Bond on Twitter

I was going to do a long preamble about the discussions one gets on Twitter about the Bond films, but I thought for the moment I'd just post this brilliant thread on the similarities between Goldfinger and A View to a Kill, its author preferring to see it as a deliberate Glen/Maibaum homage.
"This is where we leave you Mr Bond."
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Thanks NP, that was good.
Maybe we could use this thread to put interesting twitter finds in or any good accounts worth following apart from @007 of course.
Seems there's a 60th anniversary Bond Weekend at London's BFI Imax acc to Bond scribe Mark O'Connell. It's Dr No - a bit odd shaped and large in IMAX I've found - Skyfall - made and shaped specifically for Imax so worth a look if you're a fan, Spectre, No Time to Die and anniversary showing of The Living Daylights. Would't be my choice - and OHMSS is a big miss, it's brilliant on IMAX - but there you go, better than nothing. Main event could be the documentary about the soundtrack music which looks interesting.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
James Boind meets Jurassic Park...
Roger Moore 1927-2017
And for those who enjoyed this evening's Die Another Day, this Tweet from Kiegler hits the spot:
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Here's a magnificent clip of London in colour from nearly a century ago.
'But what's the Bond connection?' I hear you cry.
It's near the end, two minutes in.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Dou Dou's ancestors! 😄
More fun from Bond Twitter - words oddly pronounced in the series.
Begins with YOLT Blofeld's 'annihilated'!
Roger Moore 1927-2017
A fellow from Twitter has found an interesting seasonal clip from the 1969 edition of Morecambe & Wise:
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Here is a little Christmas James Bond Quiz for you all.
That was fun
Another interesting tidbit from Twitter...
Roger Moore 1927-2017
And in keeping with the season, here's a scene cut from OHMSS - it's Tracy choosing the ring.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Forgive my ignorance, @Napoleon Plural but I don't know who this guy is- should I?
Well, I don't mean the poster of the Tweet, I just found his comment interesting - the rather ratty US ambassador in the pre-credits of YOLT is the same actor who plays charming but eventually ratty Morton Slumber in DAF.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Ah, goti, thankt- it took him a long time to realise it.
Some histrionic stuff from GoldenEye with Natalya that got cut. Probably for the best.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
More OHMSS banter, comparing Lazenby's dress sense with that of the comedy Carry On team of the same year.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Not sure what the Guinness is doing in this poster. Actually, I should check that stuff down the side of my desktop, shouldn't I? It might make for an 'oratory' Stromberg moment... 'It's not Geography, sir... it's pornography. That man Napoloen Plural is renowned for it...'
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Just product placement, NP.
Another Golden Gun poster that I hadn't seen before...
Roger Moore 1927-2017
One Twitter poster explains how Blofeld was the original basis for Stromberg in The Spy Who Loved Me, citing this amended script snippet.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
Bond headline on front page of tomorrow's papers:
However, we can't post pictures under the current regime. I blame Putin, naturally.
Roger Moore 1927-2017
You mean we can't do this? 😊
That's a shame...
I had seen the picture but never the actual footage. I wish they'd kept it.
It's such a great scene, some deleted scenes you see and think they were definitely right to leave them on the cutting room floor, but not this one. It's classic James Bond.
That scene would have lifted the whole movie - importantly it foreshadows the death of Sanchez by reminding us of the 'Leiter' and what it can do with a big flame. As it is, In the finale there's an element of 'Hang on, what's that?'
Roger Moore 1927-2017
I must admit I don't remember having forgotten it at that point, but you may be right.
I always thought Bond showing him the lighter was a slightly odd moment that doesn't entirely work. If Sanchez even remembered who Felix was I'd be surprised, and the inscription on the lighter is incredibly hard to read anyway! 😂
It would have been better if Sanchez had somehow seen the lighter in Felix's possession previously. Maybe Bond should have given it to Felix as a wedding gift inscribed with Felix's name (re-use the 'genuine Felix lighter' gag, why not), Sanchez had taken it from him to light a big cigar while he was dangling over the sharks, read the inscription, and then Bond found it back at the house with what's left of Felix. At least then Sanchez might recognise it.
Either way, it's quite silly of Bond to carry it around with him if it links him back to Felix!
Absolutely. As soon as we'd see the lighter come out we'd have thought 'here we go'.
Someone in the comments suggested they could put it back in as some sort of directors cut.
A little interview with John Glen ... this is part 1