HALLOWEEN - Michael Myers

scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
edited August 2008 in Off Topic Chat
Ok for me the halloween films are my absolute favorite in the horror movie genre ,, I love the character of Michael myers and the film series is realy good....

As much as I love the films I think the series should have stuck to John Charpenters original vision which was HALLOWEEN 1 AND 2 being about michael myers .. than thats why the 3rd was a different story .. and I feel the halloween series should have had different storylines there after like halloween 3 ... however the rights were bought from John Charpenter and Debra Hill and the producers of 4 brought back myers and hes still here...

For me the Halloween series puts the rest of the horror series to shame... Friday the 13th just became an absolute copy of the halloween character of myers and started copying his actions and characteristics etc and some scenes in the freddy movies etc started copying halloween.... but I am not going to go into all of the i am talking about halloween the film that started the slasher genre...

Haloween can be looked at in a few ways ... HALLOWEEN 1 , 2,, H20 and resurection are a series on there own as in H20 it picks up were 2 left off and eliminates 3, 4 5 and 6 from the series...

Halloweens 4 , 5, and 6 are a series on there own.. as they have a linked storyline...

the one thing uniting them all is the main man himself one of my favorite actors of all time Donald Plesance as Michael Myers doctor and Malcom Mcdowel did do a nice job in the new film but Pleasence is the one and only ..

ok the new re release of Halloween by Rob Zombie was ok not great but ok and it did beat halloween resurection but that would not be hard give me pair of overalls and a camera and a few actors and I will produce something better than halloween rsurection...


for me Halloween 1 and 2 back to back are the ultimate ... Michael myers is still human yes and at the end of Halloween 2 he is clearly Dead I dont care what anyone says ... HALLOWEEN 1 and 2 and the only Halloweens and for the they are the one whole movie I am sure holloween fans will know what I mean .. Michael myers is very intimidating and scary in 1 and 2 he was the kind of force you run from you dont decide to fight him just get away from him.... which is what the films are about... but when it gets to teh otehr halloweens and the most obvious example of an all time low in Halloween resurection a pretty pathetic actor Busta Rymes doing kung Fu on michael Myers all this kind of crap is just crap .. IF YOU WATCH HALLOWEEN 1 or 2 He wouldnt have had a chance to say one word to myers he would have been dead by being withing 2 feet of him..

please let me know your feelings on the halloween series and the character of Michael Myers...

HALLOWEEN 1 AND 2 are the classics the one and only's the rest are ok but 1 and 2 as a whole are un beatable... and the character of Michael myers in both is genuinely frightening in the cinematic world.

I feel the myers story is over after halloween 2 watch ahlloween 1 and 2 back to back they compliment each other perfectly


  • Tilly Masterson 007Tilly Masterson 007 UKPosts: 1,472MI6 Agent
    I too like the Halloween series, but I do feel that the character of Myers has been explored enough and that the series has run it's course, hence the installment of the newest film.
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    edited August 2008
    yes totally agree with your there spot on ... i think 1 and 2 are fantastic and if they left it at 2 it would have been the greatest

    another thing is when you watch halloween 1 and 2 its belwivable that myers is human to a certain degree and he is clearly dead at the end of 2
    he is of average height and is pure evil scary....

    where as in 4 onwards he seems to be of a huge build and height a bit stupid... how he is so built thats why i love 1 and 2 more realistic and beleivable.

    i did not like the latest film.. well i like the first half of it .. then it just because a frame for frame ramake... so to speak well it felt like it ..

    RZ should have reade halloween 3 or something and set in back in 1989 or something like that ... that would have been cool he shouldnt have touched halloween 1 its too much of a classic.
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