Quantum of Solace The Game



  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Have worked my way to the final level, which I should conquer this weekend. One of the things I like about this game is you have to take your time in the fire fights, you can't run toward the vilians and blast them, taking cover is important.
    The game also has some cool weapons, in the Venice level I used the TND 16 ARO Scope which was really cool.

    On the downside, the game is really just one long fire fight in different location, warehouses, barges, trains, etc. The locations are interesting, but exhibiting some other skill, like driving, would have been cool, and a little change from the constant gun battles.

    I also think the comments that the single player is very short is not true. I don't keep track, but playing at the second level I am sure I have spent at least 10 hours playing. My son playing at the easy level spent about 8 or 9 hours playing, so I think their is some single player value.

    One additional small criticism, previous Bond games have worked in some curvacious ladies, but much like the Craig films, this game is lacking in any female talent.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Beat the game this morning, the last two levels have some very intense fire fights. Had a very annoying thing happen to me. Right at the end of the next to last level, to escape the falling building Vesper is in, you have to leap onto a temporary bridge that you drop down between two parts of the building. I missed the leap and died, but everytime the game restarted I was at the same part of having missed the leap so I would die instantly with no hope of saving it. So I had to restart the level. X-( What made it even more annoying was I had a hard time with one of the gun battles in the courtyard. First time I went right through it, second time took me about ten times.

    Anyway, games was good and I did enjoy it, but a little variance from the constant gun battles would be good.
  • jamsieboy86jamsieboy86 Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    Just bought the game today on PS3. Played it for about three hours. Really enjoying it I was, til I found out I've only 3 levels left. I hadn't read any reviews, wasn't aware the game was so short.

    Nonetheless its quite a good game, the presentation is really good, menus and intro videos are all visually pleasing. Love the bond theme playing when the action is heating up, nice touch I feel. Look forward to clearing it tomorrow.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    edited January 2009
    Just finished QoS for the Xbox 360. I played it on easy the first time thru and actually beat it in one day, probably taking about 5 hours in total. I'll have to try it at a higher difficulty at some point.

    I thought it was a fun game hampered by some very noticeable shortcomings. The storyline was very disjointed and hard to follow; I think they would have been better off presenting the levels chronologically rather than flashing back to CR right in the middle of the QoS adventure. The rendered cinematics were also sub-par with some really ugly character models and pretty uninspired readings of the lines. Since so much of the dialog was verbatim from the movies they would have been better off just looping it from the films. The game was almost 100% gunplay, so a lot of the setpieces from the films such as the PTS and plane chase from QoS were presented as cinematics or reduced to a blip on an overhead map. It really highlighted the fact that the game could have used a couple of vehicle levels and maybe a gadget or two here and there. The God of War style quicktime action sequences were competent but I would have preferred some implementation of actual melee combat rather than just timed button presses.

    Overall a decent game and an improvement over EA's last couple of efforts, but hardly a masterpiece and certainly not the best the series has seen. Everything or Nothing still gets my vote for best overall Bond game.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Was looking forward to your review Tony, 5 hours on easy level huh. Well I played at agent level, one up from easy, and it took me probably 10 hours total. I had trouble getting through the courtyard level and a little trouble in the last level, had to kill a whole lot of guys. I agree about the story, I stopped trying to follow the story and just played each level as it was presented.

    I also agree that Everything or Nothing is the best Bond game.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    edited January 2009
    I'd been playing Fallout 3 for the past few weeks and that was such a deep and intricate game that I wanted something a little lighter, so I decided to go on easy. I had trouble in a few spots as well as the game didn't always make your next objective clear. Even on easy, there were a lot of enemies in that final level and I had to play a few sections more than once. I also wasn't nearly as thorough as I usually am in exploring the levels to find all the hidden stuff (like the cell phones). I'm sure upping the difficulty and playing it more methodically would lengthen the experience for me as well. I also experienced a few glitches here and there like doors not opening after I cleared the room.

    I liked the game more than I thought I would (which mirrors my experience with QoS the film) but yes, it is a flawed game in some ways and strikes me as having been a little rushed, which actually isn't all that surprising. I recently read an interview with an Activision exec where he talked about the company's direction going forward and why they had dropped several promising games like Ghostbusters. He just kept throwing out marketing terms like preferred 12 month development cycles for their games, title viability and marketable franchises. It was kind of disheartening since he talked about everything but a game's quality and in seeing the finished product I can see some of those principles already in place with the QoS game.

    QoS didn't sell nearly as well as Activision had hoped and I wonder how its performance will impact the Bond license's future franchise viability, to use one of his own terms.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    I finished a second playthru on Field Operative last night. I went more slowly this time so as to find more of the hidden items like all the cell phones and that made for a longer campaign - probably around 8 hours total.

    I still need to unlock a few achievements like shooting all the satellite dishes in Siena and getting to the casino without killing anyone. Once I've done that, I think I'll have seen everything the single player campaign has to offer.
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited February 2009
    I'm afraid that Everything or Nothing really spoiled me, because although I'm impressed by the Quantum of Solace game,I just don't find myself enjoying it as much as I wanted to.Part of my problem with QoS is this bizarre insistance on 007 participating in a "fair fight" with his adversaries.I'd much prefer to slug my opponents with ease--as in EON or Grand Theft Auto--rather than punch a series of specific buttons within a limited period of time and hope for the best, as in QoS.

    And then there's the look of the game.I'm playing the PS2 version and while I'll admit the images are pretty good, everything being equal,they pale in comparison to the remarkable visuals EA achieved with EON.

    And one more thing--and this is not a complaint as much as it is a personal observation--I'd rather play an original 007 story designed to be a game,than a game written to accomodate the storyline of a 007 motion picture.Having said all this,QoS is fun,but it's not the equal of EON--at least in my eyes.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    I'm afraid that Everything or Nothing really spoiled me, because although I'm impressed by the Quantum of Solace game,I just don't find myself enjoying it as much as I wanted to.Part of my problem with QoS is this bizarre insistance on 007 participating in a "fair fight" with his adversaries.I'd much prefer to slug my opponents with ease--as in EON or Grand Theft Auto--rather than punch a series of specific buttons within a limited period of time and hope for the best, as in QoS.

    And then there's the look of the game.I'm playing the PS2 version and while I'll admit the images are pretty good, everything being equal,they pale in comparison to the remarkable visuals EA achieved with EON.

    And one more thing--and this is not a complaint as much as it is a personal observation--I'd rather play an original 007 story designed to be a game,rather than a game written to accomodate the storyline of a 007 motion picture.Having said all this,QoS is fun,but it's not the equal of EON--at least in my eyes.

    Some good points there Willie, I much prefer an original story myself, and as I said EON was the best Bond game. I wish the game was upward compatible for the 360.
  • taitytaity Posts: 702MI6 Agent
    I think the difference was that EON flowed very well, whereas QOS felt very disjointed and all over the place. I feel that way about most games turned into movies. Id go so far as to say that this is a worse game than From Russia with Love.

    Who knows what Activision will do next but somehow I dont thin they will ever make an Everything or Nothing
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    edited April 2009
    Just a quick heads up for anyone in the USA who still hasn't bought QoS: Best Buy will be having a $10 Clearance Sale starting Sunday on a number of games including QoS for both the 360 and PS3.

    So if you've been sitting on the fence, you can have it for $10 if you can find a copy.

    You should also be able to pick one up before Sunday at a higher price, then go back on the day of the sale and get a refund for the difference.
  • Walther PPKWalther PPK Posts: 180MI6 Agent
    I liked the game, it was nice to have a new Bond game after a three year break. I do wish that Activision had do more with the Wii version.

    I had my eye out for the cell phone early on only to discover that you can only find them in the 360 or PS2 versions. Special features like this really make for more exciting game play for me. Everything or Nothing did a fantastic job with extras for the gamers to find reguardless of what console you played the game on. If Activison wants to manke money off this licence then they should take this factor in account.
  • DAWUSSDAWUSS My homepagePosts: 517MI6 Agent
    I bought it the other day. The only tough parts were the fist fights (at least on the PC, anyway). It was a little weird playing a linear game again (but this is based on a movie after all - where all are you going to take it?). It reminded me of Goldeneye in a few ways. Was it better than GE? More like "different" than "better."

    If only there were mods released for this game. Might be interesting replacing Daniel Craig with, say Roger Moore...
  • GoldeneyeRA1GoldeneyeRA1 Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    edited May 2009
    I liked the game, it was nice to have a new Bond game after a three year break. I do wish that Activision had do more with the Wii version.

    I had my eye out for the cell phone early on only to discover that you can only find them in the 360 or PS2 versions. Special features like this really make for more exciting game play for me. Everything or Nothing did a fantastic job with extras for the gamers to find reguardless of what console you played the game on. If Activison wants to manke money off this licence then they should take this factor in account.

    Wait, what? Do you happen to mean the PS3 version. I have played and beaten this game at least three times, (and thats between dealing with my 1 and a half year old daughter) and am writing a walkthrough for it, but I was of the understanding that the cell phones were not in the PS2 version. Please, let me know. That was one of my main gripes.
  • GoldeneyeRA1GoldeneyeRA1 Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    Okay, I wasn't being sarcastic. I'm serious. Are the cell phones really on the PS2 :: pleading:: PLEASE TELL ME!!!!
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,287MI6 Agent
    For any gamers who still haven't tried Quantum of Solace and are curious about it, the Xbox 360 version of the game is now selling for $19.97 at Amazon.com. At that price, its definitely worth a look (the Wii and PS3 versions are still hovering around $30).

  • xman25xman25 Houston, TexasPosts: 80MI6 Agent
    edited July 2009
    The new map pack came out today. It cost 400 points on the 360. It has four maps. If anyone is interested I can give a code that should let you download the maps for free. I could have done it myself, but when I registered my preorder token today, the game's site said it could take a few weeks for me to get the code. I kept checking my email for the code (close to an hour). I didn't want to wait anymore, so I paid the $5 for the maps. I guess I should have waited two hours. :# :( Anyway, I'll give the code to the first person to PM me. The code is for the 360, not the PS3.

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