motivated like especially in the earlier cold war Bond stories (Dr No, From Russia with Love). Still others are driven by revenge (Alec Trevelyan and Elektra King). And of course these different motivations often combine or overlap. Trevelyan's motivation is a mixture of revenge, politics, greed and power.

    So what is our villain like and why? What values does he/she threaten that Bond needs to defend? What ideology/values does he/she assert that Bond must refute?

    A major power struggle is always involved in a Bond story. Some of the arenas so far have been drugs, gold, diamonds, the media, nuclear power, solar power, oil, EMP, drug money, genocide (Drax/Stromberg), bacteriological warfare (OHMSS) etc.

    These various arenas tend to be where the themes and imagery come from as well as the plots.

    So the first three questions are - what threat is being posed to the world (or maybe just England), by whom and why?
  • rondalcjames007rondalcjames007 Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    I just hame a question. Are members of this group writing a fanfiction story based on The Man with the Golden Gun? I recognized the villian. I just registered and I'm exploring this site.

    Do you write fanfiction here? What is fanfiction?
  • Golrush007Golrush007 South AfricaPosts: 3,421Quartermasters
    edited August 2006
    I just hame a question. Are members of this group writing a fanfiction story based on The Man with the Golden Gun? I recognized the villian. I just registered and I'm exploring this site.

    Do you write fanfiction here? What is fanfiction?

    Hi there, and welcome to ajb007. We do indeed write fan-fiction here. Essentially two types - Individual fan fiction as well as collaborative group novels. These are not based on any specific story, eg. TMWTGG like you asked. This thread is about the forthcoming fan fiction project, which is the sixth group fan fic to written on AJB. Visit to see the library of fan fiction on this site. There are full novels, short novels, short stories, screenplays and even graphic novels to enjoy. Pay it a visit - it will be worth your while!! ;)
  • deliciousdelicious SydneyPosts: 371MI6 Agent
    Some possible arenas for the next fan fiction

    1. The Internet (subliminal images cause mind control of browsers)
    2. Earthquakes - Vulcan is a weapon that causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (but maybe this is too close to the weapon called Destiny from the movie The Core)
    3. Speed - a villain obsessed with fast cars, planes, boats etc
    4. Fashion and Food - the world of foie gras, dom perignon, tailor-made suits
    5. Techno-piracy - by certain oriental countries
    6. Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East
    7. Movies - a psychotic director wants to film Bond's death - a kind of action snuff movie
    8. Real Estate - "The Man Who Sold the World"
  • Golrush007Golrush007 South AfricaPosts: 3,421Quartermasters
    delicious wrote:
    4. Fashion and Food - the world of foie gras, dom perignon, tailor-made suits
    That sounds interesting. What did you have in mind. I can see foie gras is a controversial subject and could make an interesting plot. It definitely sounds the most attractive idea of all these you have suggested IMO. It fits in nicely with my idea of what makes Bond interesting. You will soon learn that I'm not into some of the more far fetched Bond elements. I like Bond to be rooted in a realistic world, but one which is very sophisticated and glamorous. This suggestion of yours fits squarely into my favourite type of Bond arena.
  • deliciousdelicious SydneyPosts: 371MI6 Agent
    I'd like to see an action sequence in a Dom Perignon winery or on a farm where they raise geese to make foie gras. Or have Bond get chased by truffle hunters in Nothern Italy who have mistaken him for a truffle thief. The villain could be a decadant bon vivant.
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    This sounds very good to me and it's also a great break from the revenge plots that we dealt with so recently--especially in the recently finished Thorndyke Trilogy.:)
  • deliciousdelicious SydneyPosts: 371MI6 Agent
    So will our villain be bent on world domination like so many of the movie villains? If he's a decadent bon vivant perhaps he owns all sorts of eco-unfriendly businesses - ones that cause a lot of pollution etc - because he doesn't care about the future of the panet - he's a total Epicurean who puts pleasure before responsibility. Perhaps he has a political target - to discredit or destroy green-friendly organisations. We might first meet him eating whale meat in a top Japanese restaurant or tiger curry in Burma. You get the idea. If this was a movie I would show the catching and slaughter of the whale, the whaling ship docking and some meat being couriered to the restaurant and prepared for him specially.
  • DAWUSSDAWUSS My homepagePosts: 517MI6 Agent
    delicious wrote:
    Some possible arenas for the next fan fiction

    1. The Internet (subliminal images cause mind control of browsers)
    2. Earthquakes - Vulcan is a weapon that causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (but maybe this is too close to the weapon called Destiny from the movie The Core)
    3. Speed - a villain obsessed with fast cars, planes, boats etc
    4. Fashion and Food - the world of foie gras, dom perignon, tailor-made suits
    5. Techno-piracy - by certain oriental countries
    6. Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East
    7. Movies - a psychotic director wants to film Bond's death - a kind of action snuff movie
    8. Real Estate - "The Man Who Sold the World"
    Some thoughts:

    1. I could see using the internet as a key plot device, but if anything I think it should be more of a medium for propaganda (ie, furthering the villain's ideology)

    2. Never saw that movie, but if there was a weapon that causes seismic activity, I think in this day and age it would be some sort of "Tectonic Bombs" that are placed strategically

    3. I could see a few fun scenes coming from this idea :)

    4. See above

    5. The villain could be attempting to steal and smuggle weapons into terrorrist nations and then use the internet (see 1) to promote (and justify) that propaganda

    6. See above

    7. I personally never really got into those types of films/books

    8. Nice title
  • deliciousdelicious SydneyPosts: 371MI6 Agent
    In the movie "The Core" scientists discover that the inner core of the planet has stopped rotating which means that all kinds of strange climatic effects are happening and the world is on a doomsday course. A special Mole-vehicle (a la the Thunderbirds) designed to withstand unbelievable temperatures is sent into the core to detonate a series of nuclear explosions to kick start the core so it starts rotating again. In the course of the story it is revealed that the reason the core stopped rotating is due to a new weapon called Destiny which was designed to cause earthquakes and caused the core to stop rotating when it was first tested. Needless to say the heroes manage to kickstar the core and return safely to the surface and the environmentalists get to shake their heads sadly at the irresponsible elements of the scientific community who created Destiny. It's not a bad B-Grade flick though not as good as The Day After Tomorrow with its instant-freeze storms which I've always quite liked.
  • DAWUSSDAWUSS My homepagePosts: 517MI6 Agent
    delicious wrote:
    So will our villain be bent on world domination like so many of the movie villains? If he's a decadent bon vivant perhaps he owns all sorts of eco-unfriendly businesses - ones that cause a lot of pollution etc - because he doesn't care about the future of the panet - he's a total Epicurean who puts pleasure before responsibility. Perhaps he has a political target - to discredit or destroy green-friendly organisations. We might first meet him eating whale meat in a top Japanese restaurant or tiger curry in Burma. You get the idea. If this was a movie I would show the catching and slaughter of the whale, the whaling ship docking and some meat being couriered to the restaurant and prepared for him specially.

    I think the WD-villains are more exciting to read about because of their popularity in the movies, and as our last novel was more about personal revenge than world domination, a shift back to WD could be a welcome one.

    While I don't think the villain should necessarily achieve his WD by the near-cliche nuclear bombs and mass armies, I think the villain could be slightly more subtle in his approach, such as attempting to kill key political figures and acquire certain resources (ie, money, weapons [possibly]), and possibly win over a few terrorist groups.

    Although the Bond Girl is slowly starting to enter my field of ideas...
  • deliciousdelicious SydneyPosts: 371MI6 Agent
    The Case of the Missing Fan Fiction

    Bond foils a devilish plot to stop the next fan fiction from being written by the AJB007 writing team. He roams the world searching for the kidnapped writers who despite being frustrated in their attempts to write for many months nevertheless manage to produce a collaborative novel with only seconds to spare before the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve and the world is saved again.
  • Golrush007Golrush007 South AfricaPosts: 3,421Quartermasters
    delicious wrote:
    The Case of the Missing Fan Fiction

    Bond foils a devilish plot to stop the next fan fiction from being written by the AJB007 writing team. He roams the world searching for the kidnapped writers who despite being frustrated in their attempts to write for many months nevertheless manage to produce a collaborative novel with only seconds to spare before the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve and the world is saved again.

    :)) LOL :))

    I hope your idea comes true but I would have to say that it would be tough to finish the novel by the end of the year even if we started immediately. I certainly hope there will be a novel 6 though! But I doubt that it would be finished for the usual goal of a christmas release.
  • DAWUSSDAWUSS My homepagePosts: 517MI6 Agent
    Novel 5 wasn't IIRC
  • deliciousdelicious SydneyPosts: 371MI6 Agent
    Next Fanfic Names

    Fanfic Finger
    Dr Fanfic
    Fanfics are forever
    Thunder Fanfic
    The Fanfic who loved me
    Fanfic and let die
    The man with the golden Fanfic
    Fanfic another day
    Tomorow never Fanfics
    The Fanfic is not enough
    License to Fanfic
    Fanfic royale
  • HitchHitch UKPosts: 19MI6 Agent
    Never Say Fanfic Again ;)
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited October 2006
    Hopefully the collaborative novel will go into production next year.Scaramanga 1, who has always lead this program, is simply too busy to do that this year.He sends his sincere apologies to us all.Among other things,he's still looking for a new computer.They are quite expensive where he lives.

    But until next time,why not keep tossing your story ideas around and refine the ones with the most promise?

    You know,there's really no reason some original short stories couldn't be posted here with an idea towards publishing them at a later time.:)
  • Golrush007Golrush007 South AfricaPosts: 3,421Quartermasters
    Hey, everyday life has to take priority so no probs!! Hopefully fan fiction will be back with a bang here at AJB. Its been quite a while since we last had a fan fic added to the site. Sadly I don't have anything in the pipeline at the moment, but is anybody else working on an individial fan fic project at the moment?
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    I have a short story I've been putting together, but the going is very slow. I simply don't have the time I would like to sit down and write. :(

    SC1 was in the midst of another fan fic before the technical difficulties. Hopefully he will get his computer back up and running soon! We'll all be glad to have him back. Anyway, I suspect the Fan Fic dam is going to break and we will be deluged with several great offerings soon!
  • 00-Agent00-Agent CaliforniaPosts: 453MI6 Agent
    Hopefully the collaborative novel will go into production next year.Scaramanga 1, who has always lead this program, is simply too busy to do that this year.He sends his sincere apologies to us all.Among other things,he's still looking for a new computer.They are quite expensive where he lives.
    I'm sorry to hear it will be so long before the next collaborative novel comes out. I just finished Novel 5 and it was great as usual. I wanted to thank all the authors who put it together and encourage you guys to keep going. I am sure Novel 6 will be worth the wait. I will just have to satisfy my craving for more Bond reading material by sampling some of the other fan fiction. So far I've only tried the collaborative novels.
    "A blunt instrument wielded by a Government department. Hard, ruthless, sardonic, fatalistic. He likes gambling, golf, fast motor cars. All his movements are relaxed and economical". Ian Fleming
  • Lazenby880Lazenby880 LondonPosts: 525MI6 Agent
    edited October 2006
    darenhat wrote:
    SC1 was in the midst of another fan fic before the technical difficulties. Hopefully he will get his computer back up and running soon! We'll all be glad to have him back. Anyway, I suspect the Fan Fic dam is going to break and we will be deluged with several great offerings soon!
    Indeed, I gave Jason's incomplete short story a perusal however his technical difficulties have prevented me from letting him know my thoughts. I do rather hope to read some quality works of fan fiction; although there are quite a lot which are not particularly good (including mine), there are pieces of thoroughly engaging and well-written Bond fiction. Disley's The Great Chrysanthemum is one (with some superlative images courtesy of Daren Hatfield), as is jetsetwilly's While England's Dreaming. The latter is an inspiring read as jetset has crafted a fine Bond story firmly in the tradition of classic British adventure writing (although it seems to have died an unfortunate death). Then there are older pieces such as Dortmunder's Death Is In The Cards that are worth a look. Elsewhere (on CBn) J.I.M. Stewart's Just Another Kill is a seminal thriller, and I must also recommend Blinker Hitch's To Whom It May Condemn (topic here).

    I would encourage Fleming fans who think they have a good story in them to post and see the reaction; most criticism is constructive and not personal in nature. Nevertheless, I am sure there are some fan fiction curios left undiscovered. :)
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 26,763Chief of Staff
    Lazenby880 wrote:
    Indeed, I gave Jason's incomplete short story a perusal however his technical difficulties have prevented me from letting him know my thoughts.

    If you wish, you could pass your thoughts on to SC1 via me - I do speak to him on occasion. I heard from SC1 last week and he's hoping to back in business sooner rather than later - maybe as early as sometime next month but certainly by the end of the year.
    YNWA 97
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    Lazenby880 wrote:
    there are quite a lot which are not particularly good (including mine)

    You sell yourself way too short, my friend. Smokeheart is IMO in the top echelon of the fan fics here at AJB!
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