The DB5 (Spoilers)

Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
Forgive me if this has already been asked and answered, but how does the DB5 fit into this Bond universe? In this version of Bond, he wins it from a slimy bugger, not from Q, and yet it is outfitted with the weaponry from Goldfinger, and even M knows about its features. So, are we to simply accept that it is the same car from Goldfinger, perhaps an adventure that Craig's Bond had in the years between Quantum of Solace, or are we to assume that Demetrious had these features in the car in the first place? Or are some other explanation? Or are we not to question it?


  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    There is already a topic related to this that you may find of interest. Click on the link below.

    MAJOR SPOILER - Aston Martin
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  • HowardBHowardB USAPosts: 2,746MI6 Agent
    edited December 2012
    I want the following information/explanation :s officially entered into the re-boot Bond canon

    As we all know, the literary Bond likes old classic cars (he drives a Bentley from the 30's in the 50's).
    So now in the cinematic reboot, Bond also has this taste for old classic cars and likes to drive this vintage DB5 that he won in a card game in CR. However there is a backstory to this car between CR and Skyfall.
    Even though the car was won by Bond, it was considered government property having been acquired on the Queen's time and dime. Bond was able to purchase the car at a very reasonable price from the government prior to it going to public auction. He then had the car converted to right hand drive. After that, he was able to convince "Q" Branch to outfit the DB5 just like the cars that were assigned to "00's" in the 60's. MI6 agreed to allow him to have this done but at Bond's own expense. There you go -{ :D

    Actually in the other thread relative to the DB5 the explanation that it was a vintage issue MI6 "00" vehicle that Bond retrieved from storage and got up and running again is much simpler and more plausible IMO. Again, the man likes his vintage cars.
  • davidelliott101davidelliott101 Posts: 165MI6 Agent
    Although the DB5 in CR was left hand drive... this one in Skyfall is right hand drive...
  • ChromeJobChromeJob Durham, NC USAPosts: 149MI6 Agent
    This is what they call a complete anachronism. I just blotted that out of my mind when he flipped the gear shift top, and stopped paying attention. I'd like to think it's the car he won, and he'd let a garage to keep it for him.

    In the books (OHMSS i think, after he chases Tracy on a French highway) Bond thinks about going to the casino, taking in a couple thousand pounds, and through the course of a mildly diverting night, doubling it or tripling it, and with it have some mad money to pay for the whole trip to Royale Les Eau. The Service wouldnt' give a hoot. It's his. So's the car. Oh, wait. In GOLDFINGER, Bond gets something like $10,000 from Junius DuPont for exposing Goldfinger, and he gives it to Jill Masterson. M asks him why he didn't donate it to the White Cross fund (charity fund for orphans and widows of fallen service agents), and he apologizes. So ... some inconsistencies in my argument.

    Those reading the other thread know what I think today's Bond (literary) would be driving, tinkering around with in the back of the motor pool garage, taking up to 100mph on lonely roads in his off time. It's right there in red, past Molly Peters' charming backside.
    “It reads better than it lives.” T. Case
  • davidelliott101davidelliott101 Posts: 165MI6 Agent
    The other theory is that in this rebooted universe, the events of Goldfinger have happened "off-screen"
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