Bond game future ideas

Somerset63Somerset63 Posts: 7MI6 Agent
I noticed that there is a thread with ideas for Bond 25 so I thought it would be worthwhile having one here.

As a lover of almost all of the Bond games, it’s a shame to see nothing on the horizon. Traditionally, gamers seem to agree that film tie-ins are among the worst of games available, but the James Bond games do not fit this generalisation.

After such poor treatment of the Bond licence in the last few years (i.e the 007 Legends mess from Activision and that awfully buggy app game from whoever), I believe that a new killer game is well overdue.

To start things off this has been my idea for a long time.

James Bond has never been made into a sandbox game but just imagine if they took elements from the Grand Theft Auto and Just Cause series and applied it to a Bond game. Instead they set up the sandbox as the world, and with the player beginning in London, they must make there way to the office, receive their briefing and then follow the leads. Each mission could be a movie plot or even a plot from the continuation novels (no discrimination here) and the character must travel to the relevant country (I.e Jamaica for Dr. No) and complete the investigation. I think this would have been the best way to pay tribute to the 50th anniversary and would be very nostalgic as players would get to relive these movies in an interactive way.

Please post your ideas below.


  • eric7064eric7064 USAPosts: 344MI6 Agent
    Unfortunately I think Bond games are on hiatus for awhile. It's a big license and the games havent been selling well enough to keep them coming.

    I would very much be in favor of a much more stealthy, melee focused bond that only would resort to gunplay in certain situations.

    I think another reason its hard for Bond games is the Shooter market is so oversaturated. And although I have a soft spot for all Bond games, shooters that rely on SP campaigns dont sell well. They tried taking a COD style approach with the QOS game.

    Again, with the market it's really tough. I'd love more games, but I really think the game would really need to change up the formula and not be a traditional FPS/TPS. It needs to be really different and I just dont see it coming anytime soon.
  • DrFragmentDrFragment South Coast Of EnglandPosts: 49MI6 Agent
    How about a Kickstarter backed Bond board game with detailed miniatures. Might make a change from video gaming, just a thought ?
    "Mm... Royal Beluga, north of the Caspian."
  • rebelagentrebelagent MontrealPosts: 2MI6 Agent
    DrFragment wrote:
    How about a Kickstarter backed Bond board game with detailed miniatures. Might make a change from video gaming, just a thought ?

    It,s crazy to me they have done Simpsons, Scooby-doo, Seinfeld, Star Wars, Supernatural versions of Clue. yet no 007!
    At least there's the Monopolyn game.
    a James Bond podcast
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,252MI6 Agent
    Count me in for more board games too. I love the James Bond edition of Monopoly, even thought I have not played it in a longtime.

    Really surprised that no other licensed board games have been made, like Clue or even a miniature based game like the various Star Wars games I see for sale at my local comic book store. @DrFragment I like your idea, in fact their is a company called Cryptozoic entertainment that has produced various board games based on popular movie franchises through Kickstarter campaigns, their Ghostbusters & Ghostbusters II games being the most recent. If a James Bond based game was ever made I would buy in a heartbeat.
  • chrism1706chrism1706 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    There was rumours of a Telltale Bond game similar to what they done with Batman etc. Think that would be the best we can hope for just now.
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,252MI6 Agent
    Hope that Telltale has a game planed for sometime in the near future. As fun as it is to play the video games I already own, it would be nice to have a new one.
  • I never missI never miss EnglandPosts: 47MI6 Agent
    Somerset63 wrote:
    I noticed that there is a thread with ideas for Bond 25 so I thought it would be worthwhile having one here.

    As a lover of almost all of the Bond games, it’s a shame to see nothing on the horizon. Traditionally, gamers seem to agree that film tie-ins are among the worst of games available, but the James Bond games do not fit this generalisation.

    After such poor treatment of the Bond licence in the last few years (i.e the 007 Legends mess from Activision and that awfully buggy app game from whoever), I believe that a new killer game is well overdue.

    To start things off this has been my idea for a long time.

    James Bond has never been made into a sandbox game but just imagine if they took elements from the Grand Theft Auto and Just Cause series and applied it to a Bond game. Instead they set up the sandbox as the world, and with the player beginning in London, they must make there way to the office, receive their briefing and then follow the leads. Each mission could be a movie plot or even a plot from the continuation novels (no discrimination here) and the character must travel to the relevant country (I.e Jamaica for Dr. No) and complete the investigation. I think this would have been the best way to pay tribute to the 50th anniversary and would be very nostalgic as players would get to relive these movies in an interactive way.

    Please post your ideas below.

    Great idea for a GTA or RDR style game. I think if they began working on it now for an Oct 2022 release in time for the 60th anniversary then they could make something truly special. Perhaps working on releasing for the next gen would help them have multiple maps enabling Bond to fly to other countries - Jamaica, New York, Venice, Moscow etc. - with London as a starting map. The ps6 might be able to cope with Gta V map sizes for five locations. Free roam and campaign could be options, and it could mirror Gta online to some degree. It'll never happen of course, but it would be magnificent to be able to customise your character, kitting them out as you please.
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