Watching CR will be weird...

i expect u2 diei expect u2 die LondonPosts: 583MI6 Agent
Its 11 days until Casino Royale. Even that seems weird, and quite bizarre to comprehend. I recall back in about March time, when the first pictures of the Madagascar chase were emerging and the film felt a million miles away. For over a year now, we've been scrutinizing every last piece of material regarding the film, and putting every single fact together to create an impression of the film. Its not something I do normally. I went to see Children of Men the other day, and all I knew was that it was about infertility because I read that in one tiny article - I felt clued-up about the film. It feels as though Casino Royale has become such a train-track of picking up pieces of information that even going at watching the film will just be another piece of 'information'. I'll be sat in the cinema with my mind on everything we've discussed and discovered during the year. Will I be able to focus? I'm not sure, I hope so, but I practically already have a fully-formed opinion of the film.

I'm rambling, partly because I'm tired, and partly because I can't explain what I mean.

Basically - I'm worried that watching Casino Royale will be... weird.

Feel welcome to discuss how you're feeling about watching Casino Royale, and if you're in the same mindset as me, feel welcome to decipher my thoughts :D


  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,994Quartermasters
    edited November 2006
    I know I have become very 'dialed-in' to the film---much more than any other film I've ever seen, Bond or not. I'm a Star Wars fan, I'm a Star Trek fan, I liked LOTR, I'm big into all the comic book film adaptations...

    ...but I'm a BOND FANATIC :007) I've read this script, I've seen every internet photo, read all the rumours, spoilers, interviews and articles, watched all the trailers and behind-the-scenes video segments, listened to bits of the score...and I've discussed it all---right here :v

    Small wonder I'm planning on multiple viewings B-) It will take at least three for it all to 'soak in'...
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
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  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    I happily, have not read the script and have watched only a few "offical" trailers, skipping many of the "more photos" threads. I also have avoided most spoilers through the cooperation of all the AJB members, I appreciate it. If I see CR, it will be with a relatively blank slate. I have read CR many times, so I know the story, although I think changes are in store for the film version. We shall see. The difficult thing for me, will be to enjoy the movie despite the two lead actors.
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    I go into soft focus, there now, all the jabber's been rolling like water off the proverbial duck's back for sometime now. I'm sure I'll get all geeky Thursday night standing in line, but until then I'm not feeling one thing or the other about it. The early reviews are more positive than I thought they would be, that's kinda nice. But again, auto-piloting right now, I'll see it when I see it.
  • Pierce007Pierce007 Posts: 32MI6 Agent
    I couldn't be any more excited for a movie, but I feel that there will be the same let down after I've finally seen it as their is the day after Christmas. I'll be sad to see that the film and the anticipation leading up to it have gone.
  • i expect u2 diei expect u2 die LondonPosts: 583MI6 Agent
    Pierce007 wrote:
    I couldn't be any more excited for a movie, but I feel that there will be the same let down after I've finally seen it as their is the day after Christmas. I'll be sad to see that the film and the anticipation leading up to it have gone.

    It'll be the same here. Good job I've got it booked again for the saturday after the thursday!
  • Andy A 007Andy A 007 Posts: 199MI6 Agent
    Pierce007 wrote:
    I couldn't be any more excited for a movie, but I feel that there will be the same let down after I've finally seen it as their is the day after Christmas. I'll be sad to see that the film and the anticipation leading up to it have gone.

    I feel the exact same way Pierce007. I do agree with i expect u2 die in the sense that I've wondered if I'll be able to focus because I've been following every facet of this film for the past year.

    I've decided that I won't try to take the film to seriously, whether it exceeds my expectations or not. I'm going to remember that I'm seeing a Bond movie, and I'll try to do what I do when I see any Bond film: Have a balst watching it!
    My advice to everyone is to do the same.
  • Pierce007Pierce007 Posts: 32MI6 Agent
    I agree with both of you, that seems that best course of action. I've already planned to see the midnight showing friday, and probably another showing sunday. At least, if dates are to be believed, we'll only have to wait two years for the next one. After this layoff and all of the the wondering and waiting for better or worse it will be nice to go through a less stressful wait.
  • SeanConnery007SeanConnery007 The Bond Archive - London, EngPosts: 169MI6 Agent
    I've been waiting more than a year, and in that time I've probably seen most of film; through trailers, images, books, news releases, internet reviews, and yet I'm never completely satisfied until I'm in the seat as the lights go down on opening night.
    I was pretty clued up on information when TWINE and DAD was released but it doesn't ruin my viewing experience; sat in the cinema I'm completely engrossed - hopefully it'll be even better for CR. I've never looked forward to a new Bond (actor especially) this much.
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