Everything Or Nothing Music coming!

MrXman85MrXman85 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
edited March 2004 in James Bond Gaming
hello, I am in the process of putting together an unoffical soundtrack to the game. All 3 versions of Everthing Or Nothing Theme will be on it and of course the infamous 'James Bond Theme' as well. And the rest of the music will be from the levels. I already have 2 songs ripped, The James Bond Theme and Everything Or Nothing. I don't know if i can post a link to it I when im finished but does anyone know of ftp server software that i can get that lets me host the stuff myself????? Anyway I'll be getting it done by the middle of next week but I won't be able to post it for another week and a half.

Your email address and request has been removed due to this beiong highly illegal.


  • KissKissBangBangKissKissBangBang Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    Excellent! I like the theme song, and the music was great.
  • scaramanga1scaramanga1 The English RivieraPosts: 845Chief of Staff
    edited March 2004
    Please note - that even though such a soundtrack is desirable. What you are proposing is a form of piracy, and as a consequence the site can not condone such action for legal reasons.

    Therefore when your personal project has finished, please do not post a link to the final product on these boards, as it will be removed automatically.

  • KissKissBangBangKissKissBangBang Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    Excuse me, but how is this piracy? If they were selling the soundtrack somewhere, people who wanted the music would buy it. And I doubt he's trying to sell it to us. I don't know about you, but I can't lug my PS2 about with me when I want to listen to it.

    I can imagine that if he were trying to sell it, it'd be bad and wrong, but considering this piracy is a tad rediculous. Just a tad.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,886Chief of Staff
    KissKissBangBang, you must not be following the news. . .there was a big federal crackdown on Napster and other sites/individuals who download music from the Net--whether it's done for free or for pay. What's more, any music on the EoN game is likely to be owned by MGM, and in the past they've been notoriously touchy about our using ANYTHING that belongs to them. . .which is why we can't allow people to post MGM images here. I know it's a pain, but we want to keep AJB up and running, so there's no sense in angering The Powers That Be.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • PredatorPredator Posts: 790Chief of Staff
    Does the games actually have a soundtrack CD available? If not, perhaps you could post on the EA board specific to EoN ... in my experience a lot of the EA developers and marketers read the EA boards ... if you get enough interest, they are likely to do something for the fans (in the same way as there is going to be a Battlefield Vietnam CD released alongside the game). Despite their huge size as a developer, in my experience they do listen to the fans ...
  • KissKissBangBangKissKissBangBang Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    Actually, Hardyboy. I've been following the news. However, this is a different case. The music is not available for purchase, so who would be losing money over it?
  • scaramanga1scaramanga1 The English RivieraPosts: 845Chief of Staff
    Quoting KissKissBangBang:
    Actually, Hardyboy. I've been following the news. However, this is a different case. The music is not available for purchase, so who would be losing money over it?

    Actually you will find that the music will be copyrighted somewhere, and as it is meant to be part of the game and not made available seperately - such downloading will still be an infringement of that copyright. Whether the music belongs to the writers, EA, or even MGM -doesn't matter. The music is meant to be only available in the said format -so distributing it in different formats is still piracy of sorts, because if it is distributed even for free without the consent of the copyright holders -you as a person owning that item can leave your self open to prosecution.

    Obviously we at AJB do not want to get involved in any kind of legal wranglings, and therefore try to protect and inform our members to the best of our ability with sound advice, that hopefully stops people from ripping off an artists hard work.

    As for money -ok it may be distributed for free -but if everyone gets free versions of things, the original artists will not earn the just rewards of their hard work. The whole ethos of working hard to produce quality would dissappear. Hence the whole reason for copyright laws. They protect the artist and his/her work so that they can carry on being creative. MGM like to clamp down so as to protect their assets -and because of that they have been able to continue to be creative with the longest running film franchise for over 40 years. Nuff said. :)
  • KissKissBangBangKissKissBangBang Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    You say the authors will not get rewarded for their hard work, but the reward level won't fluxuate at all, because the music isn't available for sale anywhere. So there's no real reason for them to be upset.

    However, I suppose you're right about the copyright infringement. But that's not a quarrel I have with you, or with EON, but with the copyright itself. I mean, If it's not available for sale, then what's the harm?

    At any rate, would it be 'highly illegal' for him to post instructions for me to get the music from the Game CD which I purchased in a way similair to the way he got his? I mean, I paid for the bloody thing.
  • scaramanga1scaramanga1 The English RivieraPosts: 845Chief of Staff
    Hmm, I think really it is a discussion that PM's are made for. I too would be interested -but as I say you have to be careful -due to legalities. As for payment the artists get their percentage from the sales of the game. But what about those people out there that don't want the game -but just want the music? They talk to someone who has done what is proposed -and they run a copy off or whatever -and lo and behold a chain begins where people can get hold of second generation copies, third generation copies and so on -without ever having bought the original game. This is where the artists lose out. So yes you as a gameowner are not actually didling the artist out of their cash -but what about if someone has a copy of the music from you and they don't own the game? The chain of piracy begins to evolve, and therefore you are directly involved in didling the artist.

    So please continue actual details about the process privately -that way what we as moderators don't know -won't hurt us -and cause us to react in a way that will mean closing the topic.
  • SniperSniper Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    I'm gonna do it too, but only for personal use. ;)
  • LPBONDLPBOND Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    I thought the theme song for EoN was really great.'Nearly Civilized" for Nightfire was good but Everything or Nothing blew it out of the water!!!
  • MrXman85MrXman85 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    there was a bonus DVD that came with EVERYTHING OR NOTHING if you preordered it and that contains the music from the game
    I hope It does have a soundtrack coming out cuz my sis loves the music video by Mya and she would kill for the soundtrack, so If its out there its as good as bought in my view
  • agent007jbagent007jb Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    I already ripped that dvd for my own use. I hated how it was so hard to just wanna listen to the music.
  • nicknaknicknak Posts: 6MI6 Agent
    so is it illegal or what...im interested in obtaining the music...but not enough to get busted in some way.
  • xboxsterxboxster Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    Quoting nicknak:
    so is it illegal or what...im interested in obtaining the music...but not enough to get busted in some way.
    youre not the only one

    ive been looking for months on how to get this music (there was a promo cd at E3 i think)

    i tried to look on ebay and amazon with no luck
  • mrgrizzlymrgrizzly Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    Can I recommend that you post a "how to" for getting the music off the XBOX/PS2 disc so the people can use it for their own personal use. THAT is not illegal. Since you paid for the game, the use of that game and it's content is licensed to you for personal use. So you can rip music off YOUR disc for YOUR use, just don't give it to anyone else.
  • nicknaknicknak Posts: 6MI6 Agent
    yeah thas good idea too. im interested in whatever works
  • Bond4017Bond4017 Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    hey, i was just wondering if you guys could tell me how u ripped the music that u did. i have the game and love the music but im not the best with the whole ripping music and stuff. or if u could send me a link to ur finished product if u have it done then that would be awesome. if they dont let u post it here then i can give u my email.
  • hegottheboothegottheboot USAPosts: 327MI6 Agent
    mrgrizzly wrote:
    Can I recommend that you post a "how to" for getting the music off the XBOX/PS2 disc so the people can use it for their own personal use. THAT is not illegal. Since you paid for the game, the use of that game and it's content is licensed to you for personal use. So you can rip music off YOUR disc for YOUR use, just don't give it to anyone else.
    Is there a way to do that? Would love to do this for my PS2 Bonds.
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