Are they serious?

Ok, I have put it off for long enough now but I can no longer hold my tongue.
What I am having a rant about is the unbelievable changes to bond. I have listed all of the changes (sacraligious) that I am aware of, if I am wrong, please correct me. If you have thoughts, please present them.
Here it goes:

1. Blond haired, blue eyed Daniel Craig as Bond - I've tried but it just doesn't work for me.
2. No Q!
3. Moved gun barrel sequence.
4. A Ford Mondeo Bond car???
5. No Moneypenny?
6. A black Felix?

Anything I've missed?

IMHO from the clips I've seen, the new film looks more like your standard action movie, Transporter, MI 1 & 2, Bourne movies etc. Daniel playing Bond seems to gung-ho and from some of the poses he is making, too "gun-ho"!
What ever happend to Julian McMahon for Bond? He would have been good.


  • JADE66JADE66 Posts: 238MI6 Agent
    Sacreligous? That's a little strong. Roger Moore was blond. Fleming's Bond was blue eyed.
    Q as a character never showed up in the novels.
    Q is mentioned in the novel Casino Royale very briefly as providing information about rooms, trains and equipment but there are no gadgets in the novel except for a radio set/jamming device that Mathis provides. Major Boothroyd gives Bond his PPK in Doctor No.
    As for Felix, he's been fat(Norman Burton)dimwitted,(Cec Linder)and tottaly wrong for the part(David Hedison). I just don't get all the anti-Craig hoopla. If you want true Bond, then return to the novels, get rid of the gadgets,
    give Bond a scar and black hair and make him a *******. Otherwise just kick back and enjoy the films. Craig is a good actor and my bet is he will be better at Bond than Moore, Lazenby or Dalton.
    Let's at least give him a chance.:007)
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    I still love how he's only a few inches taller than me...makes me laugh that my best guy friends are taller than him. haha...

    and as for Hedison, he was my fav. I think he was great!

    ~Pen -{
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • GrishenkoGrishenko Posts: 45MI6 Agent
    I agree that Hedison was awesome; the best to date...
  • AnimalMotherAnimalMother Posts: 3MI6 Agent
    What we are talking about here is the films don't forget, not the books. The films have never really followed the books, if they had they would not have been half as successful (possibly).
    Bond is a cult, watched and loved by millions. Previous Bond productions (all except the most obscure) have followed a popular and successful format.
    Don't try and fix what 'aint broke. Mars with dark chocolate was never a success, "new coke" was a flop, laserdiscs were crap compared to dvd's.
    It is obviously the people who are in charges perogative to do whatever they wish to what they own. These changes in the long run won't affect me personaly. I am not obsessive about things, least of all Bond. It just seems to be a strange business decission IMO.
  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 3,985MI6 Agent
    edited October 2006
    6. A black Felix?
    reread Live and Let Die
    Felix wants to be black
    when they get captured by Mr Big up in Harlem
    they get seperated and theres a bit of tension cuz maybe this is the part where Felix will be fed to the sharks?
    but then bond meets him back at the hotel and asks how Felix escaped
    while captured, Felix started debating the fine points of jazz with his captor and quickly won his respect as an honorary bro'! so his captor let him go, just like that, while Bond was getting his fingers broken
    maybe they should include this sequence in the new film, theres still a few bits of LaLD that have yet to be filmed
  • Lazenby880Lazenby880 LondonPosts: 525MI6 Agent
    1. Blond haired, blue eyed Daniel Craig as Bond - I've tried but it just doesn't work for me.
    Fleming's Bond had blue eyes, and I frankly care little about Mr Craig's dark blond hair.
    2. No Q!
    He was becoming tiresome.
    5. No Moneypenny?
    She was becoming tiresome.
    6. A black Felix?
    What has the actor's skin colour got to do with anything? Does it affect the character of Felix?
    IMHO from the clips I've seen, the new film looks more like your standard action movie, Transporter, MI 1 & 2, Bourne movies etc. Daniel playing Bond seems to gung-ho and from some of the poses he is making, too "gun-ho"!
    This surprises me as it is fairly evident from the trailer that there will be a greater emphasis on the dynamic between Bond and his girl. The whole enterprise seems vastly more elegant and sophisticated than something like The Transporter, and one should hardly be surprised at the existence of an explosion or two. On that point, were the Brosnan pictures models of restraint?
    What ever happend to Julian McMahon for Bond? He would have been good.
    Ah. That explains alot. ;)
  • AnimalMotherAnimalMother Posts: 3MI6 Agent
    I was wondering how long it would have been for someone to pull out the racism card. The actors skin colour is irrelevant, it was the ethnic origin of the character I was refering to. Hey, lets portray James Bond as being black, bet you wouldn't pull the racism card out on that on would you?
    Plus I said, "if I am wrong, please correct me", NOT "if I am wrong, please attempt to ridicule and belittle me with your extensive knowledge and personal comments on the subject".
    My comments were purely those of a lay person, a general member of the public who enjoys Bond films and not an obsessed Bond expert, collector, whatever.
    I notice nobody has commented on the Ford Mundano (Mondeo), maybe we all agree on that one?
  • Lazenby880Lazenby880 LondonPosts: 525MI6 Agent
    I was wondering how long it would have been for someone to pull out the racism card. The actors skin colour is irrelevant, it was the ethnic origin of the character I was refering to. Hey, lets portray James Bond as being black, bet you wouldn't pull the racism card out on that on would you?
    I most certainly was not 'pulling the racism card'. I merely queried what substantive difference this made to the character. As far as I am concerned it does not make any difference, although if you have a reason for objecting to the casting do let us know.

    To be fair your original post did just say 'A black Felix?'; I thought you were referring to the casting of a black actor which, ergo, means the character will be black in the picture.
    Plus I said, "if I am wrong, please correct me", NOT "if I am wrong, please attempt to ridicule and belittle me with your extensive knowledge and personal comments on the subject".
    Again, that was not my intention and it is unfortunate that you misunderstood me. I didn't mean to belittle you *at all*, all I was trying to convey was that I am quite happy that Q and Moneypenny have been left out for once as they contributed to the staleness of the formula. I appreciate the new direction and the injection of an elelment of danger and daring, however I also appreciate that some people (such as yourself) don't like these creative changes. That's fine. Variety is the spice of life. :)

    The point about Julian McMahon was a very poor attempt at humour on my part as I cannot see him successfully portraying James Bond. Forgive me.
    I notice nobody has commented on the Ford Mundano (Mondeo), maybe we all agree on that one?
    Being honest I don't really have strong feelings either way on this. I have seen the car and think it looks alright, although as I pay little attention to the cars in the motion pictures I'm not really all that bothered.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,886Chief of Staff
    edited October 2006
    I'm pulling the plug on this thread right now. First, because it's already turning into an overly-heated debate, and any time race is introduced into the mix it can get volatile. Second, AnimalMother, pretty much everything you have put in your list has been discussed to death on this site--primarily Daniel Craig's hair color. Please do a search and post your comments to an existing thread, but don't start a new one. . .a good number of us are tired of the arguments.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
This discussion has been closed.