Next Bond Game Ideas

AlecBoy006AlecBoy006 Posts: 26MI6 Agent
Both the movie and game of FRWL were hits in my book. So, let us think of a good Bond game based on a movie. I'd love to see Timothy Dalton in a Bond game, but he seems to have washed his hands with the franchise. Brozzy has already done a voice with EON though I never played it. GE, TND, and TWINE are already games. Who in their sick mind wants Die Another Day as a game? Now that Sir Sean, and Brosnan have done it. Let's turn our focus to George Lazenby and Roger Moore. Bill Clinton once said "You can't love your country but hate your government." I feel the same way about George Lazenby. Many people love OHMSS, but don't like Lazenby. I like both the movie and the Bond. Lazenby is #5, but this is because he only was in one film, not because I hated him. I'd love to see him do OHMSS. Do NOT have Diana Rigg do Tracy as she and Lazenby were bad off set. As for Roger Moore. I would like to see a For Your Eyes Only game. This is #2 in my book. Plus most people who played in the movie are still alive. Therefore, why not get the voices back. I'd love a FYEO game. You?


  • Hunter HarryHunter Harry Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    The developer should just pay off Dalton enough to VO. The Living Daylights and Licence To Kill would both make excellent games. I don't know about Dalton washing his hands of the series, didn't he show up at the Die Another Day premire? Dalton is about 60 now, his voice should still be intact. Other than that, The Spy Who Loved Me, Octopussy or A View To A Kill would be good.
  • nokomnokom Posts: 26MI6 Agent
    This may sound a bit wierd. We all liked battlefield 2. Why not have it somewhat like bf2 but using bond teams. Like the mec could now be spectre and the allies could now be mi6. I think this would be neat.
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    nokom wrote:
    This may sound a bit wierd. We all liked battlefield 2. Why not have it somewhat like bf2 but using bond teams. Like the mec could now be spectre and the allies could now be mi6. I think this would be neat.

    Well, that would be a cool idea for multiplayer, but I think that that wouldn't work for single player. I am hoping to see an excellent entry into the series and I wish to see the games get back on their feet.
  • nokomnokom Posts: 26MI6 Agent
    He could have single player things too. Like on single player you are bond and you have to fight battles with spectre and it could have a story and all that good stuff.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    But... that isn't Bond like at all. You already have Battlefield, why do you need a Bond knockoff when it has nothing to do with Bond?
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    This would probably be a little hard to pull off but a GTA style Bond game might be fun as well as something of a change of pace. Imagine having several levels in full size cities, objectives that require you to hop around each city, and the complete freedom to get from one location to another using whatever method you desire (land, sea, air, on foot). Now that could lead to some innovative and open-ended gameplay.

    Another idea I'd like to see attempted is an online multiplayer game where traditional modes (deathmatch, capture the flag, etc.) could be adapted to the Bond universe. You could have several factions (MI6, Spectre, etc.) and some pretty wild team based action.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Tony, I've been wanting a GTA esque Bond game forever. Somewhere I had a detailed post about it... lemme see if I can find it...
  • Andy A 007Andy A 007 Posts: 199MI6 Agent
    Nothing would please me more than a Timothy Dalton game, preferably LTK, my fav Bond film. As for Dalton washing his hands of the series, I think he would do it if the salary was high enough, seeing how his career hasn't been exactly flourishing in the last ten years.
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    No it has not! Ha HA! I'd like to see a Roger game now that Pierce and Sean have made their VG debuts respectively or even OHMSS. But I opt for Roger, FYEO/AVTAK and MR would make a great video game.
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    No offence JFF, but I would like to see none of thos as a Bond game...however, I think that TSWLM woudl be perfect...
  • 00Goldeneye00Goldeneye Posts: 32MI6 Agent
    I'd Like To see a FYEO game, that's one game that hasn't made and/or forgotten.
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    0064 wrote:
    No offence JFF, but I would like to see none of thos as a Bond game...however, I think that TSWLM woudl be perfect...

    Well, MR's not my favorite movie but wouldn't it make a great video game? TSWLM would be good as well.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    My son has said countless times over his brief years that Eon should make a Bond game where the gamer can choose the Bond they want to play with for the duration. Y'know, pick them at the beginning of the ride and go for it.

    He said that since each actor brought his own specific style to the role, it could play out differently with each time you replay levels. Y'know, sort of effecting the outcomes? I thought that was a good suggestion.

    Will it ever happen? I highly doubt it.

    That being said, I still reiterate that Moore should voice an OCTOPUSSY game.
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    My son has said countless times over his brief years that Eon should make a Bond game where the gamer can choose the Bond they want to play with for the duration. Y'know, pick them at the beginning of the ride and go for it.

    He said that since each actor brought his own specific style to the role, it could play out differently with each time you replay levels. Y'know, sort of effecting the outcomes? I thought that was a good suggestion.

    Will it ever happen? I highly doubt it.

    That being said, I still reiterate that Moore should voice an OCTOPUSSY game.

    Wow, rogue, that is a really cool and good idea. I think that that would make for a very exciting bond game as we could then have discussions about who was the best Bond to play and it would add to the forum's discussions.
  • AlecBoy006AlecBoy006 Posts: 26MI6 Agent
    0064 wrote:
    No offence JFF, but I would like to see none of thos as a Bond game...however, I think that TSWLM woudl be perfect...

    Well, MR's not my favorite movie but wouldn't it make a great video game? TSWLM would be good as well.

    Why deal with a MR game when you can see Aztec in the GE game?
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    0064 wrote:
    RogueAgent wrote:
    My son has said countless times over his brief years that Eon should make a Bond game where the gamer can choose the Bond they want to play with for the duration. Y'know, pick them at the beginning of the ride and go for it.

    He said that since each actor brought his own specific style to the role, it could play out differently with each time you replay levels. Y'know, sort of effecting the outcomes? I thought that was a good suggestion.

    Will it ever happen? I highly doubt it.

    That being said, I still reiterate that Moore should voice an OCTOPUSSY game.

    Wow, rogue, that is a really cool and good idea. I think that that would make for a very exciting bond game as we could then have discussions about who was the best Bond to play and it would add to the forum's discussions.

    Thanks but my kid deserves that credit. I never really thought about it.

    You'd have to think that the gameplay for something like that would be moderately high...
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Damn, I really wish I could find this old post I made. I also commented on the different Bond choice, which is a great idea. I took it one step further though, to Q, M, and car. Also, Moneypenny.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Damn, I really wish I could find this old post I made. I also commented on the different Bond choice, which is a great idea. I took it one step further though, to Q, M, and car. Also, Moneypenny.

    As long as you don't have AVTAK Lois Maxwell, I'm all for it. She lost her beauty after OHMSS IMO... She's very hot in FRWL.
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    She, in my opinion, was going downhill during OHMSS.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    She, in my opinion, was going downhill during OHMSS.

    Meh...still very doable at that time IMO...
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited August 2006
    RogueAgent wrote:
    My son has said countless times over his brief years that Eon should make a Bond game where the gamer can choose the Bond they want to play with for the duration. Y'know, pick them at the beginning of the ride and go for it.

    He said that since each actor brought his own specific style to the role, it could play out differently with each time you replay levels. Y'know, sort of effecting the outcomes? I thought that was a good suggestion.

    I'd very much like the option to play as any of the movie Bonds--especially in a free-roaming GTA type of world.However,I'd like to take the idea one step further and also have the opportunity to play as Larry Horak's dynamic and expressionistic version of 007 from the James Bond comic strip in a three dimensional form within a complete world depicted entirely in that particular style.

    Additionally,I'd also like to have the option to literally create the James Bond,M,Moneypenny,etc., of my choice by selecting heads and individual facial features--plus picking the bodies,clothing,etc,ala the Sims but with a considerably greater range of possibilities available.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    My son has said countless times over his brief years that Eon should make a Bond game where the gamer can choose the Bond they want to play with for the duration. Y'know, pick them at the beginning of the ride and go for it.

    He said that since each actor brought his own specific style to the role, it could play out differently with each time you replay levels. Y'know, sort of effecting the outcomes? I thought that was a good suggestion.

    I'd very much like the option to play as any of the movie Bonds--especially in a free-roaming GTA type of world.However,I'd like to take the idea one step further and also have the opportunity to play as Larry Horak's dynamic and expressionistic version of 007 from the James Bond comic strip in a three dimensional form within a a complete world depicted entirely in that particular style.

    Additionally,I'd also like to have the option to literally create the James Bond,M,Moneypenny,etc., of my choice by selecting heads and individual facial features--plus picking the bodies,clothing,etc,ala the Sims but with a considerably greater range of possibilities available.

    I think that I could go for that. Of course all of these suggestions could run the units north of what the regularly priced game is now. But if it lives up to its possibilities, I'd fork over extra... ;)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited August 2006
    RogueAgent wrote:
    RogueAgent wrote:
    My son has said countless times over his brief years that Eon should make a Bond game where the gamer can choose the Bond they want to play with for the duration. Y'know, pick them at the beginning of the ride and go for it.

    He said that since each actor brought his own specific style to the role, it could play out differently with each time you replay levels. Y'know, sort of effecting the outcomes? I thought that was a good suggestion.

    I'd very much like the option to play as any of the movie Bonds--especially in a free-roaming GTA type of world.However,I'd like to take the idea one step further and also have the opportunity to play as Larry Horak's dynamic and expressionistic version of 007 from the James Bond comic strip in a three dimensional form within a complete world depicted entirely in that particular style.

    Additionally,I'd also like to have the option to literally create the James Bond,M,Moneypenny,etc., of my choice by selecting heads and individual facial features--plus picking the bodies,clothing,etc,ala the Sims but with a considerably greater range of possibilities available.

    I think that I could go for that. Of course all of these suggestions could run the units north of what the regularly priced game is now. But if it lives up to its possibilities, I'd fork over extra... ;)

    So would I and individual contracts and licensing fees would very likely make a single game featuring exact images of all the various James Bond actors an impossiblity.

    However,there's nothing to stop a company from offering the same amount of images of 007s who look similar but not identical to the actors in question.

    I'm thinking of EA's version of James Bond in the earlist portion of GoldenEye:Rogue Agent.That 007 looks very much like Timothy Dalton without being his identical twin.Do it that way--and give these 007s different voices from the actor's own,like the one Maxwell Caulfield provides for Brosnan's 007 in NightFire.I can live with that--I don't demand an exact representation of any of the actors in order to enjoy these games.Approximations are enough.

    PLaying a game utilizing the comic strip images(in 3D animation) probably wouldn't cost as much as a game with one of the film actor's involvement, but it might be more creative and even challenging.Anyway,I'd like to see such a game,even it's too esoteric an idea for a marketplace that seems to only want to relive motion pictures.

    And I'd like all of these various Bond games to come with a choice of at least 5 different plots(ala' the PC game Outlaws).

    Additionally,I'd much rather see all of the Bond games use original stories than just rehash familiar movies--which by their very nature would immediately limit the extent of the gameplay even with a few additional levels created exclusively for the game.

    Finally, I'd definitely like to at least have individual Bond games featuring the images and talents of Timothy Dalton and Sir Roger Moore.I'll bet George Lazenby would be happy to participate as well.
  • steelydan3steelydan3 Posts: 65MI6 Agent
    Maxwell Caulfield's voice in Nighfire, is it as bad in the game as it was in the Nightfire trailer? He was trying to do a 'Sean' and I didn't really like it. I don't think it worked, I'd like a Bond style voice instead of an impersonation, when you can tell the actor is impersonating a Bond.
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited August 2006
    steelydan3 wrote:
    Maxwell Caulfield's voice in Nighfire, is it as bad in the game as it was in the Nightfire trailer? He was trying to do a 'Sean' and I didn't really like it. I don't think it worked, I'd like a Bond style voice instead of an impersonation, when you can tell the actor is impersonating a Bond.

    I haven't seen the trailer but I think Caulfield's voice works very well within the context of the game.Like Connery,Caulfield is also Scottish so I'm not entirely sure he was attempting to imitate Sir Sean.:)

    One voice I do dislike is Jason Carter's voice with it's working class English accent for Bond's speaking voice in 007's brief on screen sequence in GE:RA.It's not terrible or anything but I think it's inappropriate for 007.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    One voice I do dislike is Jason Carter's voice with it's working class English accent for Bond's speaking voice in 007's brief on screen sequence in GE:RA.It's not terrible or anything but I think it's inappropriate for 007.

    You mean sort of Michael Caine Cockney?
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited September 2006
    RogueAgent wrote:
    One voice I do dislike is Jason Carter's voice with it's working class English accent for Bond's speaking voice in 007's brief on screen sequence in GE:RA.It's not terrible or anything but I think it's inappropriate for 007.

    You mean sort of Michael Caine Cockney?

    Well,it's only personal opinion of course,but Jason Carter sounds more like Clive Owen than Michael Caine to me.Carter sounds like he could benefit from a few brief elocution lessons--there are certain vowels he seems to be struggling with.It's a regional sound and probably very much middle to upper-middle class.There's really nothing WRONG with it.However,it's not as refined as it could be and that jumped out at me.
  • JohmssJohmss Posts: 274MI6 Agent
    I think chossing your Bond is a great idea, but is kinda hard...
    You´ll see, when Rare made Goldeneye 007, for N64, they want to put all Bonds, in fact, there is a early viedo of multiplayer in which you can clearly see Connery Bond in the Goldfinger white tux (and the red rose) but they had a problem whit Timothy Daltond, so, the idea went down...
    (some says that that characteres are sligthly modified in Perfect Dark (i´m not sure)

    Activision will have a Bond 22 game, but we´re clueless if it will be a FPS (tot Goldeneye 007 - can´t be redone) or a Third Person Shooter.
    A GTA game... now everything want to be GTA... maybe a Casino minigame. a shooting range, but aren´t lots of options.
  • Son Of BarbelSon Of Barbel Posts: 227MI6 Agent
    The Finger On The Trigger

    004 is sent to Fiji to investigate an illegal arms cartel. While there he takes an overdose of barbiturates seemingly suicide. Bond is sent to investigate. Whilst in 004's hotel room Bond is atacked by the deadly Christopher Wolf. And is taken to Corporal Whitaker,Brad's son,. From then Bond must make his escape.
  • Pierce Brosnan335Pierce Brosnan335 Posts: 46MI6 Agent
    Id personally like to see Danial Craig as bond in next game im sick of all the other older bonds in videogames there awesome but give Danial a shot
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