minigeff, Clapperboards & Comments



  • nms75nms75 United KingdomPosts: 1,233MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:
    As interesting the entire copyright thing is, let me remind everyone, that the thread which we are talking about was clearly not closed because of the copyright issue.

    Yet the Mods are happy to close the thread I posted suggesting MG is considered for the position of Quartermaster.

    They reminded me this forum isn't X-Factor (I don't even watch it) and there is no democratic function on this forum. HOWEVER, the forum is nothing without its members so perhaps the Mods would do well to listen rather than react to anything they perceive as a threat to their personal bit of 'power' by closing threads without good reason.

    A sense of humour is no laughing matter!
  • PredatorPredator Posts: 790Chief of Staff
    nms75 wrote:
    Bondtoys wrote:
    As interesting the entire copyright thing is, let me remind everyone, that the thread which we are talking about was clearly not closed because of the copyright issue.

    Yet the Mods are happy to close the thread I posted suggesting MG is considered for the position of Quartermaster.

    They reminded me this forum isn't X-Factor (I don't even watch it) and there is no democratic function on this forum. HOWEVER, the forum is nothing without its members so perhaps the Mods would do well to listen rather than react to anything they perceive as a threat to their personal bit of 'power' by closing threads without good reason.


    :) lovely non-sequitur there!

    The forum is made up of the values and opinions of many members. As such these need to be represented as fairly as possible within the rules and remit of the forum. That latter task is not yours to worry about.

    Now, if you want to enjoy the forums and contribute positivity, please feel free.

    Back to the topic?
  • icsics Posts: 1,413MI6 Agent
    edited January 2012
    After a god night sleep on it i want to add some small comments and suggestions.

    First I am sorry that my temper got away, I still believe it is legal to show photos of our “homemade” creations but on the other hand due to history of the board I know that we all have to be very alert on the subject.
    Second I still believe that Alex as a moderator was to harsh and sarcastic in the tone and should admit.

    Then to the next part.
    Pred – sorry for being an word equilibrist, but we both want the same result.
    Hardy – if I offended you– sorry
    SIR Miles – will never ever forget “SIR;)

    Last part: is a suggestion – what about the idea of making on of the “homemade props” persons a moderator – it appears that none of you come to the “Memorabilia, Collecting & Clothing” board to often. In this way we have a “police man” constantly…

    Jeff happy that you are not leaving -{

    Markus – love how you keep your temper down. -{

    Anybody ells I have offended ??? :D
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited January 2012
    Hello Ian,

    good to see, that we come back to constructive discussions {[]

    I just wanted to point out, that I did NOT suggest to promote MG with the Quartermaster title.
    I meant, that we need him there because of his projects, his skills, expertise, experience and the great props.

    But like the proverbial squirrel (Sir Miles, you see I learn) - I may have had a good idea:

    I know, that mods and Quartermasters are named by SiCo and HB
    But I like the idea, that the members can vote their own middleman into the mods team to give sometimes a counteropinion to the mods mainstream.
    For now the board is a bit like a dictatorship (just for my haters: I am not comparing that 1:1, I am using an analogy 8-) ), and last year, we could see, what happened with that system.

    Why not open the mod team with someone, who has the confidence of the members and open the mods forum for him/her as well.

    Alternatively a "Copyright police" would be a good thing now that the new movie comes up with a lot of new members.
    Why not name 2 permanent members here to look after and report copyright issues to the mods who then take action?

    That may be off-topic so, mods feel free to move this into a new suggestion thread.
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Mods are appointed solely by SiCo; no-one else has the power to do so. However, all appointments are discussed among the existing mods before they go ahead. Two new mods have just been appointed, the first for many years, and so it's unlikely there will be any more appointments.

    With regard to "a mod with the confidence of the members" - there are hundreds of members of AJB. If you look back at the four pages of this thread, there are about a dozen contributors - including the Mods who have come here to comment. Meanwhile, new posts are going up all over the board from other members with no regard to this thread or this "issue" at all.

    You have compared it to a dictatorship, and in many ways, you're right. SiCo is the owner, designer and chief of this site; we are all here thanks to his graces. None of us pay to be here. None of us contribute to his site costs. If he decided to close this place down tomorrow, he would be entirely within his rights and none of us have room to object. It's a one party state with a benevolent dictator.

    I'm glad you feel that there's a community to AJB, and it's certainly one of the reasons why I love it here. And everyone is listened to. That doesn't mean that everyone will get their own way. Someone, somewhere, eventually has to make a decision, come down hard, slap some wrists when people overstep the mark. That's what Mods are for. That's why Mods are deleting spam, banning racist members, calming down enflamed threads that have descended into childish name calling. It's not a popular position. Sometimes it winds people up. Sorry you feel that way and all but, well, tough.

    Perhaps we could now return to the business of discussing James Bond and getting excited about Skyfall?
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    Morning all.

    Well what a night, I wake up to find that I'm being nominated for being quartermaster! From one extreme to another!

    Seriously, for those who voiced and supported the idea, I take it as a great compliment that you feel I'd be suitable for it. However, let's tackle one thing at a time before we get ahead of ourselves. In my mind we need to wipe off whether any mod did or didn't act correctly when closing that damn clapperboard thread. It's gone, the project cancelled and as far as I'm concerned we've all learned from it, time to move on.

    Next we need some clarification on the props etc. can we show things off? Should we refrain from it? Who is at risk, the poster or the forum when it comes down to it?

    Once we know where we are with that we can take everything forward and move on, hopefully for the better.

    No one needs to feel bad or leave just yet. Let's see what si et co come up with. I'm sure that a lot of work is going on behind the scenes to resolve it and find the best solution for all involved.

    As for me being a mod, like I say, it's a lovely compliment, but I'm sure there's others worthy of it. I class myself as a machine monkey, not an oracle on the matter. I've never asked, or heard from si regarding this and I think we should sort the above before even thinking about additions to the mod team.

    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    I've stayed away from this "incident" as I don't like rubber-necking and I felt confident cool heads, old friendships and plain old maturity would eventually prevail.   -{

    Some good ideas espoused in the last few comments on here, and worthy of discussion/thought...

    especially the idea of a Prop-SHOp-Forum-Foreman (to be known as the PShoFF ?)  who could act as an honest, trusted go between.....although I know for a fact that some operate in this fashion already.....

    But most of all, it's nice to see someone state the blindingly obvious, indeed, only real point....


    .......  SiCo is the owner, designer and chief of this site; we are all here thanks to his graces.  None of us pay to be here.  None of us contribute to his site costs.  If he decided to close this place down tomorrow, he would be entirely within his rights and none of us have room to object.......

    Semper fi
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