Never Say McClory Again



  • Jimmy BondJimmy Bond Posts: 324MI6 Agent
    Thank you for your confidence, Pierce.

    You consider of purchasing it? I advice to do so. Its a unique work of art.

    Although you all should wait a bit, for Blofeld's Cat may fix some things around it.

    Still, when time comes, you should consider having it.

    I'm telling you, its Bond fan's dream come true (that is, the dream being NSNA to have the Bond elements in them).
  • Jimmy BondJimmy Bond Posts: 324MI6 Agent
    And Napoleon, I think the music in the horseback is from DAD, featuring composition by a recent remix done at DAD's time.

    Can't figure the artist...
  • The CatThe Cat Where Blofeld is!Posts: 711MI6 Agent
    It's just the Hovercraft Chase by David Arnold. But as I said, doesn't really work there, that's one cue I'd change.
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    What scene? I can't find the horseback scene on his website, what are you guys talking about? Sorry for being ignorant...
  • The CatThe Cat Where Blofeld is!Posts: 711MI6 Agent
    Of course it's not there. :p It's on the DVD. :)
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,323MI6 Agent
    I found this on youtube (where else?) It works very well with the LTK score, though it's a bit Raiders of the Lost Ark.

    Not sure it really works as a pts though. It's too lame/or unatmospheric. I'd put a Doctor No type credit over the beginning, then fade into the opening scene with some salsa music.. maybe that music that starts off Rain Man and MI 2.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,323MI6 Agent
    I checked out some new clips on NSMcA.

    An excellent one is when Bond at the angler return to the hotel. There's great use of Jump Up from Dr No, and it even seems in time to the music originally played. It brilliantly segues into Three Blind Mice...

    However, I'm still not entirely sure about it all! If anything, the Barry music often shows up that this is, at heart, an American film and needs American music, like that of True Lies or even Raiders or Lethal Weapon. That way you get a perfect fit.

    Another flaw is that they're better using the Moore music as it's less dated, the Connery stuff jars just a little. But the Moore music jars too, cos it's Moore...

    The bike chase is well edited, but imo the music should be that of the pts of The Living Daylights, or TWINE, as Bond is in these vengefully chasing someone as he is in NSNA, so the tone is different to when he's fleeing assassins, when's it's more upbeat and fun usually.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • sambwoysambwoy Berkshire, EnglandPosts: 90MI6 Agent
    I only have the snippets downloaded, but I thought it was fantastic. I loved the use of 'Bond 77' during the motorbike chase and 'Snow Day' from AVTAK used in the shark attack. When I heard the Dr. No themes being used in the Nassau hotel scenes, I couldn't help but smile.

    I would like the full version, but the link only leads me to this sci-fi fan site thing. Does this suggest that I have to join it to get the complete movie?
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,323MI6 Agent
    I don't think so. You just send the guy a 'donation' and he'll send you the DVD as a 'thanks'. (He can't actually sell them legally). Click on 'Make a Donation'... for more details, you can email him too if you want.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Jimmy BondJimmy Bond Posts: 324MI6 Agent
    Question is, does the film elevate to another level? Is it a better Bond film with all those EON elements re-instated? Is it better than original NSNA?

    I for one, would place it above FYEO in my list, because those changes make an improvement.

    So yeah, I think its better than before.

    Granted, not all musical choices are the best ones - not for me anyway. But I prefer to watch the film with this soundtrack than the original, for the most part.

    Still miss the Lani Hall theme song, but the kick-ass re-edited finale makes up for it.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,323MI6 Agent
    How is it reedited? Or do you mean the playout song?

    You're on your own liking the Lani Hall theme, JB!
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,323MI6 Agent
    edited May 2008
    Well, only two years after starting this thread, I finally got around to acquiring a copy.

    The first sign that there was something interesting with this film is after the credits, where instead of getting M's appraisal of Bond's shoddy training, we go straight to Fatima Blush attending the Spectre meeting. The music is just right, not sure what it's from, but it all seems sinister rather than campy. Here the film seemed like a real Bond film with the traditional format.{[]

    In fact, much of the first half is crisply edited and punchy, one highlight is the hijacking of the bombs. The Special Edition comes across as no classic, but a decent second-rate The Spy Who Loved Me. :)

    This is the only time that Barbara Carrera as Fatima Blush hasn't annoyed me, she seems a more sinister type, though she also seems in the film far less. The Doctor No music when she is plotting to bomb Bond under the bed is excellent and creates a real mood.

    Basinger's Domino appears much the same as ever, with a fretful Kate McGann look about her this time round, and while Brandeur was originally the main actor in the film, anticipating this year's Dominic Greene with his love triangle interest and philanthropy, in this he seems disappointingly hammy and OTT.

    And what of Connery, given his chance to shine with a decent score? Well, sad to say it really is a bloody awful performance. :( First, his awful toupee remains in every scene, like a bit of dead lacquered seaweed glued to his skull. One exception must be when his wig got the day off and there's a toupee stand-in - as Largo is saying goodbye to Domino and Bond in the Syrian temple (actually set in Nice, France) it looks like a moth-eaten bit of grey dishcloth with cobwebs on it.

    Occasionally you get a clue of how good our man could have looked if he'd only had a different wig. Sure, he is in good shape but slimming on a guy that age doesn't always work, it can show the age more as lines hit the face. Frankly, Connery looks all of 65 in this, and is almost like Fred Astaire.

    But it's not just his looks. His manner carries virtually nothing of his old style Bond. Maybe only once, being briefed by Algernon the armourer, or gatecrashing the casino, could it be the same character. The rest of the time he seems creaky and inappropriately stately, a bystander to events, watching on ironically but never really engaging. The new score only goes to emphasise this. He also has a very distracting lisp, infuriatingly he didn't have this famous tic a year earlier in the film Wrong is Right. "It can't be the shame shir firing blanksh..." 8-) And there's that awful permatan.

    He looks like a knackered old bystander, done up in togs that, around Shrublands and on Largo's yaght, put you in mind of granddad at the nursing home.

    First impressions count and I would do the intro differently. Sadly the film doesn't have a great stunt to kick off with, and the tune needs to have a ta-da!! element to compensate, much like the beginnings of FRWL, GF, TMWTGG and the last one, Casino Royale. In fact, You Know My Name would work well here. Otherwise, I'd ditch the DAF gunbarrel and have the credits of Dr No, with new cast list superimposed, maybe a funkier more modern Bond theme, the segue into The Belle Stars song that opens Risky Business and MI:2 to such good effect, playing as Bond does his training thing.

    Some of the pic quality is ropey early on. :# But the editor has done well to take out some rubbish, the jokey "Be careful..." of Moneypenny, misunderstanding 007's pledge to elimate free radicals (though as the whole scene is a set up for that gag, why not just delete it?) Sadly, the urine sample beaker gag remains as the way to kill Lippe, surely an insert of another shot with Bond realising he's killed Lippe with something genuinely nasty could be worked?

    They could also insert a scene from Wrong is Right, where Connery predicts a nuclear holocaust - it could be used against better effects from another movie to create impact.

    Unfortunately, Blofeld's Cat runs up against the fact that NSNA is basically quite rubbish. :p He uses the TLD pts Barry music for the Shrublands chase, but it's very jarring here. It's a rubbish scene though, better to edit it to pulp in a montage way, with an ominous odd crashing score, it's the only way. Connery's comedy expressions might be out of a Naked Gun film. 8-)

    The intro of Brandeur on his yaught and the cue that accompanies it is masterful. But the film's poor cinematography (from Douglas Slocombe, amazingly) is plain and unexotic and the sun never comes out for the exotic locations. Maybe insert stock footage of aerial shots of the Bahamas or Nice?

    I'd have cut more, as the jokes are so awful and lame: "sounds terrific" "it'sh a thrilling proshpect shir". A great cue with Bond and Domino in the shower on the sub is ruined by the rubbish dialogue "I don't want to lose me either!" and M's naff intervention.

    Why does Largo extend the aerial on his cassette player radio when he's playing a tape? How come Bond climbs onto the boat from the water without his shoes or socks on after plunging in along with the horse?

    Blofeld's Cat has taste in curtailing Bond's sexual assault on Domino :)) at the massage parlour but still having those women eye up the lusty old goat is beyond credibility. Connery's manner around the women is all wrong, he used to have a contained respect but here he seems just lecherous, trying to rekindle the old feelings. Getting sprayed with water by a waterskiing Blush, he has the expression of a cantankerous old man.

    I was disappointed with the music cue for Domino's work out. BC uses the tacky, sleazy song from FYEO, when Bond is sneaking around the pool in Spain. With so much sexy, modern lounge sounds around today, I was hoping for something better, though the music does fit. Why is Largo "certifiable" for being a good loser at the casino? Bond winding him up then watching as he smashed the mirrors seems creepy. Though, like Largo, we can't hear what Bond and Domino are saying in this scene over the music either!

    About an hour into this film boredom set in and never really recovered. Perhaps any film needs a consistent score throughout to build an atmosphere or flavour? Or maybe the film is just a bit of a dog? We watch for the old style Connery Bond, but he just isn't here, he doesn't show up. :( Sadly the Special Edition shows me that NSNA can make a good trailer but is still a pretty lousy film. :(
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • bond2002bond2002 UKPosts: 55MI6 Agent
    probably aware of this but for the people who are not
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,323MI6 Agent
    The site by Blofeld's Cat seems to be suspended. What gives?
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    Does anyone have a disc they may be able to send me. I'll pay for any expenses ;)
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,323MI6 Agent
    I watched this version again recently and it didn't seem so bad as on my first review, largely thanks to the music. Once you get past it reminding you of other films, it works quite well but it takes a viewing or two. Once again, Carrera's performance as Fatima Blush is much improved, thanks to the music. I'd now rate this version alongside The Living Daylights, around 15th or so, it has its moments.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • fenderbenderfenderbender Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    I wonder if this could be done, for fun, with all the other old bond movies. Take David Arnold's modern scores and mix them with the old movies. I know it sounds like Bond Blasphemy, but I think it would be neat to see these movies with a modern score.
  • Head of SectionHead of Section Northern NJPosts: 204MI6 Agent
    Does anyone have any current info on this project? My copy was damaged and I would REALLY like another one!
  • Red IndianRed Indian BostonPosts: 427MI6 Agent
    Thanks for posting that song - it blows what was used in the film out of the water! I'd love to hear it with heavy Barry orchestrations!
  • jamesm123jamesm123 LondonPosts: 184MI6 Agent
    Does anyone have a copy of this? I cant find a link anywhere.
  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    jamesm123 wrote:
    Does anyone have a copy of this? I cant find a link anywhere.

    I'd like to find it too. Link isn't working anymore.
  • Blood_StoneBlood_Stone Posts: 183MI6 Agent
    The transition of the gunbarrel into the opening sequence was perfect!
  • Agent007jamestAgent007jamest usaPosts: 163MI6 Agent
    I am also interested in finding this
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,618MI6 Agent
    While I agree that the 007 curtain was brilliant, I don't find the alternative song very tempting.

    And it was not the title song, which made NSNA suck.
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Matt SMatt S Oh Cult Voodoo ShopPosts: 6,597MI6 Agent
    I just watched Never Say McClory Again for the first time, after not having watched Never Say Never Again in a while. The music is generally well-chosen, though a few scenes have inappropriate music. The proper Bond music made the film seem more Bond-like, but it also makes it clear that the scenes where the cues were taken from are all better than the scenes in Never Say Never Again are. It just makes it more apparent that the film is not on the level of any EON Bond films. Though I know I'm one of the few people who likes the original music in the film, proper Bond music does not make the film any better.

    I do have a problem with how this version takes cues from practically ever Bond score. It's jarring how different the music can be from scene-to-scene. I think it would have been better if the majority of the music just came from one film, like Thunderball, with a few exceptions from films with similar scores. Some of the scenes might not end up with music as perfect for that scene, but it would make the film feel more cohesive.
    Visit my blog, Bond Suits
  • BroccoliBroccoli Posts: 253MI6 Agent
    Where did you find this?
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 36,614Chief of Staff
    Alas, NSMA is an unauthorised version of NSNA and AJB cannot condone the sharing of information as to where to obtain this.

    On a completely unrelated note, our PM system works just fine.
  • Unknown007Unknown007 Posts: 201MI6 Agent
    I must admit even though I haven't seen this movie for a while I have quite enjoyed it, even though it isn't an "official" James Bond Movie and doesn't have the James Bond Theme or Gunbarrel, The only thing I do not like about it is that I think it is/was an attempt by Kevin McClory to discredit and destroy the James Bond Films for his own advantage.
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