So many questions



  • lavabubblelavabubble Posts: 229MI6 Agent
    Why didn't Greene try to kill Camille again after the first attempt failed?
    Why did Camille show up at the Greene Planet fund-raiser?
    Why did Bond hire the large attention getting DC-3 for his surveying of the desert?
    Why kill Mathis?

    1. He did - he said to Medrano "Be sure to drop her over the side when you've finished" - he'd no intention of her coming back alive.

    2. Camille was at the fundraiser because she still saw Greene as her best way of a shot at Medrano

    3. It didn't strike me that there was a lot of private jet providers in the desert - to me he just took what he could find.

    4. If you mean why was Mathis killed in the context of the film it was the bent chief of police/general who probably wanted shut of him as he knew too much and it would have been a good way to frame/kill Bond legitimately. If you mean why kill him at this point in the series, who knows!

    Thats my take on it all anyway!
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