Izabella Stuff



  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Excellent Holly! Now we only need 10 more chicks. :)

    You can be December, since you are Holly! LOL. Does your last name hold true as well? Just kidding! I loved her in Moonraker.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,894Chief of Staff
    I've noticed more and more women are coming to this site. Well, so much for "man talk!"
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • Q-FanQ-Fan Posts: 88MI6 Agent
    It's Ok Hardy, they already think they KNOW what we talk about anyway. ;)

    We'll just have a secret handshake now.
  • SiCoSiCo EnglandPosts: 1,371M
    A gentlemans Forum ;) No it is good that the group is becoming more mixed it is a lot more fun as this topic proves ;) I think !!
  • MBE_MBE_ USAPosts: 266MI6 Agent
    Let me guess, sex, sports and sometimes beer. :))

  • RayBros007RayBros007 Posts: 46MI6 Agent
    Quoting Q-Fan:
    It's Ok Hardy, they already think they KNOW what we talk about anyway. ;)

    We'll just have a secret handshake now.

    'A secret handshake' Hmmm... what an interesting idea!!! I think us girls will take that too!!! :v
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    LoL @ Ray and sending her secret handshake. Cool, another girl for my calendar!

    Trust me Q-Fan, we DO know what you talk about. We are still mopping up drool from the Izabella photos. :)
  • RayBros007RayBros007 Posts: 46MI6 Agent
    Quoting Monique:LoL @ Ray and sending her secret handshake. Cool, another girl for my calendar!

    Trust me Q-Fan, we DO know what you talk about. We are still mopping up drool from the Izabella photos. :)

    Agreed, we know exactly what you boys are talking about...We are not just a bunch of dumb bimbos from the 'Worst Actresses' topic... We are Bond Fanatics!!! :))

    And another thing... we just stole your 'secret handshake' !!! :D
  • Parli32Parli32 Posts: 28MI6 Agent
    Quoting Monique:
    LOL Moonraker. I'll put you down for one. Okay girls, who wants to volunteer? Do you guys want bikini shots or us to dress as Bond girls characters?

    Definately bikini shots. I'm sure there won't be any arguement here...
  • Parli32Parli32 Posts: 28MI6 Agent
    Quoting MBE_:Let me guess, sex, sports and sometimes beer. :))


    Actually, it's Sex, Beer, and sometimes sports. Love & head are much more important than sports. Beer head, that is! :D
    But just a little...
  • RayBros007RayBros007 Posts: 46MI6 Agent
    Quoting Parli32: Actually, it's Sex, Beer, and sometimes sports. Love & head are much more important than sports. Beer head, that is! :D
    But just a little...

    Are you sure it's beer head and not something else??? :v
  • Holly GoodheadHolly Goodhead Posts: 33MI6 Agent
    Did someone call for me? Just kidding. All this "head" talk couldn't resist the pun. Heads of all kind are good.

    This thread is really funny. Thanks for the laugh.
  • BondChick007BondChick007 Posts: 51MI6 Agent
    lol nice one Holly! :))
  • MBE_MBE_ USAPosts: 266MI6 Agent
    Oh I see where all this is heading and I refused to be sucked in. ;)

    Monique, count me out of the calendar, like Isabella I'd only do one for the $$$. :))

    Hi Holly! Welcome to the every growing female presence on AJB!

  • BondChick007BondChick007 Posts: 51MI6 Agent
    Quoting MBE_:Oh I see where all this is heading and I refused to be sucked in. ;)

    LOL. Nice...And, Welcome Holly! As you can see you'll have loads of fun 'round here!
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Well thanks for the "heads" up MBE, but I wish you'd reconsider. ;)

    I need all the chicks I can get here for the calendar. Besides we need to teach you the secret handshake we stole. We are one step a"head" of them. :)
  • RayBros007RayBros007 Posts: 46MI6 Agent
    That's what I love about this place... You can just have tons of fun here talking about absolutely NOTHING!!! :))
  • Holly GoodheadHolly Goodhead Posts: 33MI6 Agent
    Thanks for the warm welcome, you guys should be "head" of the welcoming committee here!

    This site is "heads" above the rest.

    Now hurry and teach me the secret handshake. We don't want them outsmarting us. :)
  • Q-FanQ-Fan Posts: 88MI6 Agent
    This is getting funnier and funnier. Well the girls are ganging up on us I see.

    I'll have you know you forgot BOND in on our list of things to talk about. Bond, sex, beer, sports..and HEADS of state .

    And you thought you had us pegged!
  • RayBros007RayBros007 Posts: 46MI6 Agent
    edited July 2002
    Well, looks like you got us there... But we still have YOUR secret handshake!!! :)) HA! HA! HA! :)) :))
  • Holly GoodheadHolly Goodhead Posts: 33MI6 Agent
    We have a lot of their secrets! If they only knew!!! Bond has taught us well. We do have you pegged Q.
  • TGO_TGO_ Posts: 46MI6 Agent
    edited July 2002
    Since when did a post about Izabella's Stuff pics turn into the formation of the AJB Spice Girls? ;)
  • Q-FanQ-Fan Posts: 88MI6 Agent
    Ha ha ha TGO, Good one. That is a good name for them, they have definitely spiced things up around here. I think that is just female "bond"ing. :) And sadly Holly, you do have us pegged. We are guys. No secret here about what we really want.
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Quoting TGO_:Since when did a post about Izabella's Stuff pics turn into the formation of the AJB Spice Girls? ;)

    I was thinking more like Pussy Galore's Flying Circus...
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • Red GrantRed Grant Posts: 147MI6 Agent
    or Octopussy's all female cult in Octopussy
  • TGO_TGO_ Posts: 46MI6 Agent
    edited July 2002
    Quoting jetsetwilly:

    I was thinking more like Pussy Galore's Flying Circus...

    The wigs I would hate, but pointy breasts are always a plus.
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Excellent ideas guys!!! Now you're talking!! We'll put our heads together on that one and decide. ;)

    Wasn't there 5 in Pussy's Flying Circus? Ok, Me, MBE, RayBros, BondChick and Holly, we've got our circus!

    And what IS that in Jetset's personal photo? I'm afraid to ask!
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Yeah TGO, wigs are definitely OUT.
  • RayBros007RayBros007 Posts: 46MI6 Agent
    All right!!! The Flying Circus has arrived!!! :D

    Way to go girls!!! {[]

    And about jetset's personal photo... I have no idea ;)
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,894Chief of Staff
    All's I want to say is that no topic I've started has ever gotten more replies than this one.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
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