Have you ever wanted to see/read a James Bond crossover??????

JohnNintendoNerdJohnNintendoNerd Lake Elmo, MinnesotaPosts: 48MI6 Agent
I always wanted to see a comic book where James Bond shows up in Gotham City for some reason or another but the only problem with doing a crossover like that, is that 007 is not a comic book character. And if Bond went to the fictional Gotham City he would have to contend with Batman's rogues gallery and James could end up killing some of them in self-defense which would really shake up Batman's side of the DC Universe.
"Your orders were to shoot that sniper!"

"Stuff my orders! I only kill professionals. That woman didn't know one end of a rifle from the other. Go ahead, tell M. what you want. If he fires me, I'll thank him for it."
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