Missed punchline effect: When the filmmakers unintentionally set up a great joke, but then fail to deliver the desired punchline.
I feel this happened in Spectre when M says, "Now I know what C stands for." and the whole audience laughed and then the moment was ruined when M continued, "Careless." (oooooh lame!)
Spectre has a 12 certificate. If M had called Denbigh a c***, then the film would've recieved a higher rating.
Have you ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?"
Missed punchline effect: When the filmmakers unintentionally set up a great joke, but then fail to deliver the desired punchline.
I feel this happened in Spectre when M says, "Now I know what C stands for." and the whole audience laughed and then the moment was ruined when M continued, "Careless." (oooooh lame!)
Spectre has a 12 certificate. If M had called Denbigh a c***, then the film would've recieved a higher rating.
I loved the "careless" line. It's much funnier that he only implied the four-letter word than if he came out and said it. We know that he still meant the four-letter word even though he says "careless" instead.
Missed punchline effect: When the filmmakers unintentionally set up a great joke, but then fail to deliver the desired punchline.
I feel this happened in Spectre when M says, "Now I know what C stands for." and the whole audience laughed and then the moment was ruined when M continued, "Careless." (oooooh lame!)
Spectre has a 12 certificate. If M had called Denbigh a c***, then the film would've recieved a higher rating.
I loved the "careless" line. It's much funnier that he only implied the four-letter word than if he came out and said it. We know that he still meant the four-letter word even though he says "careless" instead.
I disagree. I'd have loved it if he'd dropped the C-bomb. I know it would never happen, but part of me just wishes that in another version he did. Maybe in 35 years, Bond fans will be saying, "I could have sworn that in the version I saw at the cinema, M calls Denbigh a c***". ) )
) I actually DID see MR in the cinema in 1979- several times- but by now I've watched it on Betamax, VHS, DVD etc so often that I can't accurately recall if Dolly had braces or not in the original. Given the evidence, it looks like she didn't. There's no logical reason to suspect that she did- although this was a missed opportunity for a joke.
I think the reason they didn't give Dolly braces was because the producers didn't want to ruin the dark and gritty (almost documentary-like) movie that was Moonraker with silly jokes like that.
I think the reason they didn't give Dolly braces was because the producers didn't want to ruin the dark and gritty (almost documentary-like) movie that was Moonraker with silly jokes like that.
That is a bone-dry martini right there. Outstanding. -{
I only recently learned of this Mandela Effect and find it pretty funny. Particularly how the theory about the movie is more ridiculous than the actual plot of Moonraker. I wonder if they're the same people who complain about Bond in space being too "out there", but when Dolly shows up they're like "there goes that ripple through the time/space continuum, I hope Picard and Data can stop the effects before it reaches FYEO". I learned of it through an Angry Video Game Nerd episode about the Berenstain Bears, which people remember as being Berenstein Bears. Well I don't remember it either way, I thought it was like Burn-Steen, and the reason is because I was a stupid little kid who couldn't talk worth a s%^&. I can't help but think some massive ego was responsible for concocting a wild theory like that instead of just saying "You know what, maybe we were just saying it wrong". Or maybe it was concocted as a joke, some people seem to jokingly advocate the theory and are in on the joke, but there seem to be plenty who genuinely believe it.
It wasn't until after that I happened to read a thread about it on the Moonraker IMDb board, and I didn't remember her having braces. I watched it a lot growing up though, we had all the Moore movies on tape and as a Star Wars kid I was all for the space station and laser battles. So maybe since I watched it so much, as there are plenty of people who probably only watched it if it happened to be crammed into a marathon, that I didn't get that false memory.
Another from Moonraker, when Bond uses his watch to escape from the exhaust pit below the shuttle.
I always remembered a short blue pulse of light running along the cable until hitting the explosives.
I got a surprise later on watching, to see I had remembered it wrong !
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
David Fincher said in an interview that people still yell at him for showing the head in the box in Seven.
But he never filmed a head in a box, their crew never even made a head for the scene. It shows what a good director Fincher is and that the "Mandela-effect" works.
The Phil Collins song "In The Air Tonight" I've known for decades, and occasionally performed. The first line I have always heard as "I can feel it coming in the air tonight, hold on" but apparently is really "I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord" and always has been.
Does anyone else remember it as "hold on" or have I simply been wrong all these years... decades?
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,176Chief of Staff
The Phil Collins song "In The Air Tonight" I've known for decades, and occasionally performed. The first line I have always heard as "I can feel it coming in the air tonight, hold on" but apparently is really "I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord" and always has been.
Does anyone else remember it as "hold on" or have I simply been wrong all these years... decades?
The Phil Collins song "In The Air Tonight" I've known for decades, and occasionally performed. The first line I have always heard as "I can feel it coming in the air tonight, hold on" but apparently is really "I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord" and always has been.
Does anyone else remember it as "hold on" or have I simply been wrong all these years... decades?
I always heard "hold on". It makes sense with the drowning imagery, and the building of musical tension.
A similar one I've spent a lifetime mishearing is the Grateful Dead's "Truckin'".
I always thought Bob Weir was singing "flashing my keys down on Main Street", as if that is something the cool dudes do to impress chicks with evidence that they own a car … but of course it is "flashing marquees" which is actually a thing. And even though I have long since learned the correct lyric, my brain still hears what it wants to hear everytime I hear the song, including all the live versions where his enunciation should vary.
This is a brilliant thread, it's got me going and I'm of no real opinion on whether she had braces or not.
Now, of course the Bonds can get doctored for recent releases, for instance the pts of OHMSS has been darkened, some say to make it more like how it was on its first release, as it is meant to be set at dawn. Some don't like that, but it's a matter of opinion. Likewise, the night to day in FYEO is a bit abrupt in one scene that ends with Bond kicking Locke's car off the cliff, so I understand it was darkened a bit so it makes a bit more sense. Likewise the darkening of the space station, as there's no light in space, in MR, which teed some fans such as myself off.
It's not like fans are gonna get consulted before all this, not saying we should be either.
There was talk, probably a hoax, of someone airbrushing out Macca's ciggie on the cover of Abbey Road for health reasons.
So why would they airbursh out braces, if they did? Well, cos it's a bit unPC, some kid would be dubbed 'Jaws' at school etc. It might seem cruel in today's terms. That wouldn't be a sound reason to do it, unless of course some bod in the CGI box exceeded his brief.
Ah... but in that speculation we have the real reason, if we look hard enough.
You do get some adults wearing braces - Tom Cruise in perfectionist mode did - but usually not. It's usually just kids, early teens or pre-teens or just eight year olds.
Now... MR is a family friendly film but even so one might baulk at a monstrous serial killer getting it on with a girl who actually is dressed up like an 8-year-old - and the braces complete the idea that our loveable killer is in fact being allowed to indulge in some paedophile fantasy here.
The pigtails, glasses rather than contacts and dainty white dress rather completes the picture.
Which maybe, in turn, casts a new light on Drax and Bond's pointed observation later on that not all those who fit the norm will be allowed back to Earth. Now indeed, Dolly's wonky teeth would match that but in could also be intererpeted that our lovely MI6 boys would tolerate Jaws' paedo tendencies but not any normal blueprint society, okay I'm stretching it a bit now.
But fact is - it makes Jaws look like a paedo, so that might be a reason to have the braces removed. And of course, don't expect them to issue any explanatory publicity to go with it, that would be drawing attention to it! Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission, as the saying goes.
Of course, there must be some old VHS tapes that show one way or another.
I thought this reddit discussion was settled. I do not have this Mandela Effect? Why- I live in Austria. But: In England or America there was a commercial on TV with Richard Kiel and a girl with Braces. That is why so many Brits or Us have this memory and transported it wrongly to moonraker.
hundreds of replies all believe Dolly did have braces in 1979 and there has been a conspiracy to alter every single surviving copy, theyre even coming into peoples houses and swapping ancient VHS copies with the retconned fake version
one commenter even eerily predicts this commercial will be quickly removed from youtube as it has gotten too close to the truth
I wonder what the the real significance of Dolly's braces is, that it is so crucially important all evidence be removed and denied nearly 50 years later? something to do with the FreeMasons perhaps?
Spectre has a 12 certificate. If M had called Denbigh a c***, then the film would've recieved a higher rating.
" I don't listen to hip hop!"
I loved the "careless" line. It's much funnier that he only implied the four-letter word than if he came out and said it. We know that he still meant the four-letter word even though he says "careless" instead.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
I disagree. I'd have loved it if he'd dropped the C-bomb.
I think the reason they didn't give Dolly braces was because the producers didn't want to ruin the dark and gritty (almost documentary-like) movie that was Moonraker with silly jokes like that.
It wasn't until after that I happened to read a thread about it on the Moonraker IMDb board, and I didn't remember her having braces. I watched it a lot growing up though, we had all the Moore movies on tape and as a Star Wars kid I was all for the space station and laser battles. So maybe since I watched it so much, as there are plenty of people who probably only watched it if it happened to be crammed into a marathon, that I didn't get that false memory.
I always remembered a short blue pulse of light running along the cable until hitting the explosives.
I got a surprise later on watching, to see I had remembered it wrong !
But he never filmed a head in a box, their crew never even made a head for the scene. It shows what a good director Fincher is and that the "Mandela-effect" works.
The Phil Collins song "In The Air Tonight" I've known for decades, and occasionally performed. The first line I have always heard as "I can feel it coming in the air tonight, hold on" but apparently is really "I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord" and always has been.
Does anyone else remember it as "hold on" or have I simply been wrong all these years... decades?
I’ve always thought it was ‘oh lord’...
I really like that about it too. Its clever and funnier this way.
A similar one I've spent a lifetime mishearing is the Grateful Dead's "Truckin'".
I always thought Bob Weir was singing "flashing my keys down on Main Street", as if that is something the cool dudes do to impress chicks with evidence that they own a car … but of course it is "flashing marquees" which is actually a thing. And even though I have long since learned the correct lyric, my brain still hears what it wants to hear everytime I hear the song, including all the live versions where his enunciation should vary.
Oh well, I'll just comfort myself by listening to Elton John singing "Goodbye Yellow Brick Street"....
Now, of course the Bonds can get doctored for recent releases, for instance the pts of OHMSS has been darkened, some say to make it more like how it was on its first release, as it is meant to be set at dawn. Some don't like that, but it's a matter of opinion. Likewise, the night to day in FYEO is a bit abrupt in one scene that ends with Bond kicking Locke's car off the cliff, so I understand it was darkened a bit so it makes a bit more sense. Likewise the darkening of the space station, as there's no light in space, in MR, which teed some fans such as myself off.
It's not like fans are gonna get consulted before all this, not saying we should be either.
There was talk, probably a hoax, of someone airbrushing out Macca's ciggie on the cover of Abbey Road for health reasons.
So why would they airbursh out braces, if they did? Well, cos it's a bit unPC, some kid would be dubbed 'Jaws' at school etc. It might seem cruel in today's terms. That wouldn't be a sound reason to do it, unless of course some bod in the CGI box exceeded his brief.
Ah... but in that speculation we have the real reason, if we look hard enough.
You do get some adults wearing braces - Tom Cruise in perfectionist mode did - but usually not. It's usually just kids, early teens or pre-teens or just eight year olds.
Now... MR is a family friendly film but even so one might baulk at a monstrous serial killer getting it on with a girl who actually is dressed up like an 8-year-old - and the braces complete the idea that our loveable killer is in fact being allowed to indulge in some paedophile fantasy here.
The pigtails, glasses rather than contacts and dainty white dress rather completes the picture.
Which maybe, in turn, casts a new light on Drax and Bond's pointed observation later on that not all those who fit the norm will be allowed back to Earth. Now indeed, Dolly's wonky teeth would match that but in could also be intererpeted that our lovely MI6 boys would tolerate Jaws' paedo tendencies but not any normal blueprint society, okay I'm stretching it a bit now.
But fact is - it makes Jaws look like a paedo, so that might be a reason to have the braces removed. And of course, don't expect them to issue any explanatory publicity to go with it, that would be drawing attention to it! Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission, as the saying goes.
Of course, there must be some old VHS tapes that show one way or another.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
In 2019 I saw an original non-digital copy in Oslo - she did not have braces
I thought this reddit discussion was settled. I do not have this Mandela Effect? Why- I live in Austria. But: In England or America there was a commercial on TV with Richard Kiel and a girl with Braces. That is why so many Brits or Us have this memory and transported it wrongly to moonraker.
Mandela Effect solved.
Ha! An original and interesting comment - never seen this commercial to my knowledge however!
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Interesting…I’ve never seen that advertisement before…but for years I thought Dolly had braces 🤷🏻♂️
thanks @Xando
read the comments on that youtube page!
hundreds of replies all believe Dolly did have braces in 1979 and there has been a conspiracy to alter every single surviving copy, theyre even coming into peoples houses and swapping ancient VHS copies with the retconned fake version
one commenter even eerily predicts this commercial will be quickly removed from youtube as it has gotten too close to the truth
I wonder what the the real significance of Dolly's braces is, that it is so crucially important all evidence be removed and denied nearly 50 years later? something to do with the FreeMasons perhaps?
I've just read through all of this thread and Barbel linked to this video on the first page.
That IS the Mandala Effect in full flow 😳🤣