TND for Playstation

scottmu65scottmu65 Carlisle, Cumbria, UKPosts: 402MI6 Agent
OK Im realy confused, i just came across a website with a short review featuring screenshots of TND on Playstation, but the description that this guy gives about the game is completely different to the game ive been playing, first off the article says that in the game there is a level where bond scuba dives, and that it is a first person shooter, also there are screenshots of the scuba level and a screenshot where the game is shown to be in first person view! also there is a completly different driving level!

here is the link:

is this perhaps the american version of the game he is describing? because i am playing the PAL version and it is nowhere near as good as this one sounds!!

please help me! :S - Please support our community.


  • i expect u2 diei expect u2 die LondonPosts: 583MI6 Agent
    That is perculiar - I was never aware of TND being an FPS in any shape or form. I have only ever known the (awful) 3rd-person game for the PS1, and I recal no scuba diving mission.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    It is probably a fake. However, the scuba missions, while not in the real game that we've all played, were apparently going to be included at one point, since on the VHS for on of the movies, Q advertises for the game and it has pics of scuba diving and driving the Z3, like some of the pics here. I believe that was all taken out, though.
  • scottmu65scottmu65 Carlisle, Cumbria, UKPosts: 402MI6 Agent
    It is probably a fake. However, the scuba missions, while not in the real game that we've all played, were apparently going to be included at one point, since on the VHS for on of the movies, Q advertises for the game and it has pics of scuba diving and driving the Z3, like some of the pics here. I believe that was all taken out, though.

    i dont think they are fakes, i have seen other screens of first person views within TND, im very confused, because im now seeing all these images etc. and im trying to figure out why th developers never included any of this stuff in the end, it would have made the game alot beter - Please support our community.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    It was proably first going to be an FPS, but they changed their minds half way through.
  • RogermooreseyebrowsRogermooreseyebrows Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    dreadful, dreadful game....

    what a waste of £1.50 :'(

    don't get me started on 007 racing! X-(
  • Royale KingRoyale King Posts: 37MI6 Agent
    what are you talking about :p TND is a classic. no it isn't the beast bond game ever but it has elements of action and class
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    dreadful, dreadful game....

    what a waste of £1.50 :'(

    don't get me started on 007 racing! X-(

    I liked TND, but I will agree that 007 Racing is the all time worst game I have ever played.
  • chavster1234chavster1234 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    i thought tht was from the twine game on ps1
  • RogermooreseyebrowsRogermooreseyebrows Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    It was a woeful attempt at a James Bond game!

    Not even a multi-player :)):)):)):)):))

    I was fuming at the time of release it was a joke compared to something released AFTER Goldeneye :))
  • JohmssJohmss Posts: 274MI6 Agent
    TMD isn´t the greates bond game of the history mainly for two reasons:
    1- It really isn´t that great)thought i play it and i finished, for me, back then was a good option por PSX (i can´t remember oters TPS at the same time)
    2- Isn´t Goldeneye 007.

    but i really like the game music, (i think is one of the best game soundtrack and always wanteded to have the game soundtrack)

    TWINE on PSX doesn´t have the graphics of Goldeneye 007, but N64 is way better than a PSX, even that, N64´s TWINE seems to be better than its PSX counterpart (of coouse the multyplayes has something to do)
  • evilhenchmanevilhenchman U.S.Posts: 41MI6 Agent
    The reason this website's TND game is different is because its a cut and paste job with Photoshop. You can even see a Tomb Raider-ish ancient ruin background in the diving screenshot!
    Think about it, a website talking about an upcoming game even after the PlayStation is discontinued. It says it will tell you about any updates, so if this sequal was released it would have told us about it. Also, I looked up this Black Ops. game design company and it dosent even exist. Also, if this were a sequal to TND why not just make an original game altogether! The website is supposed to be an official site of some kind but ti was made on geocities! You've been tricked, don't buy into this garbage/rubbish!
  • scottmu65scottmu65 Carlisle, Cumbria, UKPosts: 402MI6 Agent
    i dont recall ever calling the website official, and where does it say that it is a sequel? and its not just this website were i have seen images like this, ive even came across hem in gamer magazines, i think playstation max may have been one of them, im starting to think there was maybe a BETA version of the game which featured the swimming and FPS levels etc.

    oh and TND is a really great little game, its crappiness makes it stronger! lets just enjoy the crap! - Please support our community.
  • scottmu65scottmu65 Carlisle, Cumbria, UKPosts: 402MI6 Agent
    The reason this website's TND game is different is because its a cut and paste job with Photoshop. You can even see a Tomb Raider-ish ancient ruin background in the diving screenshot!
    Think about it, a website talking about an upcoming game even after the PlayStation is discontinued. It says it will tell you about any updates, so if this sequal was released it would have told us about it. Also, I looked up this Black Ops. game design company and it dosent even exist. Also, if this were a sequal to TND why not just make an original game altogether! The website is supposed to be an official site of some kind but ti was made on geocities! You've been tricked, don't buy into this garbage/rubbish!

    it isnt a cut and paste job as i said before, it isnt just that website, ive seen them in magazines such as Playstation Max. have you ever actually played TND? and you are saying that the website is rubbish because it is talking about an upcoming game even after the PSX discontinued, did it ever cross your mind that maybe this site was created before the release of TND and before the PSX was discontinued? I think not! Oh and where the hell did you get the idea that the site was official, heres the official TND Game site link:

    And you dont beleive black ops existed? of course it did, you say you searched for it and couldnt find any trace of it, try google its ruddy amazing! one search and, wait a minute, whats this:

  • evilhenchmanevilhenchman U.S.Posts: 41MI6 Agent
    well I guess I owe you guy's an apology. Ionly did one google search on Black ops. But what about this Elijah Carver buisness.
  • scottmu65scottmu65 Carlisle, Cumbria, UKPosts: 402MI6 Agent
    not a problem buddy, i apologise if i sounded a little sarcastic in that last post
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  • Nicolas SuszczykNicolas Suszczyk Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 23MI6 Agent
    Guys, the game was about to be released as a FPS following on the film's plot, with Elijah Carver etc. etc, and scuba diving missions, and set to be released for Playstation and PC. For unknown reasons, the game was delayed and thein they've decided to stick to the film's plot in the form of a third person shooter as we know it.
    Nicolás Suszczyk
    Visit my site THE GOLDENEYE DOSSIER (
  • JuliusNoJuliusNo Posts: 16MI6 Agent
    Just got this on PSX, never played it before so going to give it a go.
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,722MI6 Agent
    Was this game any good - did it add any more details from those in the film version of TND, for example? I remember briefly playing this game once at someone else's house a long number of years ago. I've read that the third person controls made the game rather hard to play and that following GE on the N64 this TND game on the Playstation was something of a flop. Anyone care to comment on this one?
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • scottmu65scottmu65 Carlisle, Cumbria, UKPosts: 402MI6 Agent
    Was this game any good - did it add any more details from those in the film version of TND, for example? I remember briefly playing this game once at someone else's house a long number of years ago. I've read that the third person controls made the game rather hard to play and that following GE on the N64 this TND game on the Playstation was something of a flop. Anyone care to comment on this one?

    It was universally panned but I actually enjoyed it somewhat, even for the time it was released the graphics were terrible and it was glitchy as hell but alot of the glitches were very funny too, but overall I enjoyed playing it, and if I still owned a playstation and this game I would probably enjoy it today, if only for the nostalgia, the soundtrack was awesome too! Looking back the game got too much of a hard time, the game was just harmless fun. - Please support our community.
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,722MI6 Agent
    scottmu65 wrote:
    Was this game any good - did it add any more details from those in the film version of TND, for example? I remember briefly playing this game once at someone else's house a long number of years ago. I've read that the third person controls made the game rather hard to play and that following GE on the N64 this TND game on the Playstation was something of a flop. Anyone care to comment on this one?

    It was universally panned but I actually enjoyed it somewhat, even for the time it was released the graphics were terrible and it was glitchy as hell but alot of the glitches were very funny too, but overall I enjoyed playing it, and if I still owned a playstation and this game I would probably enjoy it today, if only for the nostalgia, the soundtrack was awesome too! Looking back the game got too much of a hard time, the game was just harmless fun.

    Yes, I've heard it said that the controls were very difficult to work for the TND game. I'd love to get all of these older games and a console. Maybe some day... -{
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
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