Golden Eye

DovyDovy Posts: 206MI6 Agent

I have only just started watching this first Brosnan Bond film, but I glanced at a few minutes of Die Another Day. It's not only amazing how Bond survives a year or more in a North Korean prison with anything approximating mental and physical health, but how he ends up in a Hong Kong hotel with all those new clothes, taking a shave in his hotel room and looking as clean and healthy as ever!! But I will go on about Golden Eye as soon as finish it first.


  • DovyDovy Posts: 206MI6 Agent

    OK, here is my take on Golden Eye. First we see Bond and Natalia in Russia, and then suddenly and conveniently they are all cleaned up driving along in Cuba, with no interim connection getting them there. We then don't even get any idea how they and Boris and 006 could be doing everything they do in total isolation, no Cuban army, nothing. How was the whole edifice set up in Cuba? No intelligence of the Russians, Americans or anyone else. And there was Wade, setting everything up and ending up at the end just in time.

    I was pretty disappointed in the whole film. It is basically a reworking of previous themes and scenarios going all the way back to Dr. No, stitching together scenes, and filling up time with what can be described as video-game style gruesome violence, with the meaningless role of super woman maniac Xenia. One super violent scene after the other, overwhelming the underlying storyline, which I still don't really understand at all. As a matter of fact I didn't understand really anything going on for the first 45 minutes or so. I remember the good old days when a storyline had a beginning, middle and and end that you could follow.

    We don't even get a good idea of exactly how Trevelyan managed to get away with only a scar on his cheek when the gun that shot him also killed everybody else.

    I guess this is the new type of James Bond that the creators thought would be appealing in the 1990s and beyond.

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 36,618Chief of Staff

    Dovy, there are threads debating how Trevalyan survived being shot by Ouromov - check them out using the Search function above.

    For me, the weakest point is Eric Serra's music and again there are threads discussing that.

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