Malta is a small island nation where the government sold Maltese passports to Russians for large sums of money and a journalist investigating the Russia linked corruption was murdered and the main culprit is the Maltese government.
The Pacific island nation of Nauru is an even worse example. The country had it's.economy and the island itself destroyed because of guano business, a business we know from DN. Their vote at the UN is for sale to the highest bidder, so are their diplomatic passports. A fictional country like that sounds all to real.
IMDB suggests all eight episodes drop on Amazon Prime on 10 November, as does Amazon's own webpage about the series but the wording is a bit vague for me and the TV trade press reports don't make it any clearer.
Anyway, the trailer makes it look a bit more slick than the cheap and nasty game show I had expected, so maybe it will be popular?
It would be nice to hear something later this month or in January (assuming the series is dropped per episode weekly) not it's more than two years after NTTD. And I don't believe the BB comments about nothing has started.
New: I just saw on The Hollywood Reporter, all episodes drop on 10 November.
The show looks pretty good, even if it's a shame it was only open to UK residents (would have loved to enter with a mate).
As for the thread subject, I really can't see Babs getting over DC anytime soon, if ever. Seems she's decided to try and move on and begin shuffling ideas, but any "reinvention" that does not use the cynical character as envisioned by the zeitgeist would be hard to swallow to me. I was fine with "suggestions" of Bond't inner emotions, as the literary character is very melancholic, but it will depend on the approach they decide on, the script and the cast, as with all movies. We'll see.
"Enjoy it while it lasts."
"The very words I live by."
@Someone Both EON and Amazon know even the slightest hint of news on Bond 26 will absolutely trample Road To A Million, and with a second series already casting, they absolutely do not want attention drawn away from it.
I wouldn't expect any major announcements or even tidbits until after Road To A Million is well and truly out there and the SAG strike ends.
what if this new game show is Bond26? I wonder if any of it is meant to be part of official continuity? thatd certainly be a way of "reinventing" the Bond franchise!
Asp9mmOver the Hills and Far Away.Posts: 7,544MI6 Agent
Quite the opposite I’d have thought. Announcing Bond 26 news would throw the franchise back into the limelight again and garner interest. To think that Bond 26 News would make people disinterested in Road to a Million is an odd way to see things. Bond News garners interest in Bond not the opposite. But as there won’t be any news of Bond 26 for another couple of years, it matters not anyway.
But in terms of the media, trade outlets and rags wont be falling over themselves to report on Road To A Million if there is a morsel of news on Bond 26. Road To A Million would be reduced to a footnote in any article. Not what you want when a second series is in the works.
Having worked in the past for such outlets, Road To A Million, despite its Bond connection would almost be considered a non-event. And Prime Video are not known for promoting their projects well at all, if anything, keeping quiet on the Bond 26 front will give an idea of how well Prime Video promotes one of their premiere acquisitions.
Yes it's notable how BB didn't give many quotes about B26 last night at the premiere that I saw, or certainly no more than last time; I think in the last interview a couple of weeks ago she seemed to try and not say anything about B26 when asked but that still became the main headline and got lots of fans annoyed about them appearing to have done nothing about the next film. So I wonder if she just wasn't taking much in the way of questions about the next film at all in order to focus attention on the show more.
Prime were very good at pushing Grand Tour when that launched, to be fair.
I agree the SAG strike is a good reason not to have any Bond26 news, I hadn't thought of that. AJT is no doubt a SAG member so he couldn't do interviews about anything, Bond or Kraven The Hunter.
I would find that very interesting for sure. Even if the documentary is unofficial, one has to wonder how many Non Disclosures were signed by how many involved parties and for how long.
I'm no expert (far from it), but I think a lot depends on if EON is being honest or not when they claim nothing has been done so far.
I also question how anyone can say 2028 is more than likely when 2023 hasn't even ended yet. Making a movie doesn't have to take that many years, and we don't even know for sure if a script is nearly ready or if a director is going to sign up tomorrow. We really don't know, do we?
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,204Chief of Staff
Apparently Eon ARE being honest…nothing is in the planning stage…no script, no Bond, no director…if Asp9mm says 2027 is most likely…then I’d go with that, and if it’s earlier - take that as a massive bonus 😀
Yes, apparently. But EON hasn't always been honest with us. I remember when Daniel Craig was interviewed all day by diferent media. He was asked every day if he was going to star in Bond25. He said he wouldn't. Then he was interviewed in a TV program in the evening wher he revealed he was going to make Bond26 (NTTD). EON makes public what they are doing when they please, and until then they often claim nothing has happened.
Sir MilesThe Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 28,204Chief of Staff
At the very least you get a very entertaining documentary about how they failed to make the film!
I want a truthful documentary about Danny Boyle's attempt at making NTTD.
Me too. That would be fantastic.
Malta is a small island nation where the government sold Maltese passports to Russians for large sums of money and a journalist investigating the Russia linked corruption was murdered and the main culprit is the Maltese government.
The Pacific island nation of Nauru is an even worse example. The country had it's.economy and the island itself destroyed because of guano business, a business we know from DN. Their vote at the UN is for sale to the highest bidder, so are their diplomatic passports. A fictional country like that sounds all to real.
Licence to KIll's Republic of Isthmus is a good example of a nation up for sale.
Perhaps I am late to the party about this, I only just saw the 007 Road to a Million trailer but I wonder if (assuming its a success) if we'll get
official Bond26 news at the end of the series.
IMDB suggests all eight episodes drop on Amazon Prime on 10 November, as does Amazon's own webpage about the series but the wording is a bit vague for me and the TV trade press reports don't make it any clearer.
Anyway, the trailer makes it look a bit more slick than the cheap and nasty game show I had expected, so maybe it will be popular?
It would be nice to hear something later this month or in January (assuming the series is dropped per episode weekly) not it's more than two years after NTTD. And I don't believe the BB comments about nothing has started.
New: I just saw on The Hollywood Reporter, all episodes drop on 10 November.
It's premiere was tonight in Battersea, so I daresay there might be some comments from her in the press tonight/tomorrow.
The show looks pretty good, even if it's a shame it was only open to UK residents (would have loved to enter with a mate).
As for the thread subject, I really can't see Babs getting over DC anytime soon, if ever. Seems she's decided to try and move on and begin shuffling ideas, but any "reinvention" that does not use the cynical character as envisioned by the zeitgeist would be hard to swallow to me. I was fine with "suggestions" of Bond't inner emotions, as the literary character is very melancholic, but it will depend on the approach they decide on, the script and the cast, as with all movies. We'll see.
"The very words I live by."
@Someone Both EON and Amazon know even the slightest hint of news on Bond 26 will absolutely trample Road To A Million, and with a second series already casting, they absolutely do not want attention drawn away from it.
I wouldn't expect any major announcements or even tidbits until after Road To A Million is well and truly out there and the SAG strike ends.
Bond on the Box - Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | LetterBoxd | YouTube
what if this new game show is Bond26? I wonder if any of it is meant to be part of official continuity? thatd certainly be a way of "reinventing" the Bond franchise!
Quite the opposite I’d have thought. Announcing Bond 26 news would throw the franchise back into the limelight again and garner interest. To think that Bond 26 News would make people disinterested in Road to a Million is an odd way to see things. Bond News garners interest in Bond not the opposite. But as there won’t be any news of Bond 26 for another couple of years, it matters not anyway.
But in terms of the media, trade outlets and rags wont be falling over themselves to report on Road To A Million if there is a morsel of news on Bond 26. Road To A Million would be reduced to a footnote in any article. Not what you want when a second series is in the works.
Having worked in the past for such outlets, Road To A Million, despite its Bond connection would almost be considered a non-event. And Prime Video are not known for promoting their projects well at all, if anything, keeping quiet on the Bond 26 front will give an idea of how well Prime Video promotes one of their premiere acquisitions.
Bond on the Box - Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | LetterBoxd | YouTube
Yes it's notable how BB didn't give many quotes about B26 last night at the premiere that I saw, or certainly no more than last time; I think in the last interview a couple of weeks ago she seemed to try and not say anything about B26 when asked but that still became the main headline and got lots of fans annoyed about them appearing to have done nothing about the next film. So I wonder if she just wasn't taking much in the way of questions about the next film at all in order to focus attention on the show more.
Prime were very good at pushing Grand Tour when that launched, to be fair.
"There will be another Bond someday, but we’re not actively developing it.” - new quote from Gregg Wilson
That's a depressing quote.
I agree the SAG strike is a good reason not to have any Bond26 news, I hadn't thought of that. AJT is no doubt a SAG member so he couldn't do interviews about anything, Bond or Kraven The Hunter.
I would find that very interesting for sure. Even if the documentary is unofficial, one has to wonder how many Non Disclosures were signed by how many involved parties and for how long.
My guess the next edition of "Some kind of hero" is our best chance to know.
The actors' (SAG) strike is over!
MGW and BB will have to find other excuses. I read that the deal is tentative and may yet fall through.
I saw the leader of SAG is Fram Dresher, Timothy Dalton's co-star from "The beautician and the beast".
They started voting to ratify the deal Tuesday. The SAG / AFTRA Board is strongly recommending they vote "Yes".
Regarding excuses, my question is always: is it excuses or are they just not giving up anything? Neither would surprise me.
Me neither, tbh.
If we don't get announcements of a completed script, a director, and a new Bond in the next five months, then there will be no Bond movie in 2025.
2025 is beyond optimistic. 2026 is being a bit hopeful. 2027 is more than likely. 2028 is possible.
I'm no expert (far from it), but I think a lot depends on if EON is being honest or not when they claim nothing has been done so far.
I also question how anyone can say 2028 is more than likely when 2023 hasn't even ended yet. Making a movie doesn't have to take that many years, and we don't even know for sure if a script is nearly ready or if a director is going to sign up tomorrow. We really don't know, do we?
Apparently Eon ARE being honest…nothing is in the planning stage…no script, no Bond, no director…if Asp9mm says 2027 is most likely…then I’d go with that, and if it’s earlier - take that as a massive bonus 😀
Yes, apparently. But EON hasn't always been honest with us. I remember when Daniel Craig was interviewed all day by diferent media. He was asked every day if he was going to star in Bond25. He said he wouldn't. Then he was interviewed in a TV program in the evening wher he revealed he was going to make Bond26 (NTTD). EON makes public what they are doing when they please, and until then they often claim nothing has happened.
So you think Eon has a script, a Bond & a director all lined up? Possibly?
Wouldn’t they make a big fuss about it if they had?