Bond Continuity Theory: Bond and Blofeld not recognising each other in OHMSS is not a plot hole



  • sinlumsinlum Posts: 166MI6 Agent

    I agree that no theory can be proven or disproven. We are only speculating here for the most part. However I think if there is evidence to counter a certain theory then it ultimately weakens it and evidence which supports the theory ultimately strengthens it.

    Just my two cents on the GF theme whistle - that was an in joke for the audience. It wouldn't have played any role in Bond's universe. Also there are arguments out there that the janitor could be whistling Moon River by Audrey Hepburn.

  • chrisno1chrisno1 LondonPosts: 3,421MI6 Agent

    @sinlum says:

    Just my two cents on the GF theme whistle - that was an in joke for the audience.

    Isn't that precisely the point I was making earlier about every one of these little 'references' whether it plays a role in Bond's 'universe' or not? Not everyone will spot the in jokes and the references, some will but either way, we all come out smiling. Over thinking these films just blows my head.

  • sinlumsinlum Posts: 166MI6 Agent

    I believe there is a slight difference though. A reference like the janitor whistling the GF theme is a nod to the audience but is not meant to be a reference to show that the films share the same chronological timeline.

    A reference like Bond looking at the items in his office from DN, FRWL and TB I believe is an attempt by the film makers to show that the films share a continuous chronology. Of course you could argue that it’s just a harmless reference like the janitor whistling the GF theme and each film stands on its own with a standalone mission however I think there is enough evidence there in all the films to counter this argument. 

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