Edgy Bond scene's

I would think most of us recognize that some elements of Bond are now seen as a bit risque in terms of attitudes past and even cheesey in places. However, in the majority there are some truly edgy scenes that make them so heart thumpingly entertaining. So, what's your moment?
I'm currently working on a homage to Octopussy (don't get too excited, it's a garden shed I'm making look like a Circus caravan!)....but obviously whilst thinking about the film I recall the opening scene where 009 is chased and mortally wounded but still delivers a message. Tense stuff no?
Over to you.
The laser scene from GF. Tense and frightening, and not played for laughs at all. Even the big line "No, Mr Bond, I expect you to die!" isn't a joke in context.
I think the Bond/Grant train sequence has never been bettered in terms of tension and edginess.
In a more subtle way, the M-Bond scene in GF is very clever. M gives Bond a rollocking for getting it on with Jill in Miami. Love the way Bernard Lee delivers the euphemistic line "borrow his girlfriend." And how Connery revs his engine regarding continuing the mission "if I knew what is about!" There is a brief commanding glance from M before Bond realises he's overstepped the mark and reigns himself in with a curt, "Sir." Such a great display of how the chain of command really works in Universal Exports.