Potential Spoiler: M's (Judi) Real Name Easter Egg

Saw this on reddit. If you haven't watch Skyfall yet, maybe you shouldn't take a look. Pretty solid easter egg.
bequethed to James Bond, id go along with that ,nice work
agent theexit148,
Whatever happened to her name being Barbara Mawdsley?
A Gent in Training.... A blog about my continuing efforts to be improve myself, be a better person, and lead a good life. It incorporates such far flung topics as fitness, self defense, music, style, food and drink, and personal philosophy.
Agent In Training
That was only ever in the novelisations. But as the Brosnan-era M is necessarily a different character to the Craig-era M, both names could still stand.
11- TB. 12- OP. 13- LALD. 14- TMWTGG. 15- FYEO. 16- YOLT. 17- TND. 18- QoS.
19- TWINE. 20- AVTAK. 21- MR. 22- DAF. 23- DAD.
Agreed. Obviously there is room to change the name because it isn't like one M met both Brosnan and Craig. I think they surely had the chance to recast M, so just treat it like they did go through the next M options and happened to have the same actress choice for the next iteration in charge of MI6.
I have to say, I find the name they chose in SkyFall quite fitting.
1. Dalton 2. Moore 3. Connery 4. Lazenby 5. Craig 6. Brosnan
"Utter one more syllable and you're Donald Ducked."