Bond On Yacht

CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
Maybe I missed another message on this, but if Silva's henchmen were supposed to dispatch Bond at the casino and failed, would not more have been sent after him before he got to the yacht? How did Bond get onto such a heavily guarded yacht without being seen? As closely as Severine is watched, they wouldn't have security cameras in the stateroom she's in? She tells him in the casino her bodyguards are going to kill him, but then after he takes a couple out they just let him aboard later so he can have a shower with her while they take them to the island? If Silvas plan was to be captured all along, why would he have tried to have Bond killed at the casino?


  • Gala BrandGala Brand Posts: 1,172MI6 Agent
    Maybe I missed another message on this, but if Silva's henchmen were supposed to dispatch Bond at the casino and failed, would not more have been sent after him before he got to the yacht? How did Bond get onto such a heavily guarded yacht without being seen? As closely as Severine is watched, they wouldn't have security cameras in the stateroom she's in? She tells him in the casino her bodyguards are going to kill him, but then after he takes a couple out they just let him aboard later so he can have a shower with her while they take them to the island? If Silvas plan was to be captured all along, why would he have tried to have Bond killed at the casino?

    One possibility: When Bond was at the casino, Silva just wanted the money back. After Bond continued to pursue Severine, he realized that Bond was MI-6 and it fitted his plan that Bond come to his location so he could be captured, etc.
  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    Well, we've seen Bond thwart security many times before to get aboard a ship. But I do think it works with the plot to assume that Silva wanted Bond to come to the island, and so the guards would have let Bond aboard even if they had seen him. There is a bit of subtext, too, to suggest that Severine was in on it -- perhaps there was something cut out of the script that would have shown that she was leading Bond to Silva under his orders. That would explain Craig's rather callous throwaway line about her after she is shot.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,401Chief of Staff
    Perhaps Silva had another plan in progress - could have been changed when he thought Bond dead ? - then Bond reappears and Silva changes tack again....he probably thought Bond would kill the bodyguards (did he know at that point just how 'shot' Bond was ?) and then get aboard the yacht...then the plan went back to the original outline ? It's all supposition, but I do think some people are 'over-thinking' certain elements to the film :))
    Gassy Man wrote:
    That would explain Craig's rather callous throwaway line about her after she is shot.

    The 'callous throwaway line' you refer to is Bond showing bravado, imo...he knew he couldn't save her and so why give Silva any satisfaction of showing any emotion...I thought that was obvious - I hope that doesn't come across as being rude, it isn't meant to be.
    YNWA 97
  • CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
    Gala Brand wrote:
    Maybe I missed another message on this, but if Silva's henchmen were supposed to dispatch Bond at the casino and failed, would not more have been sent after him before he got to the yacht? How did Bond get onto such a heavily guarded yacht without being seen? As closely as Severine is watched, they wouldn't have security cameras in the stateroom she's in? She tells him in the casino her bodyguards are going to kill him, but then after he takes a couple out they just let him aboard later so he can have a shower with her while they take them to the island? If Silvas plan was to be captured all along, why would he have tried to have Bond killed at the casino?

    One possibility: When Bond was at the casino, Silva just wanted the money back. After Bond continued to pursue Severine, he realized that Bond was MI-6 and it fitted his plan that Bond come to his location so he could be captured, etc.

    I just don't know. Still confused by the whole thing. Silva was supposed to be captured and taken back to London all along so he could see M then kill her. At what point did he know that Craig was Bond and was thus still alive?
    Why didn't the guards find Bond's radio on him when he got to the island? Surely they would have frisked him for hidden weapons, and from what the film shows, Craig kept the radio in his pocket. Since Silva knew who Patrice was when he hired him and was going to kill him when he went to the casino to collect his pay, it seems logical that the henchman would know, so when Craig turned up, they knew it wasnt h Patrice, but instead of capturing him to find out who he was, why did they try to kill him? I assume a casino cam or phone cam image of Craig was sent to Silva after Craig left and he knew who he was and knew he was going to go after Severine and follow her to the island, would he have told the henchman to allow Craig to slip onboard the yacht? Would not Craig have thought he had got on to easy? In the scene where they are approaching he island, the group of henchman gather on deck behind them and Craig notices them and makes a comment to her as if the henchmens presence was unexpected and he realized they were going to go in under force. Now, if this had just been a water taxi not belonging to Silva and was just ferrying them to the island and the henchman appeared, this scene would have made sense to me, but not his personal yacht with his guarded mistress aboard. In retrospect, it seems as though a scene explaining this was edited out for some reason.
  • Colonel ShatnerColonel Shatner Chavtastic Bristol, BritainPosts: 574MI6 Agent
    edited December 2012
    I just don't know. Still confused by the whole thing. Silva was supposed to be captured and taken back to London all along so he could see M then kill her. At what point did he know that Craig was Bond and was thus still alive?

    Why do people assume Silva wanted to be captured all along when it made more sense to "grill" MI6 for a few more days/weeks by ratting out more deep cover operatives in enemy organisations, then travelled to London disguised as a cop under no duress when the UK is in a huge uproar, and waltzed into the courtroom to shoot M, cutting out the escape from the slightly silly Magneto cell?

    I like Ben Whishaw but I found his new Q poorly serviced after his introduction in the art gallery, saying and doing stupid things, profoundly lacking genre savy.

    Silva's organisation (like Alec Trevelyan's Janus group) seemed much more powerful and complex than a lot of viewers realised and seeing Skyfall for a second time it seemed like Silva netted Bond in to entice him over to his side rather than get his headquarters stormed by SAS/SBS commandos.
    'Alright guard, begin the unnecessarily slow moving dipping mechanism...'
  • Agent007jamestAgent007jamest usaPosts: 163MI6 Agent
    Maybe I missed another message on this, but if Silva's henchmen were supposed to dispatch Bond at the casino and failed, would not more have been sent after him before he got to the yacht? How did Bond get onto such a heavily guarded yacht without being seen? As closely as Severine is watched, they wouldn't have security cameras in the stateroom she's in? She tells him in the casino her bodyguards are going to kill him, but then after he takes a couple out they just let him aboard later so he can have a shower with her while they take them to the island? If Silvas plan was to be captured all along, why would he have tried to have Bond killed at the casino?
    Because he is JAMES BOND! The man who ran across 10 aligator heads in LALD & simply told a tiger to "SIIIIIIIT!" in OP :007)

    When I read the title it reminded me of the rap songs about being on a boat. I was a little disappointed it wasn't :D
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    Silva's organisation (like Alec Trevelyan's Janus group) seemed much more powerful and complex than a lot of viewers realised and seeing Skyfall for a second time it seemed like Silva netted Bond in to entice him over to his side rather than get his headquarters stormed by SAS/SBS commandos.

    Silva clearly intended to entice Bond over to his side "We are the last two rats. We can either eat each other.......or eat everyone else." And the look on his face when Bond says "Resurrection" is priceless.
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
    I just don't know. Still confused by the whole thing. Silva was supposed to be captured and taken back to London all along so he could see M then kill her. At what point did he know that Craig was Bond and was thus still alive?

    Why do people assume Silva wanted to be captured all along when it made more sense to "grill" MI6 for a few more days/weeks by ratting out more deep cover operatives in enemy organisations, then travelled to London disguised as a cop under no duress when the UK is in a huge uproar, and waltzed into the courtroom to shoot M, cutting out the escape from the slightly silly Magneto cell?

    I like Ben Whishaw but I found his new Q poorly serviced after his introduction in the art gallery, saying and doing stupid things, profoundly lacking genre savy.

    Silva's organisation (like Alec Trevelyan's Janus group) seemed much more powerful and complex than a lot of viewers realised and seeing Skyfall for a second time it seemed like Silva netted Bond in to entice him over to his side rather than get his headquarters stormed by SAS/SBS commandos.

    We assume he wanted to be captured all along because he was like the step ahead of everyone in a well thought out plan...get captured, see M one last time, escape and kill her. He could not have hacked into the HQ mainframe again while he was in confinement (he had no contact outside his cell)so it must have been planned ahead. It would explain why Bond wasn't strip searched before being brought to Silva, because they would have found his pocket radio. Silva would have had to know Bond had something on him to bring in reinforcements, however, he did discuss in his initial encounter the idea of getting Bond to work with him (the two rats philosophy). If Bond did, he could still have him bring him in but then have Bond help him escape to kill M. When he realized Bond would have none of it, he knew he would just use his original plan that was already in place to hack his way out after he was captured and then go after M.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    All good points on how Silva Wanted to be captured, Then
    why send his men in the casino to Kill Bond ?
    It doesn't bother Me, I enjoyed the fight.
    I think we are in danger of Pulling these films apart. :))
    I've probably been guilty of it myself in the past. ;)
    Now I try to simply enjoy them. :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    All good points on how Silva Wanted to be captured, Then
    why send his men in the casino to Kill Bond ?
    It doesn't bother Me, I enjoyed the fight.
    I think we are in danger of Pulling these films apart. :))
    I've probably been guilty of it myself in the past. ;)
    Now I try to simply enjoy them. :))

    When i first read this, I thought it a poem,
    Where someone cunningly makes the words rhyme,
    But in the end i saw it wasn't,
    It was more just a waste of my time :v

    Seems to me there are people picking peanuts
    Out of the proverbial 'Skyfall' poo,
    Thats not to say I don't like the film,
    Cos in reality I actually do.

    On here, everyone's an expert,
    We all have something to say,
    Bond should be black, bring back old Q,
    And Silva was bi, not gay.

    Facts get mixed up with opinon,
    The flaming starts and anger breaks through,
    So calm down everyone and be happy,
    And enjoy the bond films like i do.

    So don't be arsey and try to get clever,
    Outdoing each other with wit,
    Cos when you make all the words sound alike,
    You've mistaken your intellect for.... :o
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
    All good points on how Silva Wanted to be captured, Then
    why send his men in the casino to Kill Bond ?
    It doesn't bother Me, I enjoyed the fight.
    I think we are in danger of Pulling these films apart. :))
    I've probably been guilty of it myself in the past. ;)
    Now I try to simply enjoy them. :))

    He didn't know it was going to be Bond..his men were supposed to kill Patrice when he showed up to collect his money. Bond turned up instead.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Then who did he expect to come to his island ? :D

    Only Joking, It's only a Film. I'll still enjoy it, Holes in
    the plot and all. :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
    Then who did he expect to come to his island ? :D

    Only Joking, It's only a Film. I'll still enjoy it, Holes in
    the plot and all. :))

    Hope you had a good holiday.

    I think he may have been expecting MI6 to turn up but not an agent on her yacht - perhaps even the type of backup forces that showed up when Bond radioed. When it turned out to be Bond alone, he tried to get him on his side, in which case he could then have Bond bring him and aid him in getting M, but when Bond refused, he may have had another plan in mind but Bond did him a favor by having the forces arrive to take him back to London.
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