Today I realized it's time I got a Christmas tree. So I got the saw and walked along the almost two hundred years old road to find one. There's enough snow outside to give me that extra juletid (I think some can translate that word into English without Google Translate) feel. I found one on top of one of the large boulders we used to play around when we were kids. Then I cut it down and dragged it home.
I feel priviliged to get my own tree in such a Christmas card way, something few have the chance to do these days.
This is a photo of the Norwegian prime minister at his cabin last summer. This being Europe the main reaction when the photo reached the public was the lack of safety gear. 😁
As ever, there's a cold snap before Xmas in the UK so it feels right to buy up lots of stodgy seasonal food and drink but for the day itself and after it turns mild so it feels just wrong and over indulgent.
Now the food is running out, it's turned cold again!
The annual Sinulog held in Cebu City is the biggest festival in the Philippine calendar. Running for 10 days it celebrates the nations Roman Catholic heritage and also encompasses sports, music and a host of other events. Thousands of people from all over the country come and attend the event. The main day is the third Sunday in January. The event started a few days ago and here is a picture of “The Walk With Jesus” procession. I will post some more pictures as the event continues. Suffice to say that travel within the city is a nightmare at the moment.
And a mass at one of the 170 churches within the city…
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,215Chief of Staff
Looks amazing…but I can’t see Jesus in that first image 🤔🤗
As you say…travel around the city must be terrible 🫣
😂 I think he may have been at the front, out of shot. Religion plays a huge part in the lives of the native population here, and although I am an atheist, I do find the spectacle enjoyable to watch.
Just slightly, N24. I’m a Londoner born and bred and although I enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside and beaches, I ultimately need the hustle and bustle of city life.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,215Chief of Staff
Silhouette ManThe last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,940MI6 Agent
So today it's 22 years since I first signed up as a member here on AJB. I believe that my first post and topic here that day was called "Radio Adaptations" on the Bond radio shows. Although I was away for a while I'm really glad I came back to AJB and have enjoyed all the discussions and general fun we've had here over the years. I just wanted to say thank you to you all as mods and members for making AJB what it is to this day. 🙂
"The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,215Chief of Staff
Congratulations @Silhouette Man 22 years? Wow! I had no idea this site had been around so long. I’ve just checked and it will be 10 years for me this June. I only discovered AJB after I retired , a year or so after I moved here. I wish I’d known before as I would have put a lot of books on the For Sale forum while I had the bookshop 😁
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
Silhouette ManThe last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,940MI6 Agent
Thank you, @CoolHandBond. AJB has been around since 1998 I think though I don't remember it that far back and I believe it was a bit different back then as I think it didn't have the forum part of the site. @Sir Miles and @Napoleon Plural are two regulars who have been around even longer than me. You've been a good addition to the forum. Your "Rise and Fall of the Second hand Bookshop" thread is one of my favourites here. 🙂
"The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
Today I realized it's time I got a Christmas tree. So I got the saw and walked along the almost two hundred years old road to find one. There's enough snow outside to give me that extra juletid (I think some can translate that word into English without Google Translate) feel. I found one on top of one of the large boulders we used to play around when we were kids. Then I cut it down and dragged it home.
I feel priviliged to get my own tree in such a Christmas card way, something few have the chance to do these days.
That's a pleasure.
Picture, please, N24!
Sorry, but in the last months it hasn't worked to transfer photos from my phone to AJB.
Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without Ross Kemp:
I've already wished members a Marry Christmas in another thread, but a good thing can be repeated several times. Marry Christmas everyone! 🎅
That's great. It certainly beats buying a fake Christmas tree in Tesco! 😉
I chose a crooked tree, just to show off how real and genuine it is. You can't buy a tree like mine. 😃
That reminds me of this old children's rhyme:
There was a crooked man
And he walked a crooked mile
He found crooked sixpence
And a crooked stile
He bought a crooked cat
Which caught a crooked mouse
And they all lived together
In a crooked little house.
This is a photo of the Norwegian prime minister at his cabin last summer. This being Europe the main reaction when the photo reached the public was the lack of safety gear. 😁
As ever, there's a cold snap before Xmas in the UK so it feels right to buy up lots of stodgy seasonal food and drink but for the day itself and after it turns mild so it feels just wrong and over indulgent.
Now the food is running out, it's turned cold again!
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Here we had snow until the 22nd, then rain all of Christmas before we got snow again as soon as the guests left. 😂
Happy New Year 2025 everyone! 🥳
Happy new year to everyone!
This isn't my car .... luckily. 😂
The annual Sinulog held in Cebu City is the biggest festival in the Philippine calendar. Running for 10 days it celebrates the nations Roman Catholic heritage and also encompasses sports, music and a host of other events. Thousands of people from all over the country come and attend the event. The main day is the third Sunday in January. The event started a few days ago and here is a picture of “The Walk With Jesus” procession. I will post some more pictures as the event continues. Suffice to say that travel within the city is a nightmare at the moment.
And a mass at one of the 170 churches within the city…
Looks amazing…but I can’t see Jesus in that first image 🤔🤗
As you say…travel around the city must be terrible 🫣
I've said before that CHBs life and community seems slightly different from mine. I can’t put my finger on it, but .... 🤔
😂 I think he may have been at the front, out of shot. Religion plays a huge part in the lives of the native population here, and although I am an atheist, I do find the spectacle enjoyable to watch.
Just slightly, N24. I’m a Londoner born and bred and although I enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside and beaches, I ultimately need the hustle and bustle of city life.
Yes, confirmed atheist here too…but, like yourself, I don’t mind watching the organised grovelling…🤗
Sinulog 2025…The Parade
Just to join the parade, I'm an atheist too.
That looks fabulous…nothing wrong with a party 😁
So today it's 22 years since I first signed up as a member here on AJB. I believe that my first post and topic here that day was called "Radio Adaptations" on the Bond radio shows. Although I was away for a while I'm really glad I came back to AJB and have enjoyed all the discussions and general fun we've had here over the years. I just wanted to say thank you to you all as mods and members for making AJB what it is to this day. 🙂
Wow 😮
Congratulations on your 22nd Anniversary….🍸
Where the heck did that time go? 😳
I know. It's mad, isn't it? Time just fritters away when you're having fun. There's been a lot of water under the bridge since I first joined! 🙂
Happy 22nd! Time, eh?
Thanks, Barbel. There's No Time to Waste. 😉
Congratulations @Silhouette Man 22 years? Wow! I had no idea this site had been around so long. I’ve just checked and it will be 10 years for me this June. I only discovered AJB after I retired , a year or so after I moved here. I wish I’d known before as I would have put a lot of books on the For Sale forum while I had the bookshop 😁
Thank you, @CoolHandBond. AJB has been around since 1998 I think though I don't remember it that far back and I believe it was a bit different back then as I think it didn't have the forum part of the site. @Sir Miles and @Napoleon Plural are two regulars who have been around even longer than me. You've been a good addition to the forum. Your "Rise and Fall of the Second hand Bookshop" thread is one of my favourites here. 🙂