Photos of Bond from the set...



  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,295MI6 Agent
    edited December 2011
    Well, thing is, this isn't "real life" ... We are not talking of some paparazzi photos taken on a Tesco parking lot because Danny ran out of toilet paper.
    This is how he looks after hours of make-up and preperation for filming. Sure they can alter the appearance in post-production but is this really what you want? Some old knacker playing Bond - a young, almost-still-a-rookie Bond, remember? - with a youthful face CGI'd in after filming?

    These are pictures from the press mate!!! Although caught on set they would be nothing like "official" pics or video taken at better angles and adjusted!

    I guarantee in the exact scenes on final release he won't look as bad - it is a shame for all the movie magic etc but its cinema in this day and age!! Tom Cruise was on tele yesterday in India looking a bit ragged, I'm sure in MI4 he will look youthful as he normally does (well for his age anyhow) :)
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,295MI6 Agent
    Some old knacker playing Bond - a young, almost-still-a-rookie Bond, remember? - with a youthful face CGI'd in after filming?

    You never know - we might have jumped a few years and Bond is now an experienced, relaxed Bond!! Might even be able to pull the birds like Roger Moore! :D
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    As the great Thunderpussy said on a positive note at least he looks tall up there[sorry Lexi].
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,295MI6 Agent
    superdaddy wrote:
    As the great Thunderpussy said on a positive note at least he looks tall up there[sorry Lexi].

    Cant see his legs though! Stilts? High Heels?
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • Rainier WolfcastleRainier Wolfcastle Posts: 484MI6 Agent
    Yeah, from "barely legal teen" to 50+ ... world-weary, desillusioned spy in just five years. And there are people complaining that Roger Moore looked old in AVTAK. With the movie magic nowadays he could still play Bond - and they wouldn't have to work overhours in post-production to remove that many wrinkles!
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,295MI6 Agent
    Yeah, from "barely legal teen" to 50+ ... world-weary, desillusioned spy in just five years. And there are people complaining that Roger Moore looked old in AVTAK. With the movie magic nowadays he could still play Bond - and they wouldn't have to work overhours in post-production to remove that many wrinkles!

    barely legal teen??? Sheesh he didn't look that young in Casino Royale :))
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 26,820Chief of Staff
    superdaddy wrote:
    Sir Miles wrote:
    superdaddy wrote:
    All joking aside, Lexi and all you Craig fans have gotta admit he looks bloody terrible and this is onset and all groomed in nice clothe's ect and not made up to look batterd or bruised.

    Really ? You've seen the finished film then ?

    Although obviously not a spell checker ;)
    superdaddy wrote:
    Still I suspect there's many members on this great forum who will come up with reasons and exscuses i.e camera angles, it was a dull day,the writers were on strike ect, ect.

    Or perhaps we are not all soulless b*stards that have had all the fun sucked out of us via our arse.

    Maybe some may just give this film a chance before we urinate all over it 8-)
    No Bambi I have not seen the film, correct me if I'm wrong but I just commented on how [let's use Lexi's word] crumpled he looks while onset. How in anyway shape or form does that imply I have seen the film.
    Have I said the film is going to be crap, no I don't think so, another forum member commented that this could be the end scene to which I replied that if this is so I find it depressing as I miss the old endings of Bond getting the girl.
    I like to think I have plenty of fun and soul in me[ I did some pretty mean moves during the Motown melody at the xmas party last saturday] and my parents were married when I popped into the world nearly sixty years ago.
    Lastly Inever use a spell checker as I have slight dyslexia so I like to write things without checking them and if I make mistakes I can see it later and hopefully remember not to do the same mistake again.

    So you are plumbing the depths of name calling ? I expected better from you - perhaps a mature discussion even, but when you are wrong you just resort to name very sad.

    You imply with every post about Craig that he doesn't look the part and that leads one to suspect that you think the film will fail...

    If you are slightly dyslexic (funny how you can spell that word) then you should use a spell checker - that way the spell checker would highlight which words you have spelt wrong and you can learn that way....if you spell words wrong and are dyslexic how would you know which words you have spelt wrong ?:)

    superdaddy wrote:
    Oh and I forgot to add Sir Miles you mentioned arses and sucking, well my friend what you do in the privacy of your home is your business , although I did hear the rumour of the courts imposing a 5 year hoover ban on you.
    Take care.

    And did it really take you 6 hours to come up with this "gag" 8-) What a quick, rapier wit you are !

    And, by your 'response', you obviously have problems reading too.

    And I'd be very careful what you write....what you have written is I'd think very carefully about what you write next.
    YNWA 97
  • zaphodzaphod Posts: 1,183MI6 Agent
    This is all getting a bit out of hand isn't it? I have been deliberately staying away as what I have seen even out of context is worrying indeed, particularly as pre production shots of DC were looking very promising, slightly longer less severe hair, fit and tanned, all good omens.
    Therefore in my view it's not surprising that people have been shocked, those shots are shocking.
    Given that even the level of arrogance that Eon (Babs is clearly the driving force) display even they cannot be ignorant that DC 's disparity between how he looks and the classic Bond appearance. I can only hope that they are deliberately playing fast and loose with expectations.
    I really hope that they pull it off, but whatever they are up to they are playing with fire.

    I think that the strength of reaction is a function of the disappointment that many of us felt with QOS, disappointment that is now publicly shared by DC. The pre production spiel of ' Bond with a capital B' set up expectations and hope, which early shots have undermined. I was really optimistic re 23 and confess that optimism has traded down to hope.

    However name calling is not going to help. I have kept away as debate here at present as this seems like a hostile place for intelligent and amusing debate and exchange of views.
    Let's hope it calms down soon.
  • ExpatJBExpatJB HoustonPosts: 752MI6 Agent
    He is always going to look old compared to the children on here. :))
    Dont wait for your ship to come in. Swim out and meet the bloody thing.
  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    Firstly calling you Bambi was harking back to a previous post whereas I likened you and Blacklieter to the tagteam duo from DAF whenever I comment on Craig your both there on his defence, which is fine and Blacklieter seemed to like it.
    Secondedly 'souless bastard who has the fun sucked out of their arses yes thats really mature.
    Thirdly that you suspect that I want Bond 23 to fail does not make it so.
    Fourthly my daughter has helped me over the years with my spelling and she still does and why judging by my responce do I have problems reading which by the way I think is very personnel and was not said in a jokeing way which is something I have never done to you, and the gag if you see the time of the first post it was early hours of the morning I closed down in order to calm down as for the first time ever on this forume I was angry with a fellow member, so thought best to leave it till the morning and finsh my post with a joke, which by the way is not libelous as it was written in ajoking way and not directed at someone I know or know of.
  • WildeWilde Oxford, UKPosts: 621MI6 Agent
    Harold !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))

    I can't believe that nobody has picked up on this yet. Brilliant! :)) :))
  • zaphodzaphod Posts: 1,183MI6 Agent
    Wilde wrote:
    Harold !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))

    I can't believe that nobody has picked up on this yet. Brilliant! :)) :))

    Brilliant- yes, but in the current climate I saw it but chose not to comment...
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 26,820Chief of Staff
    superdaddy wrote:
    Firstly calling you Bambi was harking back to a previous post whereas I likened you and Blacklieter to the tagteam duo from DAF whenever I comment on Craig your both there on his defence, which is fine and Blacklieter seemed to like it.

    It doesn't bother me as such...just shows a lack of maturity.
    supredaddy wrote:
    Secondedly 'souless bastard who has the fun sucked out of their arses yes thats really mature.

    You continually berate Craig on his appearance, even to a personal have no idea of the context of those photos, and you have every right to comment upon them but EVERY comment is overly negative which gives the impression that you have no confidence in this film at I said...I'm happy to wait for the context brefore being overly critical....

    And I'm happy to see you agree that I'm mature.

    superdaddy wrote:
    Thirdly that you suspect that I want Bond 23 to fail does not make it so.
    Fourthly my daughter has helped me over the years with my spelling and she still does and why judging by my responce do I have problems reading which by the way I think is very personnel and was not said in a jokeing way which is something I have never done to you, and the gag if you see the time of the first post it was early hours of the morning I closed down in order to calm down as for the first time ever on this forume I was angry with a fellow member, so thought best to leave it till the morning and finsh my post with a joke, which by the way is not libelous as it was written in ajoking way and not directed at someone I know or know of.

    You have been personal....claiming the courts have imposed a court order against me - as I said, and as I will repeat, THAT is a libelous comment....and it IS libelous because it is made against an actual person and there is NO evidence of a 'joke' in that comment in any way, shape or form.

    And you seem to think that you are being funny with a comment like that ?:) Really ?:) That type of comment passes as wit in your household does it ?

    I commented that you may have problems reading because you insist on mis-reading what I type...either that or you are being deliberately rude...I can't tell which....
    YNWA 97
  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    How have Imisread your comments, let me see you asked have I already seen the film, clearly being sarcastic which I have no problem with you with that after all it is the lowest form of wit so I kind of expected it from you really what I have a problem with is being called a bastard and you mocking my spelling and now you are starting on about my household and you say I'm being rude.
  • Ens007Ens007 EnglandPosts: 863MI6 Agent
    ExpatJB wrote:
    He is always going to look old compared to the children on here. :))

    Couldn't have put it better myself.

    Perhaps as a relatively new member to this great forum I have no right to say this (& forgive me in advance), but maybe it is time to get the thread back on topic & away from a potential slanging match. Banter & genuine mickey-taking is great - personal insults & so-called 'jokes' that offend are clearly not.

    We might not all agree on everything to do with Bond, but it surely doesn't necessitate puerile & juvenile insults does it, as it's only going to get people's backs up?
  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    Your right so Sir Miles I apologise for my joke.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 26,820Chief of Staff
    superdaddy wrote:
    How have Imisread your comments, let me see you asked have I already seen the film, clearly being sarcastic which I have no problem with you with that after all it is the lowest form of wit so I kind of expected it from you really what I have a problem with is being called a bastard and you mocking my spelling and now you are starting on about my household and you say I'm being rude.

    How was I clearly being sarcastic ? I just asked a question. I didn't call YOU a took that upon yourself, a clear case of you misreading my posts. I didn't mock your spelling at all, I said you didn't use a spell checker. And you need to re-read what you type too, it can be difficult to make sense of your posts. As for abusing your really are clutching at straws try and prop up your rantings.

    I wasn't even posting on this thread until you dragged me into it !

    I suggest we take this to PM's and let this thread try and stay on topic.
    YNWA 97
  • jasper_lamar_crabbjasper_lamar_crabb Posts: 169MI6 Agent
    In the meantime, the Aston Martin is back!
  • agent 00agent 00 Univex Station L Netherlands Posts: 340MI6 Agent
    It's getting better and better -{

    " Sono Topolino, e tu chi saresti? ".
  • MrZarebaMrZareba Krakow, PolandPosts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    What about M using the new VAIO F series? ;D Because of the camera position, I can assume that I will have some work with the new MI6 wallpaper maybe :D:D$.jpg
  • PaperbillPaperbill FloridaPosts: 810MI6 Agent
    Check out this interview with DC...he is looking "weathered" at the end he makes a comment regarding Skyfall that is interesting and great
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,295MI6 Agent

    What does he say about Skyfall?

    (link not working here)
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,889Chief of Staff
    I just watched it. The interviewer (Matt Lauer) asks Craig if the new film is staying "true to the genre," and Craig says something like, "Going beyond it" (not an exact quote). And, to throw this in, when he was first cast I complained a lot about Craig's looks, but I can't anymore. He's a year younger than me, but I'm thinking that at his worst he looks better than me at my best! Graying, getting saggy. . .call it karma! :#
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • zaphodzaphod Posts: 1,183MI6 Agent
    Hardyboy wrote:
    I just watched it. The interviewer (Matt Lauer) asks Craig if the new film is staying "true to the genre," and Craig says something like, "Going beyond it" (not an exact quote). And, to throw this in, when he was first cast I complained a lot about Craig's looks, but I can't anymore. He's a year younger than me, but I'm thinking that at his worst he looks better than me at my best! Graying, getting saggy. . .call it karma! :#

    I don't think it matters if he looks better than you or me, as last time I checked we were not playing BOND.
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,295MI6 Agent
    Wonder what this forum would have been like if the Internet existed back when Connery did Never Say Never Again :)) :)) :))
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • HowardBHowardB USAPosts: 2,751MI6 Agent
    Just watched the interview from the Colbert Show that was posted on MI6 and IMO Craig looks very good...not much different than he did in CR or QOS. I think those spy shots from the "Skyfall" set/location are pretty unflattering. I have a feeling he will look much better in actual footage from the film. In the clip shown from GWDT he looks a bit weathered, but the charactor he is playing is supposed to be older....but still better than those spy shots from "Skyfall".
  • Red IndianRed Indian BostonPosts: 427MI6 Agent
    Thank you for posting the link to that interview. Working so much lately I missed the show.

    Craig is hands-down the coolest, most intelligent, and self-effacing guy to play Bond.

    "Dragon Tattoo" will be HUGE - watch the BO gross and the reviews. He is the only actor to play Bond who has had an immense amount of great work in his back pocket before, during, and more than likely after Bond.

    Fincher is the ONLY director to properly deliver that film- as it should be done. Have you ever read "Fight Club" and seen the film? Perhaps one of the best adaptations of a book to film ever done.

    I liked the original films but honestly they were more like TV movies.

    And BTW he looks great. He's still got many more Bond films ahead of him if it works out that way.

    Watch Colbert's face when he loses the arm-wrestle. Craig is ridiculously strong!
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 21,890MI6 Agent
    Red Indian wrote:

    "Dragon Tattoo" will be HUGE - watch the BO gross and the reviews. He is the only actor to play Bond who has had an immense amount of great work in his back pocket before, during, and more than likely after Bond.

    Fincher is the ONLY director to properly deliver that film- as it should be done. Have you ever read "Fight Club" and seen the film? Perhaps one of the best adaptations of a book to film ever done.

    I liked the original films but honestly they were more like TV movies.

    And BTW he looks great. He's still got many more Bond films ahead of him if it works out that way.

    Actually, the two Swedish sequels were made as TV movies. When they saw how successfull the first one was, they decided to release them to the cinemas.
  • HowardBHowardB USAPosts: 2,751MI6 Agent
    Actually, the two Swedish sequels were made as TV movies. When they saw how successfull the first one was, they decided to release them to the cinemas.
    That's interesting, I always thought it odd that the first film in the trilogy was in cinemascope ratio of 2.35 to 1 and the two sequels 1.85 to 1. That explains it.
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