Create Bond action music playlist

NewsmanNewsman Erie, PA USAPosts: 92MI6 Agent
edited April 2007 in James Bond Music
I'm offering a challenge to all Bond music fans...

What tracks, and in what sequence, would you include if you were making a non-title song Bond action music CD or Ipod playlist? One you'd pop into your car CD player or Ipod while driving or working out.

If has to be about 50-60 minutes long. Any 007 composer can be used and any track found on any of the soundtracks.

Obviously, the James Bond Theme would be included but how many times?

List them in order:

1. James Bond Theme (DN)
2. 007 (FRWL)
3. Attack on Fort Knox (GF)

THANKS ! And Good Luck!


  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    1. James Bond Theme
    2. 007 - FRWL
    3. Home James, Don't Spare The Horses
    4. The Big Cowboys and Indian's Fight
    5. Casino Royale
    6. Moon Buggy Ride
    7. Welcome to Cuba
    8. Antonov
    9. A Drive in the Country
    10. Melina's Revenge
    11. Runaway
    12. Ladies First
    13. Run, Shoot, Jump!
    14. A Pleasant Drive in St. Petersburg (Serra)
    15. Dish Out Of Water (A Good Squeeze)
    16. Trespassers Will Be Eaten
    17. Ice Chase
    18. Hercules Takes Off
    19. Inflight Fight
    20. The Big Band Death of Jack Petachi
    21. Jealousy
    22. Tango to Death
    23. Ski Chase
    24. Battle at Piz Gloria
    25. OHMSS
    26. Bond 77
    27. Mojave Club
    28. The Tanker
    29. Death of Fiona
    30. Backseat Driver
    31. Ice Bandits
    32. Pipeline

    Not in any specific order, but that would be my ideal list!
  • NewsmanNewsman Erie, PA USAPosts: 92MI6 Agent
    WOW! What a great start. That list is great.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 36,655Chief of Staff
    1) James Bond Theme (John Barry, 1967 CBS version)
    2) Backseat Driver
    3) Bond 77
    4) 007 (TB version)
    5) Dawn Raid On Fort Knox
    6) Battle At Piz Gloria
    7) Whisper Who Dares
    8) Bond Joins Underwater Battle
    9) Underwater Mayhem
    10) He's Dangerous
    11) Ice Chase
    12) 007 (Roland Shaw version)
    13) James Bond Theme (Moby's Re-version)
    14) Let's Go Get 'Em
    15) Bond Back In Action

    ...although I'd probably play with the running order a little.
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    Bond Back In Action from GF or NSNA (I think you're saying GF, but w/e) and Snow Job/He's Dangerous would have a home on my list as well.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 36,655Chief of Staff
    Bond Back In Action from GF or NSNA (I think you're saying GF, but w/e)

    Oh, the one from GF to be sure! The NSNA cue is inconsequential. And the Snow Job/He's Dangerous choice is incidental, either would do.
  • AGENT57AGENT57 Posts: 12MI6 Agent
    James Bond Theme (Dr. No)
    Bond Back in action again (GF)
    Let's go get 'em
    Bond 77
    Melina's Revenge
    Snow Job
    Ice Chase
    Show me the money / Come in 007
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