Sound of 007 Royal Albert Hall



  • Royale-les-EauxRoyale-les-Eaux LondonPosts: 822MI6 Agent

    genuinely, all of it...but...tonight, the Day of the Dead PTS...a lot more intricate instrumentation than I usually hear...I'm sure it's all in the mix normally but live it had room to breath. African Rundown from CR same.

    Spine tingling chills from the horn section both when Dame Judi is standing over the coffins in Skyfall and when she makes her TV appearance in Bond's flat during Spectre. Vesper's death.

    David Arnold playing the guitar for the theme at the end of CR, of course, a highlight, as it is every time he joins in.

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,801MI6 Agent

    Oh yes, I love M’s theme.

  • misssteelemisssteele Posts: 18MI6 Agent

    Just returned from Spectre. Wonderful to hear Sam Mendes’ stories and the orchestra was absolutely brilliant. My first visit to the RAH and now definitely not my last.

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