Love Hurts - A Poem By Scott Murray

scottmu65scottmu65 Carlisle, Cumbria, UKPosts: 402MI6 Agent
edited December 2006 in Off Topic Chat

Just thought I would post this here, it is a poem I have just written, It is a sort of rhyming couplets based on how I was feeling today, although some of the words etc. used are a bit of an extreme compared to what I am feeling. it is quite cheesy in some areas, also some may find it a tad depressing...

Oh and try and spot the James bond quotes.

Here goes nothing:
Love Hurts, Deal With It!

By Scott Murray

What do I do, when she doesn't know i'm there?
I can't move a single muscle, all I can do is stare.

Looking into nothing-ness, staring into space.
Motionless and speechless, a blank look upon my face.

I'm sitting here exposed, I have no armour left,
you stripped it from me, you tore it from my chest!

I long to tell you, tell you how I feel.
I can't, I musn't! You'll think it's no big deal.

But it is! Believe me! i'm physically in pain!
Although to you this means nothing, not a loss nor a gain.

Life is full of small challenges, it's about opening up new doors.
So however life unfolds for you, remember darling, im yours!

I want to lean and kiss you, but you'll only push me back.
And it will take a lifetime, to put my life on track.

Is it a sin, is it wrong for me to touch you?
If it is then I am guilty, and my punishment is due.

It is cruel the way this taunts me, I wish that it would stop,
but it won't, it can't, it is chained to me, and bound by key and lock!

I think i'm going to go now, to sort out my aching head,
I really cannot handle this, to you i'm as good as dead!

Love Hurts, Deal With It...

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  • s96024s96024 Posts: 1,519MI6 Agent
    Excellent. Can't write poetry to save me life.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,888Chief of Staff
    Very good, Scott--certainly much better than I could do! Bearing in mind that those who can, do, and those who can't, teach, allow me to point out that the meter is off. Have a look at the third stanza:

    I'm ' sit' ting ' here ' ex ' posed ' I ' have ' no ' ar ' mor ' left (12 syllables; 4 stressed--here, posed, armor--and 8 unstressed)

    you ' stript ' it' from ' me ' you ' tore ' it ' from ' my ' chest (11 syllables, all unstressed)

    Line six lacks a real beat, so it doesn't make much of an impression. Try reading the poem out loud and feel how the words come out of your mouth and diaphragm: that might illustrate what I'm talking about.

    Still, a very nice job. And I like the Bond quotes!
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • scottmu65scottmu65 Carlisle, Cumbria, UKPosts: 402MI6 Agent
    I see what you mean Hardy, I never really took much care with syllables etc. even though i should have, 90 percent of what I wrote was what just came into my head, thanks for comments anyway, i think i may try writing some more, i had forgotten how much I like writing poems. - Please support our community.
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