Tom Ford Skyfall Tie Special Order LAST DAY FOR ORDERS FRIDAY 15TH MAR

007JBDCMWR007JBDCMWR Posts: 2,526MI6 Agent
Hi guys
So I must stress this is a "after the QOS polo project" project.
But Ive been discussing with TF Milan the possibility of a project re SA Skyfall ties...
Pricing will be akin to the Spectre tie project (£170) depending on where we get re numbers.
Originally was going Granborough tie first (as wanted this personally) but now thinking all 3 main ties, likely produced one at a time...
This is just an interest stating thread presently but with foundation as agreement from Luigi confirmed (he likes a good project!!!).

Please add name / which ties (Pts / tri / granboro)...
Skewered, one sympathises...

1. CR. 2. TSWLM. 3. LTK. 4. GF. 5. SF.


  • walther p99walther p99 NJPosts: 3,416MI6 Agent
    I'm interested in the tri and Granborough ties. Hasnt this been attempted a few times before recently?
  • casino_royalecasino_royale Posts: 202MI6 Agent
    I am definately interested in all 3 Skyfall ties. I hope this project will be a succes. Please be aware that the ties must have the SA size.

    007JBDCMWR, thanks for organising this. Please keep us updated.
  • 007JBDCMWR007JBDCMWR Posts: 2,526MI6 Agent
    I am definately interested in all 3 Skyfall ties. I hope this project will be a succes. Please be aware that the ties must have the SA size.

    007JBDCMWR, thanks for organising this. Please keep us updated.

    I did state SA, fully aware of width etc
    Skewered, one sympathises...

    1. CR. 2. TSWLM. 3. LTK. 4. GF. 5. SF.
  • 007JBDCMWR007JBDCMWR Posts: 2,526MI6 Agent
    I'm interested in the tri and Granborough ties. Hasnt this been attempted a few times before recently?

    Yes, but not with pre agreement or with Milan

    Must stress, its a way off after Davids polo project is fully completed
    Skewered, one sympathises...

    1. CR. 2. TSWLM. 3. LTK. 4. GF. 5. SF.
  • JTMJTM Posts: 3,027MI6 Agent
    Definitely in for the tri-colour and the Granborough. Finger’s crossed it all works out! Thanks again mate -{
  • GSGS Posts: 333MI6 Agent
    I’m in for all 3.... enjoyed your outfit very much recently!
  • GlennGervotGlennGervot FrancePosts: 37MI6 Agent
    I am in for tri and Grandborough

  • jared_nomakjared_nomak Posts: 1,944MI6 Agent
    I’d take all of them too
  • kaddkadd Posts: 917MI6 Agent
    I’m in for PTS and two of the Tri ties
  • asd007asd007 Posts: 225MI6 Agent
    I'm in for the tri-colour tie.
  • AKVAKV Posts: 125MI6 Agent
    I’d be in for all three, thanks, Mark
  • Agent Double-O DanielAgent Double-O Daniel Posts: 159MI6 Agent
    I'm in for all 3 also, sir. -{

    On a similar note ; Do you think another run of the Spectre ties could be considered? Apparently the previous one was yet another project I missed out on. :#
    Sorry but that last hand... Nearly killed me.
  • MikeG77MikeG77 Posts: 1,778MI6 Agent
    Well i wanted to watch a movie tonight and i guess it will be Skyfall! I can place the PTS and Granborough ties but which scene does Bond wear the Tri-Color tie?

    If possible does anyone have a close-up shot of the different patterns so i can decide if i want all 3?
    I know where you keep your gun!
  • -_Quantum_--_Quantum_- Posts: 104MI6 Agent
    Add me to the list for all three. I know these projects definitely take a long to happen, but here's hoping! I am glad that I was able to get the QoS Harrington. {[]
  • fleiterfleiter USPosts: 243MI6 Agent
    I'm very much interested as well! also for another round of SPECTRE ties if that's possible!

  • CheverianCheverian Posts: 1,459MI6 Agent
    Certainly if you can get any traction on this, I’d like to be counted in for the Tri and Granborough.
  • 007JBDCMWR007JBDCMWR Posts: 2,526MI6 Agent
    MikeG77 wrote:
    Well i wanted to watch a movie tonight and i guess it will be Skyfall! I can place the PTS and Granborough ties but which scene does Bond wear the Tri-Color tie?

    If possible does anyone have a close-up shot of the different patterns so i can decide if i want all 3?

    M, its the one Bond wears when meeting M and Mallory in the new HQ, and Q at National gallery.

    Link to thread here
    Skewered, one sympathises...

    1. CR. 2. TSWLM. 3. LTK. 4. GF. 5. SF.
  • UNCLE27UNCLE27 EnglandPosts: 1,145MI6 Agent
    I’d be interested in the Tri Colour and Garanborough also if this takes off.
  • MikeG77MikeG77 Posts: 1,778MI6 Agent
    007JBDCMWR wrote:
    MikeG77 wrote:
    Well i wanted to watch a movie tonight and i guess it will be Skyfall! I can place the PTS and Granborough ties but which scene does Bond wear the Tri-Color tie?

    If possible does anyone have a close-up shot of the different patterns so i can decide if i want all 3?

    M, its the one Bond wears when meeting M and Mallory in the new HQ, and Q at National gallery.

    Link to thread here


    I actually did a online search for the Tri-Color tie and I was directed to the thread you mentioned. The PTS is a maybe but I'm definitely in for a Granborough and a Tri-Color!


    I know where you keep your gun!
  • OsirisOsiris Russia with love Posts: 93MI6 Agent
    I’ll would take all 3
    By the way' the name is "James St. John smythe" I'm English
  • UNCLE27UNCLE27 EnglandPosts: 1,145MI6 Agent
    Shall we start a list...

    1. WaltherP99
    2. Casino_royale
    3. JTM
    4. GS
    5. GlennGervot
    6. Jared_nomak
    7. Asd007
    8. Kadd x2
    9. AKV
    10. Agent Double_0 Daniel
    11. -_Quantum_-
    12. fleiter
    13. Cheverian
    14. UNCLE27
    15. MikeG77
    16. Osiris

    1. WalterP99
    2. Casino_royale
    3. JTM
    4. GS
    5. GlennGervot
    6. Jared_nomak
    7. AKV
    8. Agent Double_0 Daniel
    9. -_Quantum_-
    10. fleiter
    11. Cheverian
    12. UNCLE27
    13. MikeG77
    14. Osiris

    1. Casino_royale
    2. GS
    3. Jared_nomak
    4. AKV
    5. Agent Double_0 Daniel
    6. -_Quantum_-
    7. fleiter
    8. MikeG77 MAYBE
    9. Osiris
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,338MI6 Agent
    Def tri for me
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • cyclones122cyclones122 Posts: 192MI6 Agent
    In for all 3 if you can make it work out!
  • McQueenMcQueen Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    Count me in for one of each!
  • LlafyksLlafyks Posts: 238MI6 Agent
    I'd be up for tri-colour one please!
  • Miles MesservyMiles Messervy Posts: 1,775MI6 Agent
    Tri colour for sure. I would consider the other two as well.
  • CommandantCommandant Posts: 1,374MI6 Agent
    I'm in for all three ties.
    Thank you for this initiative!
  • StiffassBritStiffassBrit United KingdomPosts: 219MI6 Agent
    Shall we start a list...
    1. WaltherP99
    2. Casino_royale
    3. JTM
    4. GS
    5. GlennGervot
    6. Jared_nomak
    7. Asd007
    8. Kadd x2
    9. AKV
    10. Agent Double_0 Daniel
    11. -_Quantum_-
    12. fleiter
    13. Cheverian
    14. UNCLE27
    15. MikeG77
    16. Osiris
    17. welshboy79
    18. cyclones122
    19. McQueen
    20. Llafyks
    21. Miles Messervy
    22. Commandant
    23. StiffassBrit

    1. WalterP99
    2. Casino_royale
    3. JTM
    4. GS
    5. GlennGervot
    6. Jared_nomak
    7. AKV
    8. Agent Double_0 Daniel
    9. -_Quantum_-
    10. fleiter
    11. Cheverian
    12. UNCLE27
    13. MikeG77
    14. Osiris
    15. cuclones122
    16. McQueen
    17. Commandant
    18. StiffassBrit

    1. Casino_royale
    2. GS
    3. Jared_nomak
    4. AKV
    5. Agent Double_0 Daniel
    6. -_Quantum_-
    7. fleiter
    8. MikeG77 MAYBE
    9. Osiris
    10. cyclones122
    11. McQueen
    12. Commandant
    13. StiffassBrit
    I'm sorry......that last hand...nearly killed me
  • CommandantCommandant Posts: 1,374MI6 Agent
    Thank you StiffAssBrit!
  • Bond44Bond44 Vauxhall CrossPosts: 1,581MI6 Agent
    1. WaltherP99
    2. Casino_royale
    3. JTM
    4. GS
    5. GlennGervot
    6. Jared_nomak
    7. Asd007
    8. Kadd x2
    9. AKV
    10. Agent Double_0 Daniel
    11. -_Quantum_-
    12. fleiter
    13. Cheverian
    14. UNCLE27
    15. MikeG77
    16. Osiris
    17. welshboy79
    18. cyclones122
    19. McQueen
    20. Llafyks
    21. Miles Messervy
    22. Commandant
    23. StiffassBrit

    1. WalterP99
    2. Casino_royale
    3. JTM
    4. GS
    5. GlennGervot
    6. Jared_nomak
    7. AKV
    8. Agent Double_0 Daniel
    9. -_Quantum_-
    10. fleiter
    11. Cheverian
    12. UNCLE27
    13. MikeG77
    14. Osiris
    15. cuclones122
    16. McQueen
    17. Commandant
    18. StiffassBrit
    19. Bond44

    1. Casino_royale
    2. GS
    3. Jared_nomak
    4. AKV
    5. Agent Double_0 Daniel
    6. -_Quantum_-
    7. fleiter
    8. MikeG77 MAYBE
    9. Osiris
    10. cyclones122
    11. McQueen
    12. Commandant
    13. StiffassBrit
    14. Bond44
    My name is Bond, Basildon Bond - I have letters after my name!
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