Trying to find version of a view to a kill

Andrew739Andrew739 Posts: 1MI6 Agent

I am trying to find a version of the main theme of "A view to a kill" that I listened to ages ago.
I think it may have been on a movie compilation cd possibly with a song called Timewarp (the Damien version, not the official rocky horror one).
The instrumental bit between "face to face in secret places, feel the chill" and "nightfall covers me" uses a lot of what maybe referred to as an a "orchestrial hit" sound on a synth keyboard.

Hope someone can direct me to where I can find this.



  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 36,614Chief of Staff
    Hi Andrew. There have been a lot of instrumental covers of the Bond tunes, including this one. Could you give a bit more info?
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