Do you believe in aliens and UFOs?
Silhouette Man
The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,897MI6 Agent
So this thread builds on the highly successful ghosts thread to ask if you believe in aliens/extraterrestrials, flying saucers/UFOs and such like.
Personally, unlike ghosts, I am a skeptic and remain to be convinced in intelligent life out there in Space. Now obviously there are UFOs in the sense that they are unidentified flying objects, but whether they are alien craft or not is a matter of debate.
As such, let's debate it here in this thread and try to replicate the success of my ghosts thread. Here's hoping!
"The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
That's almost certainly true, but do you believe that they have visited our planet?
I don't think anyone is flying about, visiting us.
I agree.
Presumably given what we are doing to this planet, you are not referring to humans as intelligent life...
If you look back at our history, we've only really been visible to other planets for around the last 100 years since we started emitting radio waves into the cosmos. That's a minuscule time frame when you think about how long life has existed on the planet. If other civilisations on other worlds do exist, it's quite possibly the case that they have yet to reach this stage, or perhaps, they've passed it and have moved on to technologies we have yet to discover?
So projects like SETI, whilst admirable in their efforts to find intelligent life in the universe, are probably doomed to failure, because they're searching for something that may not yet exist, or has been and gone.
Do I believe in aliens and UFO's? Yes, absolutely the former, because I'd hope we were not just some bizarre mistake and totally alone. The latter? I'm sceptical that civilisations advanced enough to visit our planet would need to do so in little space ships. If they are so advanced, they'd probably do all their travel by exploiting dimensional warping and teleportation or other means that we have yet to discover or dream up with our tiny minds.
And his love of GREEN trainers is a massive giveaway
It's certainly alien to the rest of us )
Worry...or...look forward too
I mean we couldn't do that even today with all the technology ect we have , I think its all been hushed up myself regarding aliens ,
but then I am ravin mad
Do UFO's exist? Yes.
Are they aliens? Who knows, until one lands and says hello they'll remain UFO's.
Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
Maybe you believe in Reptilians, Pete? I'm channeling some David Icke there.
good points here as usual ,the way I see it , 8-) is the reason why aliens ,who probably have a vast superior existence than our cave man
attitude to our planet ,its animals and its peoples .They probably wont contact us until we clean up our act , we are like the dirty scruffy family at the end of the road ,that no one wants to talk to . we are our worst enemies , X-(
Well, there are some right ugly b@stards about Brian so it wouldn't surprise me if there was something to it )
Have you seen your bedpan flying again? :v
Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
Only happens the day after a good Madras
The Cook Report [1987] - Close Encounters:
A non-confrontational but somewhat eerie episode as Roger Cook investigates the likely cover up behind the strange goings-on at two different properties in the west of England.
Take a look at all the Area 51 videos on YouTube. Countless ‘explorers’ driving up to a fence or the infamous back gate to intice out the ‘camo dudes’. But what’s inside Area 51? Surely it must be full of aliens etc?
Or it could just be a testing ground for military technology. For all anyone really knows the odd lights etc could be a distraction to entertain the tin foil hat wearing brigade.
If Area 51 really was full of ET, Roswell really was an alien crash site and we’ve been talking to aliens since the sixties or before, someone would have leaked definitive proof by now.
Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!