A Bond event...

That One Bond GuyThat One Bond Guy Sacramento,CaPosts: 31MI6 Agent

Hello fellow AJB'ers I wanted to reach out just to get some insight. I really would like to bring out the best of Bond and find more fans in my neck of the woods. I live in Sacramento, California USA and being on the west coast I feel like there are a lot of fans, but I have yet to meet them. Therefore, I would love to put on a small local Bond event to weed them out. My question is: what would be something that I could do that would make you want to come to said event? Trivia, prizes, movie? Just something simple to try and meet more Bond fans locally. Just curious to see what the over all consensus would find attractive. Thanks all!

-Chris (TOBG)

Hello, I'm that one "Bond Guy".

You can find me on Instagram: @thatone_bondguy
Please also check out my YouTube channel


  • The Red KindThe Red Kind EnglandPosts: 3,338MI6 Agent

    Hi Chris,

    Sitff arsed Brit here, so can't really offer much advice for you Stateside, but great that you're looking to get something organised. For what it's worth, I would suggest a local meet up at a relaxed bar - a mini, low key Gatherall, like our friends David Zaritsky and Joe Darlington are organising over on the east coast, perhaps. Or some other Bondian location.

    I don't know if you need to add too much of an incentive, I'm sure there are loads of fans that would be happy to meet up to chew the Bond fat and have an opportunity and outlet to meet like minded fans.

    All the best with it. Keep us updated!🍸️

    "Any of the opposition around..?"
  • That One Bond GuyThat One Bond Guy Sacramento,CaPosts: 31MI6 Agent

    Thank you so much! I believe that is exactly what I am aiming for. Something chill, and I will defiantly keep you posted!

    Hello, I'm that one "Bond Guy".

    You can find me on Instagram: @thatone_bondguy
    Please also check out my YouTube channel
  • TheBondBrainTheBondBrain Posts: 10MI6 Agent


    Start small and do not be discouraged!

    Our initial Bond Community Cigar Lounge gatherings were about 6 to 8 people. Our last event totaled over 20.

    Varying the location also helped us find a "hot spot" area.

    The Bond Brain Podcast is available on all major podcast platforms!

    For additional content, follow The Bond Brain on YouTube and Instagram!

  • IstvanTheHun007IstvanTheHun007 Posts: 75MI6 Agent

    We should do like a West Coast 007 gathering, perhaps in Las Vegas.

  • Bond Collectors' WeekendsBond Collectors' Weekends Gainesville, Florida USAPosts: 1,904MI6 Agent

    I'm always interested in an East Coast do (Florida, or meeting you in DC/NY etc.).

    Unfortunately, the entire ship is sold out for our Bond Locations Cruise in October, so there's no space aboard for more Bond fans.

    Seven (007) James Bond Tours! Mission: Mexico!
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