Bond @ London's Hideaway featuring David McAlmont - 6/7/8 Dec 2018

PoorMansJBPoorMansJB USAPosts: 1,202MI6 Agent
Hear jazz arrangements of Bond tunes as performed by Natasha Watts and David McAlmont (who, of course, collaborated with David Arnold on the fantastic 1997 DAF cover).

Shows Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 6-8 December 2018 at The Hideaway in London's Streatham district.

For more details or to order tickets:


  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,401Chief of Staff
    PoorMansJB wrote:
    Shows Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 6-8 November 2018 at The Hideaway in London's Streatham district.

    I’ll try and dig out my TARDIS ;%
    YNWA 97
  • PoorMansJBPoorMansJB USAPosts: 1,202MI6 Agent
    Whoops. Corrected.
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