Email notifications question


Currently I have it set in my Notification Preferences to send me an email whenever someone comments on a discussion I've participated in. However, I notice that it sends me an email every time a new poster responds, even if I haven't visited the thread yet since the first new response. As in, if three people respond in short succession, then it sends me three separate emails.

Is there any way to change it so that it'll only send me one notification at a time, and then I won't get any more until I visit the thread again?


  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,662Chief of Staff

    Not as far as I know. Perhaps changing the notification from email to pop-up might help?

  • StardustSoldierStardustSoldier Posts: 13MI6 Agent

    It still wasn't quite what I was thinking of, but oh well. I created a separate folder in my email to have the notification emails go there instead (rather than my main inbox), so that'll do for now.

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,662Chief of Staff

    This is something our founder Sico would have to deal with. @SiCo

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