Tom Ford Skyfall Tie Special Order LAST DAY FOR ORDERS FRIDAY 15TH MAR

Hi guys
So I must stress this is a "after the QOS polo project" project.
But Ive been discussing with TF Milan the possibility of a project re SA Skyfall ties...
Pricing will be akin to the Spectre tie project (£170) depending on where we get re numbers.
Originally was going Granborough tie first (as wanted this personally) but now thinking all 3 main ties, likely produced one at a time...
This is just an interest stating thread presently but with foundation as agreement from Luigi confirmed (he likes a good project!!!).
Please add name / which ties (Pts / tri / granboro)...
So I must stress this is a "after the QOS polo project" project.
But Ive been discussing with TF Milan the possibility of a project re SA Skyfall ties...
Pricing will be akin to the Spectre tie project (£170) depending on where we get re numbers.
Originally was going Granborough tie first (as wanted this personally) but now thinking all 3 main ties, likely produced one at a time...
This is just an interest stating thread presently but with foundation as agreement from Luigi confirmed (he likes a good project!!!).
Please add name / which ties (Pts / tri / granboro)...
Skewered, one sympathises...
1. CR. 2. TSWLM. 3. LTK. 4. GF. 5. SF.
1. CR. 2. TSWLM. 3. LTK. 4. GF. 5. SF.
007JBDCMWR, thanks for organising this. Please keep us updated.
I did state SA, fully aware of width etc
1. CR. 2. TSWLM. 3. LTK. 4. GF. 5. SF.
Yes, but not with pre agreement or with Milan
Must stress, its a way off after Davids polo project is fully completed
1. CR. 2. TSWLM. 3. LTK. 4. GF. 5. SF.
On a similar note ; Do you think another run of the Spectre ties could be considered? Apparently the previous one was yet another project I missed out on.
If possible does anyone have a close-up shot of the different patterns so i can decide if i want all 3?
M, its the one Bond wears when meeting M and Mallory in the new HQ, and Q at National gallery.
Link to thread here
1. CR. 2. TSWLM. 3. LTK. 4. GF. 5. SF.
I actually did a online search for the Tri-Color tie and I was directed to the thread you mentioned. The PTS is a maybe but I'm definitely in for a Granborough and a Tri-Color!
1. WaltherP99
2. Casino_royale
3. JTM
4. GS
5. GlennGervot
6. Jared_nomak
7. Asd007
8. Kadd x2
9. AKV
10. Agent Double_0 Daniel
11. -_Quantum_-
12. fleiter
13. Cheverian
14. UNCLE27
15. MikeG77
16. Osiris
1. WalterP99
2. Casino_royale
3. JTM
4. GS
5. GlennGervot
6. Jared_nomak
7. AKV
8. Agent Double_0 Daniel
9. -_Quantum_-
10. fleiter
11. Cheverian
12. UNCLE27
13. MikeG77
14. Osiris
1. Casino_royale
2. GS
3. Jared_nomak
4. AKV
5. Agent Double_0 Daniel
6. -_Quantum_-
7. fleiter
8. MikeG77 MAYBE
9. Osiris
Thank you for this initiative!
1. WaltherP99
2. Casino_royale
3. JTM
4. GS
5. GlennGervot
6. Jared_nomak
7. Asd007
8. Kadd x2
9. AKV
10. Agent Double_0 Daniel
11. -_Quantum_-
12. fleiter
13. Cheverian
14. UNCLE27
15. MikeG77
16. Osiris
17. welshboy79
18. cyclones122
19. McQueen
20. Llafyks
21. Miles Messervy
22. Commandant
23. StiffassBrit
1. WalterP99
2. Casino_royale
3. JTM
4. GS
5. GlennGervot
6. Jared_nomak
7. AKV
8. Agent Double_0 Daniel
9. -_Quantum_-
10. fleiter
11. Cheverian
12. UNCLE27
13. MikeG77
14. Osiris
15. cuclones122
16. McQueen
17. Commandant
18. StiffassBrit
1. Casino_royale
2. GS
3. Jared_nomak
4. AKV
5. Agent Double_0 Daniel
6. -_Quantum_-
7. fleiter
8. MikeG77 MAYBE
9. Osiris
10. cyclones122
11. McQueen
12. Commandant
13. StiffassBrit
1. WaltherP99
2. Casino_royale
3. JTM
4. GS
5. GlennGervot
6. Jared_nomak
7. Asd007
8. Kadd x2
9. AKV
10. Agent Double_0 Daniel
11. -_Quantum_-
12. fleiter
13. Cheverian
14. UNCLE27
15. MikeG77
16. Osiris
17. welshboy79
18. cyclones122
19. McQueen
20. Llafyks
21. Miles Messervy
22. Commandant
23. StiffassBrit
1. WalterP99
2. Casino_royale
3. JTM
4. GS
5. GlennGervot
6. Jared_nomak
7. AKV
8. Agent Double_0 Daniel
9. -_Quantum_-
10. fleiter
11. Cheverian
12. UNCLE27
13. MikeG77
14. Osiris
15. cuclones122
16. McQueen
17. Commandant
18. StiffassBrit
19. Bond44
1. Casino_royale
2. GS
3. Jared_nomak
4. AKV
5. Agent Double_0 Daniel
6. -_Quantum_-
7. fleiter
8. MikeG77 MAYBE
9. Osiris
10. cyclones122
11. McQueen
12. Commandant
13. StiffassBrit
14. Bond44