An incredibly rare original 1965 "paper tat!" variant of the Corgi 261 James Bond Aston Martin DB5 window poster which at first glance probably does not appear different to the example previously listed in Donk's Modest Bond Collection? however that example featured the legend "Collect Corgis Always Topical" where this earlier example stated "Corgi Toys Always Topical". The poster is printed on glossy paper, measures 300mm x 198mm and has unused gum strips for applying behind glass as does the variant C270 poster. This is the only example of this particular poster this collector has ever seen however for the completest there is a near identical poster without the price roundel, one of which sold through Vectis as Lot #141 for £260 back in August 2005. This is not what I usually like to class or indeed secure as ex-shop stock condition but it is 51 years old so next stop is a spot of linen backing,cleaning & light fold restoration which should be an interesting process with the gummed strips! -{
Goldfinger received its Royal World Premier at the Odeon Theatre, Leicester Square on September 17th 1964 however its US Gala Premiere did not take place until 3 months later at 8pm on December 21st 1964 held at The DeMILLE THEATRE at Broadway and 47th Street followed by a Golden Champagne Supper Ball at HOTEL ASTOR.
Seen here perhaps for the first time? is the Program for the screening itself, the program for the Supper at HOTEL ASTOR and a Preview Screening ticket for October 29th 1964 also from the DeMILLE THEATRE, the only ticket for the event that this collector has ever seen. The Programme and ticket were printed on gold stock...naturally -{
In this Thunderball's 50th Anniversary year it is nice to turn up something out of the ordinary? A 10" x 8" black and white single sided glossy flyer from BSA Motorcycles to announce the usage of their 650 Lightning motorcycle in the new James Bond Thriller Thunderball. The motorcycle retailed for £341 and 16 shillings. Today you will pay 20 times that amount for a clean original example.
The flyer is printed on the same paper stock as the British Campaign book therefore it is reasonable to assume that this was intended to be an insert sheet similar to the Ford Escort sheet which was inserted in the British OHMSS Campaign book.
What makes it nice for this collector is it confirms that the BSA 650 Lightning double crown size poster was produced by BSA themselves and not by National Screen Services -{
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,204Chief of Staff
Goldfinger received its Royal World Premier at the Odeon Theatre, Leicester Square on September 17th 1964 however its US Gala Premiere did not take place until 3 months later at 8pm on December 21st 1964 held at The DeMILLE THEATRE at Broadway and 47th Street followed by a Golden Champagne Supper Ball at HOTEL ASTOR.
Seen here perhaps for the first time? is the Program for the screening itself, the program for the Supper at HOTEL ASTOR and a Preview Screening ticket for October 29th 1964 also from the DeMILLE THEATRE, the only ticket for the event that this collector has ever seen. The Programme and ticket were printed on gold stock...naturally -{
In 1984, the Danbury Mint were commissioned to produce a model of the 1964 James Bond Aston Martin DB5, BMT 216A, resplendent with fixed position Bondian gadgets as featured in the movie Goldfinger. The model would be cast in pewter and would also be silver plated. With a $120 price tag the model was penned for a 1985 release date. Due to believed quality issues (note the angle of the bullet proof shield) the release was delayed to the extent that those who had placed pre-orders and paid deposits or paid in full? were offered refunds which the majority accepted however a small quantity held out and they were rewarded for their patience with deliveries in early 1986. Only enough models to honour the commitment of the pre-orders were produced. Some were received without their wooden plinths with covering letters that the plinth would be sent at a later date. Most were received without copies of the official blueprints which in turn were copies of the original EON Productions paperwork penned by Michael Lamont. Each model was supplied with a certificate of ownership made out to the name of the purchaser and was shipped in a plain white box with moulded blue foam inserts to protect the fragile contents. Also seen here is the original 1984 magazine spread and glossy colour flyer seen in black & white in Dave Worrall's excellent tome "The Most Famous Car in the World".
The often missing top foam packing piece with cut outs to protect the fragile wing mirrors
The illusive Michael Lamont penned official blueprints -{
Asp9mmOver the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,544MI6 Agent
Aww, I had one of them. Flogged it on Ebay in 2000.
An important artefact from The Modest Collection covered in a previous post : Back in 1997 the Bond armourers were tasked to create the greatest Bond gadget you "NEVER" saw for the Tomorrow Never Dies Arms Bazaar pre-titles sequence. On screen Pierce Brosnan's Bond is carrying out video surveillance identifying the greatest get together of the world's known terrorists. After the Admiralty "have seen enough!" they decide to launch a cruise missile however Bond spots some Soviet Nuclear torpedoes under the wings of an Albatros L39 jet fighter & realises there is about to be a bigger bang than anticipated? White Knight (007) launches into action "filthy habit!" carrying a carbine style unknown rifle however this is not how this sequence originally began.
Rubber stunt cast off SFX transforming rifle
In the original cut Bond takes what appears to be a 15" x 7" package from inside his jacket so not much bigger than his suppressed P99. A folded hollow pistol grip was released revealing a short magazine, he then presses down on the front of said package when what turned out to be a top folding stock flips open and locks into place. In the same action a short 10" barrel pops out much like the pop out barrel of a Gat air pistol which had been locked in place by a sprung butt plate. As the stock unfolded a sprung padded cheek rest had also been released. This 10 second "cutting room floor" sequence would have introduced movie audiences to the small but deadly Sterling Armaments based AR180 carbine. As the cutdown magazine could only hold 5 rounds (which would empty in one short burst) to spray the ensemble of arms dealers the Bond armourers changed the short clip for a standard 5.56mm Armalite 30 round. A rubber stunt weapon cast off the transforming weapon was also utilised. Additionally with a 30 round magazine fitted the pistol grip could not covertly unfold nor indeed could the weapon be produced from inside Pierce's jacket as originally intended & indeed originally shot!
Practical rifle fitted with 30 round 5.56mm magazine
When Pierce at Frogmore Hall Studios in Hertfordshire in the UK and his stunt double stand in, Douglas James in the French Pyrenees fire the weapon from the cockpit of the L39 Albatros a standard 10" barrel AR180 with the addition of the top folding stock, modified short cocking lever & cut down sights was utilised to greater match the appearance of the "Gadget Rifle" which had been cut from one of the greatest pre-titles sequences in a Bond or indeed any movie. Three different rifles, practical blank fire and SFX folding sharing two variant stocks and rubber stunts were utilised to complete the sequence on location and at the Frogmore Hall Studios backlot.
The transforming rifle was created by genius armourer C.S. who went on the create Colonel Moon's Tankbuster for 2002's Die Another Day. Just 18 years later C.S.'s apprentice would create Patrice's folding case rifle for 2012's Skyfall -{
Practical rifle fitted with 5.56mm 30 round magazine
Another fantastic post Donk! I had no idea about this rifle - a shame the conversion was omitted from the final film. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and, umm, modest collection with us {[]
During the promotional run up to the release of The World Is Not Enough photographer Nigel Parry took these incredible candid images of Pierce Brosnan and the late great sadly missed Desmond Llewelyn, some of which were utilised in the publicity campaign however the majority on this contact sheet have not been seen before. These images of Pierce pretty much acting the fool show the incredible respect and affection the two actors had for each other. These are especially poignant as they were the last such images before Desmond's untimely death. I hope you enjoy these images -{
Also shown is Desmond's engraved brass personal "00Q" identification card created for his character in his last outing as the MI6 Gadget Meister which was not utilised on screen. Sorry replicators, specific details have been removed as I do not want this copied.
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,204Chief of Staff
Lovely images - they do show a real warmth between them -{
Asp9mmOver the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,544MI6 Agent
Yes, I'm afraid so, more uber rare paper tat!
An original 1965 United Artists press kit for "The Biggest Bond Of All!".....Thunderball
The kit consists of two Robert McGinnis artwork headed paper press releases, one on Sean Connery himself and one on the usage of the Bell Vestron rocket belt (jet pack) & one blank headed sheet plus 8 black & white stills in the original UA mailer...Donkey loves this! -{
During the promotional run up to the release of The World Is Not Enough photographer Nigel Parry took these incredible candid images of Pierce Brosnan and the late great sadly missed Desmond Llewelyn, some of which were utilised in the publicity campaign however the majority on this contact sheet have not been seen before. These images of Pierce pretty much acting the fool show the incredible respect and affection the two actors had for each other. These are especially poignant as they were the last such images before Desmond's untimely death. I hope you enjoy these images -{
Also shown is Desmond's engraved brass personal "00Q" identification card created for his character in his last outing as the MI6 Gadget Meister which was not utilised on screen. Sorry replicators, specific details have been removed as I do not want this copied.
Wonderful pictures, Pierce always had such respect for Desmond and it looks like they had great fun together.
Yawn!...Yet another incredibly rare piece of paper tat from 12th June 1967. An original Royal World Premiere ticket held at The Odeon Theatre, Leicester Square , London for the 5th James Bond thriller You Only Live Twice...and Twice is the only way to live!.
This is the only example this collector and indeed Graham Rye of 007 Magazine has ever seen. Quite a find in the movie's 50th Anniversary year.
Also illustrated is the Royal World Premiere programme for the event and a detail which I had not noticed before within, that a certain movie was Now in Preparation -{
Once again showcasing your magnificent and unparalleled collection Donk! -{
I love that poster of Connery seeming to walk upside down on Bird One's rails, a striking image I remember seeing as a kid (and I was only two or three when the film was released).
Thank you for continuing to share your abundant (aBondant?) paper tat ephemeral goodness with us! :007)
Amazing Donk!! and in fantastic condition -{
Its interesting to note that the title artwork on the ticket is different to that of the brochure and the UK quad posters.
Wow...just wow.
Standard Corgi C261 poster
2005 Vectis Auctions example
Nice one Donk
Goldfinger received its Royal World Premier at the Odeon Theatre, Leicester Square on September 17th 1964 however its US Gala Premiere did not take place until 3 months later at 8pm on December 21st 1964 held at The DeMILLE THEATRE at Broadway and 47th Street followed by a Golden Champagne Supper Ball at HOTEL ASTOR.
Seen here perhaps for the first time? is the Program for the screening itself, the program for the Supper at HOTEL ASTOR and a Preview Screening ticket for October 29th 1964 also from the DeMILLE THEATRE, the only ticket for the event that this collector has ever seen. The Programme and ticket were printed on gold stock...naturally -{
You are truly the man with the 'Midas Touch' Donk
In this Thunderball's 50th Anniversary year it is nice to turn up something out of the ordinary? A 10" x 8" black and white single sided glossy flyer from BSA Motorcycles to announce the usage of their 650 Lightning motorcycle in the new James Bond Thriller Thunderball. The motorcycle retailed for £341 and 16 shillings. Today you will pay 20 times that amount for a clean original example.
The flyer is printed on the same paper stock as the British Campaign book therefore it is reasonable to assume that this was intended to be an insert sheet similar to the Ford Escort sheet which was inserted in the British OHMSS Campaign book.
What makes it nice for this collector is it confirms that the BSA 650 Lightning double crown size poster was produced by BSA themselves and not by National Screen Services -{
Nice one Donk {[]
The often missing top foam packing piece with cut outs to protect the fragile wing mirrors
The illusive Michael Lamont penned official blueprints -{
An important artefact from The Modest Collection covered in a previous post : Back in 1997 the Bond armourers were tasked to create the greatest Bond gadget you "NEVER" saw for the Tomorrow Never Dies Arms Bazaar pre-titles sequence. On screen Pierce Brosnan's Bond is carrying out video surveillance identifying the greatest get together of the world's known terrorists. After the Admiralty "have seen enough!" they decide to launch a cruise missile however Bond spots some Soviet Nuclear torpedoes under the wings of an Albatros L39 jet fighter & realises there is about to be a bigger bang than anticipated? White Knight (007) launches into action "filthy habit!" carrying a carbine style unknown rifle however this is not how this sequence originally began.
Rubber stunt cast off SFX transforming rifle
In the original cut Bond takes what appears to be a 15" x 7" package from inside his jacket so not much bigger than his suppressed P99. A folded hollow pistol grip was released revealing a short magazine, he then presses down on the front of said package when what turned out to be a top folding stock flips open and locks into place. In the same action a short 10" barrel pops out much like the pop out barrel of a Gat air pistol which had been locked in place by a sprung butt plate. As the stock unfolded a sprung padded cheek rest had also been released. This 10 second "cutting room floor" sequence would have introduced movie audiences to the small but deadly Sterling Armaments based AR180 carbine. As the cutdown magazine could only hold 5 rounds (which would empty in one short burst) to spray the ensemble of arms dealers the Bond armourers changed the short clip for a standard 5.56mm Armalite 30 round. A rubber stunt weapon cast off the transforming weapon was also utilised. Additionally with a 30 round magazine fitted the pistol grip could not covertly unfold nor indeed could the weapon be produced from inside Pierce's jacket as originally intended & indeed originally shot!
Practical rifle fitted with 30 round 5.56mm magazine
When Pierce at Frogmore Hall Studios in Hertfordshire in the UK and his stunt double stand in, Douglas James in the French Pyrenees fire the weapon from the cockpit of the L39 Albatros a standard 10" barrel AR180 with the addition of the top folding stock, modified short cocking lever & cut down sights was utilised to greater match the appearance of the "Gadget Rifle" which had been cut from one of the greatest pre-titles sequences in a Bond or indeed any movie. Three different rifles, practical blank fire and SFX folding sharing two variant stocks and rubber stunts were utilised to complete the sequence on location and at the Frogmore Hall Studios backlot.
The transforming rifle was created by genius armourer C.S. who went on the create Colonel Moon's Tankbuster for 2002's Die Another Day. Just 18 years later C.S.'s apprentice would create Patrice's folding case rifle for 2012's Skyfall -{
Practical rifle fitted with 5.56mm 30 round magazine
Also shown is Desmond's engraved brass personal "00Q" identification card created for his character in his last outing as the MI6 Gadget Meister which was not utilised on screen. Sorry replicators, specific details have been removed as I do not want this copied.
An original 1965 United Artists press kit for "The Biggest Bond Of All!".....Thunderball
The kit consists of two Robert McGinnis artwork headed paper press releases, one on Sean Connery himself and one on the usage of the Bell Vestron rocket belt (jet pack) & one blank headed sheet plus 8 black & white stills in the original UA mailer...Donkey loves this! -{
Paper tat at its finest -{
Could not agree more - my flabber is well and truly gasted !!
This is the only example this collector and indeed Graham Rye of 007 Magazine has ever seen. Quite a find in the movie's 50th Anniversary year.
Also illustrated is the Royal World Premiere programme for the event and a detail which I had not noticed before within, that a certain movie was Now in Preparation -{
I love that poster of Connery seeming to walk upside down on Bird One's rails, a striking image I remember seeing as a kid (and I was only two or three when the film was released).
Thank you for continuing to share your abundant (aBondant?) paper tat ephemeral goodness with us! :007)
Its interesting to note that the title artwork on the ticket is different to that of the brochure and the UK quad posters.