Esquire James Bond/Quantum of Solace special

I got approached last month by the deputy art director of Esquire magazine for some photos of my collection. I spoke to him yesterday and he said that they have just received copies of the new magazine which will have two different covers. He said that one of them was going to be a special issue but won't tell me what it was. Just searched on eBay and this turned up -|66%3A2|65%3A10|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

Hopefully I will received my copies of the magazine tomorrow so will post further pics as soon as possible. Not sure what the standard issue is going to look like. I got sent the draft of the article that my collection pictures would go with - this is the one in the eBay listing titled LICENSED TO THRILL - THE MILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS BEHIND OUR BIGGEST ICON which was quite an interesting, lighthearted interview with Babs and Michael.

Anyway this should be on general release soon so you can all enjoy. I'll keep you posted.
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