Reviews from Press Screening!

emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
I just found this on another forum I post on (it's a Dr Who one, bizarrely!)
Just got back from watching CR. In short I thought it was stunning. Gritty and dark, but also (and suprisingly) with a great deal of humour - and not just silly one-liners but genuine laugh out loud moments as well. Loved it.

The stunts are impressive, lots of action and some lovely set-pieces. The fights are even better than the hard and uncompromising set pieces between Pierce and Sean in Goldeneye. But above all it has drama - a real fully engaging story. One that in terms of emotional journeys, style and look finally brings Bond into the 21st century. It contemporary, but cool - its the Bond we know and yet it offers some nice little suprises too.

Its quite a length too!

In short - it was awesome. As a life long Bond fan, I loved it. It does the novel proud and offers some nice twists to what is established.

As for Daniel - they are not wrong when they say he is possibly the best Bond since Sean. He has the same confidence, presence and toughness. He was fabulous - a brilliant performance.

I am sure some so-called fans will still try and find fault - but I would be amazed if they manage to. It met and surpassed my expectations - and I'll go as far to say that it now beats OHMSS as (for me) possibly the best Bond movie ever.

Come the 17th I too will be back in the queue to watch it again - enjoy - I know you will!

Possibly a bit of post-seeing film hyperbole (I know I always think the last film I've seen was the best ever!) but it ain't sounding bad. And plenty of humour too! I've asked him how he saw it- hopefully he'll reply in a bit.


  • highhopeshighhopes Posts: 1,358MI6 Agent
    So where did he see it and under what circumstances?
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
    And another has replied (apparently it was a press screening) with:
    Just got back from it myself. And I'd like to second all of Daren's thoughts. It really is fantastic; I'm going to be jostling with him for first place in the queue come opening night...
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
    Here's the link to the thread:
    although I'm not sure you can access the forums without being registered.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    They're all coming out now! Here's one from mi6 (user Bondsum):
    In short, the movie is GREAT. Yep, you heard right. And CM007 is wrong about the film being just good for the first 10 minutes and then starts to dip. I kept glancing at my watch and just to see this so-called watermark.... and it never came. Also, he was wrong about DC not being able to deliver the humour, what little there was of it, he passes with flying colours and is more sardonic in delivery. Just like Connery.

    I believe he's the best Bond since the 60's, though not quite in the same mould. Imagine if you will if the producers had decided back in the early 70's not to take it in the light pantomime farce it descended into with Moore, and instead started him from scratch, pitching him more in the Dirty Harry league. That's what's different about this 007, he's more of a cold b*stard who kills with a detached, icy disregard for his prey. Much more so than Dalton did in LTK even.

    The good news is there aren't any cheesy lines in this film. I didn't sniff one, and neither did anyone else. This is a more intelligent Bond than all the Brosnans put together with the best bits spliced as one and the duff bits cut out!!

    Another thing I didn't agree on with CM007 was that this is Eva Green's film. Yeah, she's great, beautiful and engaging. She's also the best Bond girl to grace the screen since... well, in a long time, yet she doesn't steal the film from DC. Craig is very much the centre of this film, and I loved his take on it.

    The reason why it's hard to compare him to Connery is down to the fact that this Bond does things that the censors would never have allowed back then, yet there's still a Connery vibe about him.

    There's plenty of good things about CR that I have taken away with me, and am about to savour in due course. I'll be seeing it again, that's for sure. I also didn't cringe at any of the dialogue or performaces like I did when I first saw GE at a preview.

    The general view I got from the audience was they liked it. I could tell the critics were muttering in positive interchanges, especially when Craig dispatches the enemy with a ruthless inner-calm, which he does quite a few times. No big spoiler there as we know this 007 is nastier.

    Other improvements were M and the backstroy back at HQ. Gone are the walls of plasma screens and bunker-like surrounds. When the story cuts to London, we see a London I haven't seen in a Bond flick since the Moore years. Also, there's no cheesy dialogue between M and her colleagues when discussing or talking directly to 007. That I was so thankful about.

    Anyway, if no one else writes a review then I might give it a go. Laughing

    But I'll leave you with this for now.

    This Bond is very different to the Moore/Brosnan era and for that I applaud it until my hands start to bleed.

    Harmsway, Leon, Dog Bond, you're going to love this Bond.

    Also, I noticed that it doesn't giveaway the title of Bond 22 at the end which is a bit sad. Never mind. Can't wait to see the next Craig Bond though.

    From IMDB:

    Just got home from the UK press screening of Casino Royale... Odeon Leiciester Square, Nov 3rd, 7.00pm.

    (Pause for a moment while I gloat... Only kidding!)

    Okay: there's gonna be no spoilers here. I promise.

    General impression: VERY hard-edged. The violence is more brutal than I was expecting (it's a Cert: 12 in the UK apparently - the equivalent of a PG13 in the US – but I would say the censors have been quite lenient; if this wasn't a Bond movie, it would have been a Cert:15 for sure over here, if only for a really vicious rope torture sequence). No camp humour (if anything, the first half of the movie seems almost TOO humourless; but it works, because when they do slip a few sly jokes in later they feel natural and not forced). No Q. No nekkid girls cavorting in silhouette in the credits sequence (it's a CGI animated scene with the four card suits – clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades - being used as lethal weapons). Only a couple of gadgets, all well within the realms of possibility rather than missile-firing cigarettes and laser-shooting fountain pens.

    But! The Aston Martin DB7 is back! Woo hoo! Coolest Bondmobile ever!

    The producers have stayed true to their promise and given the series and character a makeover a la Batman Begins. The pre-credits sequence shows how Bond got his 007 rating. And, despite rumours to the contrary, they haven't dropped the traditional roving gunsight and dripping blood: it just doesn't occur where you think it should. The revamp does slightly screw up the story chronology, as Judi Dench is back as M and this doesn't work since, strictly speaking, the film should pre-date Dr No; but I'm not such a purist as to let that bug me too much. Think of it more as a fresh start.

    As for Daniel Craig... Hands down the best Bond since Connery. He feels dangerous. He's impetuous, has a temper and a sarcastic sense of humour. He also makes mistakes and sometimes seems unsure of himself. And he doesn't just bounce back from a brutal pummelling with a stupid quip (this may be the first Bond movie to show him in hospital recovering from his injuries). None of which really reduces his mythic status as the world's greatest spy, but does give him a more human dimension. There's a scene near the beginning where he's about to perform an absurd stunt on a construction site and you see him actually think twice about whether or not he can do it. He's aware of the possibility of failure. It's refreshing. It's clever.

    The film isn't as action packed as the trailer might suggest. As mentioned above, there is an incredible and lengthy chase through a construction site at the start of the movie (with a guy called Sebastian Foucan who seemingly has the ability to defy gravity - he even gets a special credit at the start of the movie for his Free Running Stunts). There's also a terrific chase scene onto the runways at Miami Airport. Then the film quietens down and essentially follows the book by making the main thrust of the action a high stakes tournament at the Casino Royale in Montenegro (actually Karlovy Vary in the Czech Rep), only with the game of choice being poker rather than baccarat. The action picks up again for the final act with a jaw-dropping climax (I told you: no spoilers!) in Venice.

    This isn't a Bond movie for people who love the gadgets and the girls and the supervillains and the nuclear warheads and the killer satellites and the silly jokes. It's more a movie for people who like the books and who think From Russia With Love was probably the pinnacle of the movie series.

    I personally hope the series continues in this vein for the forseeable future

    This is all sounding very good!
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
    Even the chap who owns CBn was there- more reviews tomorrow! :D
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    No nude title girls? WHAT?

    I'm still a bit skeptical about all this, but I hope it turns out to be true.
  • jamesbondagent007jamesbondagent007 Divided States of TrumpPosts: 236MI6 Agent
    Someone who likes OHMSS the best obviously knows their stuff. And this MUST be a pretty amazing film if you think it has come close to it, let alone surpassed it. I cannot wait.
  • heartbroken_mr_draxheartbroken_mr_drax New Zealand Posts: 2,073MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    very very good, but remember to go in with low expectations! :o
    1. TWINE 2. FYEO 3. MR 4. TLD 5. TSWLM 6. OHMSS 7. DN 8. OP 9. AVTAK 10. TMWTGG 11. QoS 12. GE 13. CR 14. TB 15. FRWL 16. TND 17. LTK 18. GF 19. SF 20. LaLD 21. YOLT 22. NTTD 23. DAD 24. DAF. 25. SP

    "Better make that two."
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,994Quartermasters
    I'm encouraged by these early reviews; doesn't sound a disaster thus far...

    After seeing what might be portions of the title sequence in TV spot #5, I'm feeling pretty good about it...

    Shame about the lack of dancing female silhouettes, though...
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Odd JobbiesOdd Jobbies Posts: 26MI6 Agent
    Sounds like Ian Fleming can finally rest in piece.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
    Not really a review, but comments from reviewers in there:
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
    Another thumbs up from The Times:,,14936-2437429,00.html

    (and shock horror- they compare him to Brosnan!)
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
    Again, not quite a review but positively mentioning other reviews (along with one from AICN that I don't remember seeing!)
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    So far, so good.

    No doubt, Sony, Eon, Daniel Craig and everyone involved in the making of Casino Royale will be very encouraged by these generally positive early reviews. However, I would imagine that they are not feeling too confident just yet. They know that the real verdict will be delivered in a coule of weeks time.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
    Another good one:

    Intereting to note the 'Film distributors’ rules mean we can’t publish a detailed review of the movie until next weekend.' part.
  • highhopeshighhopes Posts: 1,358MI6 Agent
    So far, so good.

    No doubt, Sony, Eon, Daniel Craig and everyone involved in the making of Casino Royale will be very encouraged by these generally positive early reviews. However, I would imagine that they are not feeling too confident just yet. They know that the real verdict will be delivered in a coule of weeks time.

    That true for Eon, etc ... But, selfish as it sounds, if I walk out of the theater feeling like the guy who wrote even the most guarded of the above reviews, I don't care if I'm alone in the theater -- they'll get my $9.50, a couple times over and I'm not really a guy who sees the same movie twice (in quick succession, anyway). But I don't think that will be the case.

    The Mirror -- those c***s (to borrow one of Daniel's expressions). Reminds me of Dylan's "Positively 4th Street"

    You've got a lot of nerve
    To say you are my friend
    You just like being
    On the side that's winning ...

    X-( That countdown clock is starting to get reaaaaalllly annoying. Like the the proverbial watched pot that never boils. But I'll survive ... :))
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    Here's a review from the Daily Star.

    Super Dan

    Bond is back......and he's got Thunderballs of steel.
  • highhopeshighhopes Posts: 1,358MI6 Agent
    Here's a review from the Daily Star.

    Super Dan

    Bond is back......and he's got Thunderballs of steel.

    Now there's a TV tagline. I'm trying to imagine that read by "movie announcer guy." :))
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    Here's a review from the Daily Mail. More detailed and not as positive as other reviews have been.

    We're stirred, Mr Bond
  • glidroseglidrose Posts: 138MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    I expected these kind of positive reviews. The film is faring up to exactly what I am hoping it will be, and Craig is winning support left, right and centre from the media.

    This must be utter dismay for all the saddos over on CnB. Hahahaha!! :D

    We are all set for CR to smash all previous box office Bond records, as I predicted many months ago.....
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
    From the MI6 forums:
    apologies, as this is my first post, but I saw CR this morning at a cast&crew screening in leicester square, and although i won't offer any spoilers, I have to say that in my opinion, it is the best Bond since OHMSS.

    Craig handles the action scenes in a way that Moore / Brosnan and possibly Dalton never could. Perhaps the producers have conceded that in the light of say the Bourne films, the action had to be more visceral and less reliant on gadgets. Whatever the reason, it's a welcome turn of events. Craig really gets stuck in.

    And as noted, he can certainly act, and he does impassive, brooding anger very well. Thankfully most of the tired cliche ridden single entendres have gone, but he does get to deliver some good lines, which don't creak as they did with Moore.

    I was also pleasantly impressed with the way that the film stays close to the spirit of the novel and retains some key elements. Again, this is why I think it's as good as OHMSS.

    Overall it's a very good effort and the news that Craig has signed up for another go is very good news hopefully new life van be breathed into the series. I could almost imagine them getting away with updating 'The Spy..', - based on the novel, not the film.

    I can't imagine that many Bond fans will have much to quibble with. It really is that good.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Also, I hope these guys talk about Felix Leiter and Mathis in the future reviews, I'm dying to know about their roles.
  • armourerarmourer United KingdomPosts: 41MI6 Agent
    Well, I've never been happy with DC's casting but if all the reviews and positive news all over the place is accurate – I'll take my slice of humble pie a la mode please. Roll on the 16th!
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    emtiem wrote:
    From the MI6 forums:
    apologies, as this is my first post, but I saw CR this morning at a cast&crew screening in leicester square, and although i won't offer any spoilers, I have to say that in my opinion, it is the best Bond since OHMSS.

    Craig handles the action scenes in a way that Moore / Brosnan and possibly Dalton never could. Perhaps the producers have conceded that in the light of say the Bourne films, the action had to be more visceral and less reliant on gadgets. Whatever the reason, it's a welcome turn of events. Craig really gets stuck in.

    And as noted, he can certainly act, and he does impassive, brooding anger very well. Thankfully most of the tired cliche ridden single entendres have gone, but he does get to deliver some good lines, which don't creak as they did with Moore.

    I was also pleasantly impressed with the way that the film stays close to the spirit of the novel and retains some key elements. Again, this is why I think it's as good as OHMSS.

    Overall it's a very good effort and the news that Craig has signed up for another go is very good news hopefully new life van be breathed into the series. I could almost imagine them getting away with updating 'The Spy..', - based on the novel, not the film.

    I can't imagine that many Bond fans will have much to quibble with. It really is that good.
    The review is very positive however some of the things in it concerns me. For example, I would rather CR be the best Bond film since TSWLM (which I consider to be superior to OHMSS.) I bring this up because the review mentions several key elements of the novel are in the film, which has been a source of great concern for me, and these elements are un-TSWLM like.

    Additionally, I rather liked Moore's lines. If the reviewer had contrasted the lines with DAD, that would be a different story. ;)
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    The BBC article on the glowing reviews is todays most read and most emailed story on the entire BBC News website, according to it's statistics.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    Dan Same wrote:
    I would rather CR be the best Bond film since TSWLM (which I consider to be superior to OHMSS.) I bring this up because the review mentions several key elements of the novel are in the film, which has been a source of great concern for me, and these elements are un-TSWLM like.

    Oh Dan; just because he hasn't worked out the list of his favourite Bond films in order doesn't mean his words are somehow rendered meaningless. He likes OHMSS a lot; therefore we know how he thinks. He doesn't have to like them in exactly the same order for you to appreciate his review, does he?
    And yes, I like a good few of Roger's lines too (although some were awful); I don't think you're supposed to be comparing each and every line against each and every line of Roger's: it's more about feeling than being scientifically precise- this is art; not maths. There's no precise formula.
    Why am I not surprised in a thread full of positive reviews that members here find things to 'be concerned about'?
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,751MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    Also, I hope these guys talk about Felix Leiter and Mathis in the future reviews, I'm dying to know about their roles.

    This one has a couple:
    From zonymousbond, MI6 Forums

    I just got back...

    If you really want to know little about the film when you watch it, I'd advise you not to read this review. I have put spoilers for most things, and there are only very mild spoilers left.

    OK, I'm not a great reviewer, but I'll have a go anyway:


    I think it's safe to say Bond is back, and he's better than ever. I can also say that Craig is the best Bond since Connery. As soon as the film starts, Craig IS Bond. He is even closer to Fleming's creation than Dalton, and that's saying something. He plays a much more real James Bond, funnier, witty, and not the superhero Bond Brosnan gave us. He doesn't try to be Connery (like Brosnan did); he brings something new to Bond. The pre-titles are very tense, and brilliantly edited in B/W. Craig just looks so classy when he assassinates Dryden.
    And yes, there is no gunbarrel at the start, it happens in the bathroom just before the title sequence

    Now, the titles. In a word, brilliant. Much better than the not-so-great titles we got throughout the Brosnan era. I had my reservations about the Cornell song when I first heard it a few weeks ago, but it works brilliantly with a full orchestra, and I really like it. The rest of the soundtrack is easily some of Arnold's best. Not up to Barry's standards (of course), but a very good soundtrack. The crane chase/fight through Madagascar (?) is the best action sequence for a long time. It's just brilliantly shot and choreographed, and very tense. The script is pretty solid, too. I didn't read anything before seeing the film, because I didn't want to be spoilt, so I'm not sure how close it was to the first draft released online. It has some good laughs (no 'yo momma' crap, just well-scripted British-style comedy), most of them coming from Judi Dench, in her best performance of M so far.
    There is one hilarious part where Bond is about to say M's real name, and M stops him

    The film slows a little with the introduction of Solonge, and there are a few great scenes
    especially when Bond wins the Aston Martin DB5
    There is a huge set piece which I knew nothing about as well, and is very well done.

    Then to the casino... The Casino scenes are very good, and Vesper Lynd is very well played by Eva Green. This isn't a normal Bond girl; she is quite hostile to the arrogant Bond when they first meet. Le Chiffre is also the best villain, since I dare say it, Blofeld, or Auric Goldfinger. Mathis is Kerim Bey V2.0, a great character. My only regret is that Felix Leiter gets very little screen time, and we really don't see much of him. Valenka is also gets little screen time, but it doesn't matter so much. There are a lot of great scenes in the casino, and I won't spoil them.
    Then after Vesper is kidnapped, there is a short but sweet car chase, ending in the brilliant crash we all saw in the trailer.
    The Le Chiffre torture scene is very faithful to the book, and Craig really shows Bond's pain. After Le Chiffre is killed, Bond wakes up in hospital, just like in the book. The scenes after this are quite different from the book though,
    as Vesper does not commit suicide, she is killed in a huge action scene where a Venice house collapses. She drowns inside a flooded elevator. The sequence isn't the best set piece of the film, but it is very good all the same.

    At the end, there is a very good sequel set-up, and the introduction of a classic line, and a classic theme. My only disappointment about the end is that it just says 'James Bond Will Return', and it doesn't say the film's title. Well, too bad, you can't have everything.

    My verdict:

    The Acting... Craig is up there with Connery as the best Bond of all time. He is a much more Fleming-like, real Bond, even more so than Dalton. Eva Green is brilliant as Vesper, just as I imagined her in the novel. Mads Mikkelsen is a really, really, great, evil Le Chiffre. Giancarlo Giannini is wonderful as Mathis, and his part almost reminds me of Kerim Bey/Draco/Colombo. Jeffrey Wright has a sadly small part in the film, so I can't judge him that well. He was pretty good from what I saw. Judi Dench is brilliant, as always, and is very funny at some points. Caterina Murino as Solonge is good in the few scenes she is in. Oh, and Michael G. Wilson gets a cameo or two.

    The Action... Brilliant. All the set-pieces are expertly choreographed and filmed.

    The Direction... Martin Campbell is a really good director. Goldeneye was good, but he does an even better job in this. The violence is brutal and realistic.

    The Music... One of Arnold's best soundtracks, a huge improvement on DAD's soundtrack. YKMN sounds much better in the film.

    The Script... Great. There are some bits that could be improved, but very good overall. There are some genuinely funny bits.

    Overall View... I think Bond has successfully been updated to the 21st century with Casino Royale. After the last three Bond films (in my opinion, all terrible), we needed a change. Excellent film.


    ***** stars out of *****

  • ant007ukant007uk Great BritainPosts: 67MI6 Agent
    All the reviews are very encouriging indeed, I guess us fans will find out for sure in a few weeks time. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, you can almost smell the humble pie cooking {[]
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